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Ephedra sinica

ephedra • desert tea

1. Ephedra sinica plant

2. Ephedra sinica stems and fruit
3. Ephedra distachya stems and fruit
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DESCRIPTION A lax, wiry perennial shrub (up to 1 m) with a greyish green colour. It has
thin, practically leafless, striated stems, inconspicuous male flowers in small clusters and
female flowers that form small, fleshy, bright red cones. Other alkaloid-containing species
can also be used, including E. equisetina, E. distachya (=E. gerardiana), E. intermedia and
E. shennungiana.
ORIGIN China (E. sinica) (used for more than 4 000 years). Most of other species listed are

van, Wyk, Ben-Erik, and Michael Wink. Medicinal Plants of the World, CAB International, 2017. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Created from think on 2024-02-16 01:43:40.
Asian (except E. distachya which is Mediterranean).
PARTS USED Dried stems or aerial parts (Ephedra herba or ma huang), more rarely the
roots (Ephedra radix; ma huang gen).
THERAPEUTIC CATEGORY Bronchodilator, analeptic, central stimulant.
USES AND PROPERTIES Traditionally used to treat asthma and bronchitis, as well as
nasal congestion (rhinitis and sinusitis). It is included in weight loss products and in boosters
to improve athletic performance.
PREPARATION AND DOSAGE Dried drug, extracts, tinctures or isolated alkaloid. The
maximum daily dose is 300 mg total alkaloid (2 mg per kg body weight in children). Single
adult dose: 15–30 mg of alkaloid.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS The main compound is almost always (–)-ephedrine (a
phenylethylamine alkaloid), with smaller amounts of (+)-pseudoephedrine and other minor
alkaloids (total content about 2%, depending on the species). Also present are flavonoids,
catechols, lignans, tannins and polysaccharides. Roots contain tyrosine derivatives, spermine
alkaloids and procyanidins.
PHARMACOLOGICAL EFFECTS Ephedrine stimulates α- and β-adrenergic receptors
by increasing the release of noradrenaline from catecholic synapses and inhibiting its re-
uptake. Ephedrine is responsible for the central stimulatory effects, the bronchodilation and
peripheral vasoconstriction (increases blood pressure). The central stimulation is similar to,
but weaker than that of amphetamine, resulting in enhanced concentration and a decrease in
the sensations of fatigue, hunger and pain.
WARNING Ephedrine is regarded as an illegal dope in sports. Continued prolonged use
may lead to dependency. In view of a large number of contra-indications and drug
interactions, these products should not be used without medical supervision.
STATUS Traditional medicine; PhEur8; Comm.E+; WHO 1; modern medicine: ephedrine.

Ephedra sinica Stapf family: Ephedraceae

ma huang (Chinese); ephedra, raisin de mer (French); Ephedra, Meerträubel (German); efedra, uva marina (Italian)
Copyright © 2017. CAB International. All rights reserved.

van, Wyk, Ben-Erik, and Michael Wink. Medicinal Plants of the World, CAB International, 2017. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Created from think on 2024-02-16 01:43:40.

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