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Kim D.

Gottschalk Humss 12 Euphorbia

5 Crazy Ways

Social Media is Changing

your Brain Right Now
It shortens your attention

impact on attention span is in its

early stages, studies are showing
just how much social media alters
our brains in this area, especially
among the younger generation.

It heightens your
stress response

This constant scrolling can lead to

chronic stress and problems with
cortisol imbalance that has been
linked to a variety of health
problems including metabolic
disorders like weight loss resistance
and diabetes.

It alters your natural

circadian rhythms

Excessive screen time, especially

before bedtime, can disrupt sleep
patterns and harm your body’s
natural circadian rhythm.

It promotes poor
mental health

It's far too easy to put out a picture

perfect version of your life, leading
to feelings of inadequacy,
comparison, and negative body

It is addictive

Social media platforms are cleverly

designed to trigger a release of
dopamine - the neurotransmitter
associated with pleasure and reward
in our brains.

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