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College Descriptive Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "College Descriptive Essay" can present both challenges and
opportunities for the writer. On one hand, the vast and multifaceted nature of college life provides a
rich tapestry of experiences to explore and describe. On the other hand, the abundance of details and
the need to capture the essence of the college experience can make the task daunting.

The difficulty lies in striking the right balance between being comprehensive and concise. College
life encompasses a myriad of aspects, from academic pursuits and extracurricular activities to social
interactions and personal growth. Trying to encapsulate this diversity within the confines of an essay
requires careful selection of details and a keen sense of storytelling.

Moreover, the challenge extends to avoiding clichés and creating a unique narrative that stands out.
Given that the theme revolves around college, it's crucial to steer clear of generic descriptions and
focus on personal experiences or perspectives. This requires a thoughtful reflection on one's own
college journey and the ability to convey it in a way that resonates with the reader.

Researching and gathering information about different facets of college life can also add to the
complexity. It's not just about personal experiences but also about understanding the broader context
of the college environment, its culture, and the impact it has on individuals.

In conclusion, writing a descriptive essay on the topic of "College Descriptive Essay" demands a
delicate balance of breadth and depth, creativity, and originality. It requires the writer to navigate
through the intricate details of college life while ensuring that the narrative remains engaging and

If you find yourself struggling with such an assignment or need assistance with writing similar
essays, there are resources available. is one such platform where you can explore a
variety of essay writing services to make the task more manageable and ensure the delivery of high-
quality content tailored to your needs.
College Descriptive Essay College Descriptive Essay
Striving towards Equal Right for the Disabled in Brunei
According to World Health Organization (WHO) disabled people have low health
condition, poor academic achievements, less economic opportunities and high level of
poverty (2011). The Brunei government is strongly committed to ensure that people with
disabilities have equal rights in the country (Mahmud, 2013). There are three
improvements that need to be considered: Financial support, improving awareness for the
public and improving the infrastructure.

Financial capabilities are major factors to provide sufficient resources and comfortable
place for the disabled people. Expenses such as labour, salaries, medical, rent and
transportation cost. SMARTER (one of the autism facilities in Brunei run privately) is
currently having a financial crisis in their organization. Although SMARTER has
received about half a million dollars of donation it is still not sufficient to cater the
$45,000 expenses per month (Amanda, 2014). The half a million of donation obtained
can only support SMARTER for 11 months maximum according to the monthly
expenses they stated. SMARTER relies on its own shop and donation from others such
as banks and the government. As stated the monthly expenses incurred by the company
is $45,000 and to rely solely through donations and a small shop will not solve the
problem. Since the organization is a social corporate company, which means that the
company is not aiming for profits but to help the society, a question will arise from this.
Will it be better off managed
The Characters Of The Outsiders In The Outsiders
Everyone is an outsiders in some type of way, and it can be that you just don t fit in.
That s Okay because there are a lot of people that don t exactly fit in! The Outsiders
was made in the 1960 s by H.E Hinton and was placed in Tulsa Oklahoma. H.E Hinton
is girl who was 17 when she published her book, and she went under the name H.E.
Hinton because she didn t want nobody to judge her book by her gender she wanted
them to judge the book by the book. Her real name is Susan Eloise Hinton. What
characters in the Outsiders are different than the rest and don t exactly fit in? The
outsiders refers to Johnny, Cherry, and Ponyboy. First, Johnny is an outsider since he
goes away from the ideal that society has for greasers. The evidence is that he doesn t
like fighting and feels that it s useless. I know this because in Document F it says, We
won, Dally panted, We beat the Socs. We stomped them chased them outta our
territory. Johnny didn t even try to grin at him. Useless...fighting s no good.... Which
means that he thinks that fighting is no good which is going against society ideals of
greasers. Another piece of evidence is that he doesn t do what regular greasers do. I
know this because in Document D it says, I know, I said. Well, I said, thinking this
over, you ain t like any of the gang, I mean, I couldn t tell Two Bit or Steve or even
Darry about the sunrise and clouds and stuff. I couldn t even remember that poem around
them. I mean, they don t dig. Just

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