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Fertilizer for fruit trees

Isabel Sofia Corredor Mendez

I. Short introduction
II. Micro and Macro nutrients
III. Description and benefits
IV. External and extra benefits
V. Steeps and specifications
VI. Questions
VII. Procedure and images:
I. Introduction:
In this opportunity I am going to explain how to develop a homemade fertilizer for any type of
fruit trees or fruit plants (it isn’t recommended for tomatoes), it is very easy to make it and is
rich in potassium since the main ingredient is the carrot which is mix with potato peel and
eggshells. The greatest benefit that will bring to your fruit trees is the enrichment and
improvement of their roots so you can see how your plant begins to generate better fruits in
terms of size and quality, in the case that your goal is that your fruit tree has more flowers this
fertilizer will be quite effective for the production of flowers. Eggshells have a calcium
carbonate content, which could make the pH more alkaline. On the other hand, potato and
carrot peels are slightly acidic. To adjust the pH of the fertilizer to a level suitable for fruit
trees, you can test the pH using pH indicator paper strips or a pH meter. If the pH of the
fertilizer is too acidic, you can add a small amount of calcium carbonate (such as wood ash) to
raise the pH. If the pH is too alkaline, you can add a small amount of organic acid (such as citric
acid) to lower the pH.

II. Micro and Macro nutrients:

 Potassium
 Phosphorus
 Vitamin A
 Vitamin C
 Vitamin E
 Half liter of water

III. Description and Benefits:

Phosphorus plays a central role in the transfer and storage of energy in the form of ATP
(adenosine triphosphate), which is the molecule used by plants to carry out various metabolic
processes. It is essential in photosynthesis, respiration, protein synthesis and other crucial
metabolic processes. Phosphorus is essential for the proper development of the plant root
system. It promotes the growth of strong, healthy roots, which improves water and nutrient
uptake from the soil. In addition, it aids in the development of fine root hairs, which are
responsible for efficient nutrient uptake. This nutrient plays a crucial role in the formation and
development of flowers, fruits and seeds. It is necessary for the synthesis of DNA, RNA and
proteins, essential components for the growth and development of plant reproductive organs.
Finally, phosphorus helps plants develop defense mechanisms and increase their resistance to
biotic stresses (such as diseases and pests) and abiotic stresses (such as drought, extreme
temperatures, salinity, etc.). It also plays an important role in plant recovery after stress. As
part of a fertilizer, phosphorus can be a valuable component in improving plant nutrition and
increasing yields. Phosphorus-rich fertilizers, such as phosphates, can provide an additional
source of this nutrient to plants when availability in the soil is limited. Application of an
appropriate phosphorus fertilizer can promote healthy growth, improve flowering and fruiting,
increase resistance to stress and maximize crop yields. The chemical composition of
phosphorus in a fertilizer can influence its effectiveness and availability to plants. Phosphorus
fertilizers generally come in the form of specific chemical compounds, such as phosphates,
which contain phosphorus in combination with other elements. The most commonly used
form of phosphorus in fertilizers is monopotassium phosphate (KH₂PO₄) and diammonium
phosphate ((NH₄)₂HPO₄), among others. These chemical compounds contribute phosphorus
quickly and effectively to the soil, allowing it to be absorbed and utilized by plants. The
chemical composition of phosphorus in fertilizer can affect its solubility in water and,
therefore, its availability to plants. Water-soluble fertilizers, such as monopotassium
phosphates, dissolve readily in the soil and are available for uptake by plant roots. These
fertilizers are especially useful in low pH soils or in situations where rapid crop response is
required. In addition, the chemical composition can also influence the gradual release of
phosphorus into the soil. Some phosphorus fertilizers are designed to release the nutrient
slowly over time, providing a continuous source of phosphorus to plants as they need it. These
controlled-release fertilizers are often coated with special materials that regulate the rate of
release. Another important aspect is the interaction of phosphorus with other elements in the
soil. Phosphorus availability can be affected by soil pH, the presence of iron and aluminum
minerals, as well as other nutrients such as calcium and magnesium. In some soils, there may
be chemical interactions that limit the availability of phosphorus to plants. In these cases,
adjuvants or amendments can be used to improve phosphorus availability and use efficiency.

The potassium is an essential macronutrient for plants and plays a crucial role in various
physiological and metabolic processes. The chemical composition of potassium in a fertilizer
can influence its efficacy and how it is released and available to plants. Potassium in fertilizers
can come in different chemical forms, such as potassium chloride (KCl), potassium sulfate
(K2SO4) and potassium nitrate (KNO3), among others. Each form has its own characteristics
and can affect the availability and efficiency of potassium for plants. The solubility of
potassium in fertilizer is important in determining how it is released and available to plants.
Water-soluble potassium fertilizers, such as potassium nitrate and potassium sulfate, dissolve
quickly in the soil and are readily available to plant roots. On the other hand, less soluble
potassium fertilizers, such as potassium chloride, may release potassium more slowly and
gradually, which may be beneficial in some soils but less suitable in others. Soil pH can
influence potassium availability to plants. In acid soils, potassium may be less available due to
competition with hydrogen ions (H+). In this case, fertilizers containing potassium in the form
of sulfate or nitrate may be preferable, as they help neutralize acidity and improve potassium
availability. The interaction of potassium with other nutrients can influence its efficacy in a
fertilizer. For example, high potassium concentrations can affect the uptake of magnesium
(Mg) and calcium (Ca) by plants. Therefore, it is important to properly balance the ratio of
potassium to other nutrients in the fertilizer to avoid nutritional imbalances. Leaching is the
washing of nutrients from the soil due to excessive water infiltration. Some forms of
potassium may be more susceptible to leaching than others. For example, potassium nitrate is
highly soluble and can be easily leached, especially in soils with high water infiltration.
Therefore, under conditions of heavy rainfall or excessive irrigation, forms of potassium less
susceptible to leaching may be preferred. Potassium could help in the control the transpiration
and the loss of the water, avoiding dehydration. Also it would help to get better fruits since
this micronutrient help with the stimulation of the transporting of nutrients which are
important to de correct development and growing of the fruits, flowers but also it would help
to raise the resistance of the plant to stress, dries and coldest this because again the
potassium stimulates the growing and help into the synthesis of proteins. But also it would be
rich in phosphorous, so it would contribute the production of compounds such as DNA and
RNA, which are necessary for the development of reproductive organs and the synthesis of
hormones that regulate flowering and fruit set. Also helps in the transference and energy
storage in plants. It is involved in the synthesis and breakdown of energy compounds such as
ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and ADP (adenosine diphosphate), which are essential for plant
metabolic processes, including photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

Vitamin A: Is essential for proper root growth and development, favoring the absorption of
nutrients from the soil and increasing resistance to disease. In addition, it is also necessary for
the synthesis of chlorophyll, which is the green pigment that allows plants to photosynthesize
and produce their own food. Without sufficient vitamin A, plants can show symptoms of
deficiencies, such as slow growth, yellowing leaves and weak or underdeveloped roots.
Vitamin A, also known as retinol, is primarily associated with human and animal nutrition.
However, plants do not have the ability to synthesize or utilize vitamin A in the same way.
Instead, plants produce their own pigments called carotenoids, which are precursors to
vitamin A in animals. Carotenoids play important roles in plants and offer several benefits,
including that they absorb light energy and play a critical role in capturing light for
photosynthesis. They help expand the range of light wavelengths that can be utilized by
plants, improving the efficiency of photosynthesis and overall plant growth. Carotenoids act as
antioxidants in plants, protecting them from oxidative damage caused by reactive oxygen
species (ROS). ROS are produced as byproducts of various metabolic processes, including
photosynthesis. Carotenoids help neutralize ROS and prevent damage to plant cells and
tissues. Carotenoids contribute to the plant's ability to tolerate environmental stresses such as
high light intensity, drought, and temperature extremes. They help dissipate excess energy
and reduce oxidative stress, thus enhancing the plant's resilience to adverse conditions.
Carotenoids, such as beta-carotene and lutein, give flowers their vibrant yellow, orange, and
red colors. These pigments attract pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, helping in the
pollination process and promoting reproductive success in plants. In summary, while plants do
not directly benefit from vitamin A, they produce their own pigments (carotenoids) that offer
several advantages. Carotenoids play roles in photosynthesis, antioxidant protection, stress
tolerance, and pollinator attraction, contributing to the overall health and success of plants.

Vitamin C: Also known as ascorbic acid which chemical formula is C6H8O6, which indicates
that it contains 6 carbon atoms (C), 8 hydrogen atoms (H) and 6 oxygen atoms (O). The vitamin
C molecule has a cyclic structure with a furanose ring and a carboxylic acid group. The
presence of hydroxyl groups (-OH) in the molecule gives it its antioxidant properties and its
ability to donate electrons and neutralize free radicals. Ascorbic acid is a weak acid and can
donate a hydrogen ion (H+), which gives it acidic properties. This acidic property is important
for its participation in numerous biochemical reactions and its ability to act as a reducing
agent. Vitamin C is soluble in water, which means that it can be dissolved in this medium. This
property of water solubility facilitates its transport and distribution in plant tissues and in the
human body, as it is an essential vitamin for human beings. Vitamin C is sensitive to heat, light
and exposure to air. It is easily degraded in the presence of high temperatures, extreme pH
and oxidants. Therefore, it is important to store it properly and minimize its exposure to
conditions that may degrade it., is essential for the antioxidant defense of plants. It helps
protect against the damaging effects of free radicals and oxidative stress. In addition, it is
essential for proper plant growth and development, as it is involved in protein synthesis and
carbohydrate metabolism. It can also help improve plant tolerance to drought and other
environmental stressors. Vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant in plants, helping to protect
them against oxidative stress caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS). It helps neutralize
harmful free radicals, which can damage cells and disrupt normal cellular processes. By
reducing oxidative stress, vitamin C supports overall plant health and enhances their ability to
withstand environmental stressors. It plays a role in photosynthesis, the process by which
plants convert sunlight into energy. It helps protect the photosynthetic machinery from
damage by ROS, ensuring efficient energy production. This, in turn, promotes healthy growth
and development in plants. Another characteristic is that vitamin C is involved in the synthesis
of certain defense compounds in plants, including phytoalexins and pathogenesis-related
proteins. These compounds play a crucial role in the plant's immune response against
pathogens, such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. By enhancing the immune system, vitamin C
helps plants resist and combat diseases. Vitamin C can enhance the uptake and utilization of
certain nutrients in plants, such as iron. It acts as a reducing agent, facilitating the conversion
of iron from its less soluble form to a more soluble and available form for plant absorption.
This can prevent iron deficiency symptoms and promote healthy growth. It is involved in
various biochemical processes that regulate plant growth and development. It participates in
the synthesis of hormones, such as auxins, which are essential for root and shoot growth. It
also influences cell division, expansion, and differentiation, ensuring proper plant structure
and function. And finally vitamin C helps plants cope with abiotic stressors, such as drought,
high salinity, and extreme temperatures. It assists in maintaining cellular homeostasis and
stabilizing membrane structures under stressful conditions. This allows plants to better
withstand adverse environmental factors and reduces the negative impacts of stress on
growth and yield.

Vitamin E also known as tocopherol Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that belongs to a group
of compounds called tocopherols and tocotrienols. These compounds are known for their
antioxidant activity and play a crucial role in maintaining cellular health and protecting against
oxidative stress. Chemically, vitamin E is composed of a chromanol nucleus that is classified
into four main forms, Alpha-tocopherol, this is the most common and biologically active form
of vitamin E. It has a methyl group (-CH3) at position 5 of the chromanol ring. Beta-tocopherol
which is similar to alpha-tocopherol, but has a methyl group at the 2-position of the
chromanol ring. Gamma-tocopherol has a methyl group at position 7 of the chromanol ring. It
is the most abundant form of vitamin E in the Western diet. Delta-tocopherol has a methyl
group at position 8 of the chromanol ring. It is less common compared to other forms of
vitamin E. In addition to tocopherols, there are also tocotrienols, which are similar in structure
to tocopherols but have unsaturated side chains. The antioxidant activity of vitamin E is due to
its ability to donate an electron to free radicals, neutralizing them and preventing cell damage.
This antioxidant function helps protect cell membranes and lipids from oxidation, which can
prevent premature aging and the development of diseases related to oxidative stress. ln
addition to its role as an antioxidant and protector of cell membranes, is also crucial in the
regulation of gene expression and plant hormone synthesis. By protecting cells from free
radical damage, it helps plants resist environmental stress and maintain their health. Vitamin E
deficiency can result in slow growth, reduced stress tolerance and increased risk of disease.

IV. External and extra benefits:

Microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, need vitamins to carry out their metabolic
functions and maintain their growth. Some microorganisms have the ability to synthesize
certain vitamins on their own, while others depend on obtaining them from the environment
or external sources. When microorganisms have access to the vitamins they need, this can
support their growth and metabolic activity. A soil with high microbial activity often has
benefits such as decomposition of organic matter, decomposing microorganisms, such as
bacteria and fungi, are responsible for breaking down dead organic matter, such as plant
debris and organic residues. This helps release essential nutrients and minerals for plants,
improving soil fertility. On the other hand, microorganisms play a crucial role in nutrient
cycling in the soil. They help break down organic matter into plant-available mineral forms,
such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. In addition, some microorganisms can fix
atmospheric nitrogen and convert it into a usable form for plants. Another benefit is the
activities of microorganisms, such as the secretion of polysaccharides and other organic
compounds, can contribute to the formation of soil aggregates. This improves soil structure,
increasing its water-holding capacity and aeration, which benefits root growth and nutrient
uptake. Soil disease control: Some beneficial microorganisms present in the soil have the
ability to suppress the growth and spread of soil pathogens. They may compete for resources,
produce antimicrobial compounds or induce defense responses in plants, which helps reduce
soil diseases. And finally, some beneficial microorganisms, such as nitrogen-fixing bacteria and
mycorrhizal fungi, can establish symbiotic associations with plants. These associations help
improve nutrient uptake, especially of nitrogen and phosphorus, and promote healthier plant

With the ingredients mentioned at the beginning of the document, you can also create a weed
control because the potato peel around the plants creates a covering layer that prevents
sunlight from reaching the weed seeds present in the soil. This hinders their germination and
growth by depriving them of the necessary light. Potato peels placed on the soil also compete
with weeds for resources, such as water and nutrients. By establishing a physical barrier,
potato peels can limit weeds' access to these resources, which can weaken their growth and
development. On the other hand, potato peels act as a protective layer over the soil, helping
to retain moisture. This is beneficial for cultivated plants, as it ensures that they have sufficient
water for growth, while hindering the germination and development of weeds, which can be
more sensitive to lack of water. And finally, as potato peels decompose, they release nutrients
into the soil. This can contribute to soil enrichment, providing additional nutrients for
cultivated plants. At the same time, this enrichment may not be favorable for the growth of
some weeds, which may be more sensitive to changes in soil composition.
V. Steeps and specifications:
In this case we are going to make 250 ml of fertilizer so we are only going to use 1 carrots,
depending on the half of the weight of these will be the amount of potato peel that will be
added to the mixture. As mentioned at the beginning of the document we will use half a liter
of water and finally 2 tablespoons of eggshells.

The eggshell should be destroyed/crushed as much as possible for best results; to get an idea
the eggshell should look like a kind of powder. The potato skins will have to be cut about one
centimeter and the carrot will have to be cut in small slices. After having done the procedure
of cutting and crushing we will add approximately 125 ml to the blender together with
everything that we have cut and crushed previously, all this we do with the objective that
there is an improvement at the moment that everything is liquefied in a correct way. Once the
mixture is well blended and has an orange color, we will proceed to add the remaining water.

At the time of watering our plant or tree is recommended when there is little sun (in the
afternoon) so that the plant can better absorb nutrients thus avoiding evaporation.

VI. Questions:
1. In the product obtained, what type of substance do you think it contains? What are
their characteristics?
Based on the ingredients mentioned (eggshell, potato peel, carrot, and water), the product is
likely to contain organic matter and various nutrients. Let's explore the characteristics of each
component. Eggshells are primarily composed of calcium carbonate, a source of calcium.
Calcium is an essential nutrient for plant growth, contributing to cell wall development, root
development, and overall plant structure. Potato peels contain organic matter, including
carbohydrates, fibers, and some trace nutrients. Organic matter improves soil structure,
enhances water retention, and provides a food source for beneficial soil microbes. Carrtos
contain various nutrients, including carbohydrates, vitamins (such as vitamin A and vitamin C),
minerals, and antioxidants. While the exact composition may vary, carrots can contribute
organic matter, micronutrients, and potentially some plant growth-promoting substances to
the fertilizer. Water serves as a solvent and carrier for the nutrients present in the other
components. It helps in the release and distribution of the nutrients in the soil, allowing the
plants to absorb them. Overall, this fertilizer is likely to provide a combination of organic
matter, calcium, micronutrients, and possibly other beneficial compounds. The nutrient
content may not be as precise or concentrated as in commercial fertilizers, but it can still
contribute to soil health and nutrient availability for plant uptake.
2. The main substance of the final product (active ingredient), explain what kind of
chemical bonding has?
The main active ingredient in the final product is likely to be calcium carbonate, which is
primarily derived from the eggshell component. Calcium carbonate is a compound that
consists of calcium ions (Ca2+) bonded to carbonate ions (CO3^2-). The bonding within
calcium carbonate is classified as ionic bonding. In ionic bonding, electrons are transferred
from one atom to another, resulting in the formation of positively charged ions (cation) and
negatively charged ions (anion). In this case, calcium donates two electrons to carbonate,
resulting in the formation of calcium ions (Ca2+) and carbonate ions (CO3^2-). The strong
electrostatic attraction between these ions holds them together in a solid crystal lattice
structure. This ionic bonding gives calcium carbonate its characteristic properties, including its
high melting point and its ability to dissolve in acidic solutions. When applied to the soil,
calcium carbonate gradually releases calcium ions, which can be taken up by plant roots and
contribute to various physiological processes within the plants. It's important to note that
while calcium carbonate from eggshells is a potential source of calcium in the fertilizer, other
components in the mixture may also contribute additional nutrients and organic matter, which
can have their own types of chemical bonding and interactions within the soil.

3. What would you do, hypothetically, to determine what type of substance it is and
what are its characteristics?
To determine the type of substance present in the fertilizer and its characteristics, you can
perform several hypothetical analytical tests and evaluations. Observe the physical properties
of the fertilizer, such as color, texture, and odor. This can provide initial insights into its
composition. Perform chemical tests to identify the presence of specific compounds. For
example, you can test for the presence of calcium carbonate by adding a few drops of an acid
(such as vinegar) to a small portion of the fertilizer. If it produces an effervescence (bubbling)
due to the release of carbon dioxide gas, it indicates the presence of calcium carbonate.
Conduct a nutrient analysis to determine the nutrient content of the fertilizer. This can be
done through laboratory testing or using home testing kits. Nutrient analysis will help identify
the presence and concentration of essential elements like calcium, potassium, phosphorus,
and others. Measure the pH of the fertilizer using a pH testing kit or meter. This will provide
information about its acidity or alkalinity, which can affect nutrient availability and plant
uptake. Apply the fertilizer to a small portion of soil or conduct a pot trial using the fertilizer
and observe plant growth and health. Compare the growth of plants with and without the
fertilizer to assess its effectiveness. Conduct microbial analysis to determine the presence of
beneficial microorganisms in the fertilizer. This can be done through microbial culture
techniques or DNA analysis methods. By combining these analytical tests and evaluations, you
can gain a better understanding of the substance present in the fertilizer, its chemical
composition, nutrient content, pH characteristics, and potential effects on plant growth.
4. Explain and argue the importance for the plants and the soil of the product
The product obtained from the combination of eggshell, potato peel, carrot, and water can
have several benefits for plants and soil. Here are some reasons why it can be important, the
fertilizer may provide essential nutrients to plants. Eggshells contain calcium, which is crucial
for plant development, especially in promoting strong cell walls and root growth. Carrots and
potato peels may contribute organic matter and micronutrients, which can enhance soil
fertility and support healthy plant growth. The organic matter from the potato peel and carrot
can improve soil structure and water-holding capacity. It helps in loosening compacted soils,
enhancing root penetration, and promoting aeration, which benefits plant growth. The organic
components in the fertilizer can serve as a food source for beneficial soil microbes. These
microbes play a vital role in nutrient cycling, decomposition of organic matter, and improving
soil health. By providing organic matter, the fertilizer can stimulate microbial activity and
enhance the overall biological activity in the soil. The use of kitchen scraps, such as eggshells,
potato peels, and carrot waste, in the fertilizer promotes recycling and reduces waste. Instead
of disposing of these organic materials, they are repurposed as valuable nutrients for plant
growth, contributing to a more sustainable gardening or farming practice. Creating a
homemade fertilizer using kitchen scraps can be a cost-effective alternative to purchasing
commercial fertilizers. It allows for resourcefulness and reduces the reliance on synthetic
fertilizers, which can be more expensive and potentially have environmental impacts if

5. Discuss and argue the implications for ecosystems of the product presented.
The product obtained from the combination of eggshell, potato peel, carrot, and
water can have implications for ecosystems, both positive and potentially negative.

Positive implications:
By utilizing kitchen scraps as ingredients for the fertilizer, it promotes waste reduction and
recycling. Rather than disposing of these organic materials, they are repurposed for plant
nutrition, reducing the amount of waste that would otherwise end up in landfills. The organic
matter provided by the potato peel and carrot can improve soil health and fertility. It
enhances soil structure, increases water retention, and promotes beneficial microbial activity.
This can lead to healthier soils capable of supporting diverse plant communities and
ecosystems. By incorporating organic materials into the soil, the fertilizer supports nutrient
cycling processes. Nutrients from the kitchen scraps are released and made available to plants,
contributing to a more sustainable and efficient nutrient cycling within the ecosystem.

Negative Implications:
While the product may provide some nutrients, its nutrient composition may not be well-
balanced or precisely controlled. This can potentially lead to nutrient imbalances in the soil,
affecting plant growth and potentially impacting ecosystem dynamics. Depending on the
specific ingredients and their proportions, the fertilizer may alter the pH of the soil. Significant
shifts in pH can affect soil chemistry, nutrient availability, and the composition of the soil
microbial community, potentially disrupting the natural ecosystem balance. The use of kitchen
scraps in the fertilizer can introduce seeds or residues of potential invasive plant species or
pests. If not properly managed, these can have negative implications for the ecosystem by
outcompeting native plants or causing pest infestations.

VII. Procedure and images:


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