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The salient feature of the the RA no.

10175 or the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 is it primarily

focuses on portecting and safeguarding from crimes against networks, communcation system,
database and and the integrity of the computers, which helps the prevention, supression and
prosection of cybercrime offense in the country.

The Salient feature of RA no,10175 or the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 is it tackles not just
crimes on social media or about the happenings on the internet, rather it talks widely about the
security and protections to safeguard networks, communication systems, databases and the integrity
of computers. It also focuses on the prevention, suppression and prosecution of cybercrimes such as
offences against the confidentiality and integrity of computer-related offences. In addition, this act
also includes the happenings on the internet or computer-related crimes such as cybersex, child
pornography and libel.

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