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IEEE JMI along with TechAanalogy organised an intensive 30 day industrial training on
robotics and artificial intelligence in the month of September .RoboAI was an online
workshop aiming to elevate students skills on robotics and ai through case studies and group
activities . The workshop had expert mentors from companies like apple ,hundai
robotics ,abb and omnipresent .
The prominent speakers in the workshop were-

 Arko- Technical head @TA, ex- vioma motors, mechanical design expert
 Mohit- CEO @JUMakerspace, ex- Tata power, hardware developer
 Bezaleel- robotics consultant @ prag robotics,educational specialist @ enlight
The workshop offered 3 level certification,lor and various industrial approved projects to the
students including the opportunity to recreate SPOT- the agile mobile robot from scratch
paying tribute to boston dynamics . A large number of students attended the workshop that
helped them gain knowledge and skills in the field of robotics and ai

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