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Presentation 1 Submitted by: Tanzeela Ilyas Submitted to: Mam Ayesha Obaid Topic: Interference : Fan Effect Interference: Interference is a memory phenomenon in which some memories interfere ‘with the retrieval of other memories. “Types of interference: They are of two types * Proactive Interference * Retroactive Interference 1. Proactive Interference: _“Pro means forward” It occurs when you can not learn a new task because of an old task that had been learnt. Plays an important role in forgetting. :: Learning of LIST 8 because of previously learned LIST A as it interferes with the recall of LIST A. 2- Retroactive Interference: “ Retro means backward” It occurs when you forget a previously learnt task due to the learning of a new task. Making more difficulty in recalling things that have been previously learned. Example: After learning the friend’s new number it becomes difficult in the recall of the old number. Fan Effect: The fan effect was introduced by John Anderson in 1974. * The fan effect is a psychological phenomenon under the branch of cognitive psychology where recognition time and error rate for a particular concept increases as more information about the concept is acquired. * The word fan refers to the number of associations correlated with the concept. * Example: After studying different concepts of many psychologists it would become difficult to recall the concepts of all of them because more information is added and the more the information increases the more will be the error rate and more recognition time will be taken. ACT-R THEORY: ACT- R refers to ( Adaptive Control of Thought) * A= Adaptive (ability to change , describes actions, skills, behaviors that human develop and use to perform basic skills and able to cope with the situations.) * C=Control( processes in the mind that require a great deal of a person’s mental resources.) * T= Thought (ideas,images or way of dealing with the situation by using different methods.) * R= Rational ( having the ability to reason, being rational means using conscious thought processes to solve problems.) * ACT-R THEORY: * It focuses on memory processes. * According to ACT-R theory all knowledge begins as declarative information and procedural knowledge is learned by making inferences from already existing — factual knowledge. * ACT-R theory distinguish between declarative procedural and working memory. 1. Declarative memory: refers to fact based memory like 2+2= 4._ The basic units of declarative memory are chunks which are schema like structures. 2. Procedural memory: refers to the skills which an individual have like riding a bike and driving etc. 3. Working memory: a cognitive system with a limited capacity that is responsible for temporarily holding information available for processing. It focuses on memory in action. | Li -R th : _ © ACT-R can explain a wide variety of memory effects as well as acount for higher order skills such as geometry proofs, programming and learning language.

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