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A&P - Praktikum & Projektarbeit

A&P - Apprenticeship & Project Work

Allgemeine Informationen
Modulkürzel oder A&P
Modulverantwortlich(e) Eghbalian, Stefan (
Lehrperson(en) Eghbalian, Stefan (
Wird angeboten zum Wintersemester 2022/23
Moduldauer 1 Fachsemester
Angebotsfrequenz Regelmäßig
Angebotsturnus In der Regel jedes Semester
Lehrsprache Englisch
Empfohlen für Ja
Ist als Wahlmodul auch Nein
für andere Studiengänge
freigegeben (ggf.
Modulangebot - IDL)

Studiengänge und Art des Moduls (gemäß Prüfungsordnung)

Studiengang: M.Sc. - IE II - Industrial Engineering II - weiterbildend
Modulart: Pflichtmodul
Fachsemester: 3

Kompetenzen / Lernergebnisse
Kompetenzbereiche: Wissen und Verstehen; Einsatz, Anwendung und Erzeugung von
Wissen; Kommunikation und Kooperation; Wissenschaftliches
Students will know and understand how to utilize theoretical concepts and models into
developing solutions for practical industry problems
Students are able to independently manage industry projects and generate theory based
solutions for business enterprises
Students are capable of presenting and defending their project work in front of an
academic audiences as well as industry practitioners.
Students effectively manage and cooperate within industry teams to achieve their
Students are capable of critically reflecting upon industry challenges to understand how
to create value for business enterprises without compromising scientific standards

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Angaben zum Inhalt
Lehrinhalte This module requires students to work in a company for approximately 3-6
During this time students are expected apply their knowledge and
experience gathered during their studies in an industry context.
At the end of this practice semester students are expected to prepare
paper about a specific project task that the students had to complete. Even
though the focus of each project will vary greatly depending on the needs
and requirements of the company the student is working in, some quality
standards need to be met.
The following guidelines may offer some orientation on how to perform this
• the paper should include a brief structured description of the company, its
markets and its competitive position.
• The project objectives should be embedded into an appropriate
theoretical framework.
• A brief literature overview can be helpful to demonstrate that solution
developed by the student has been taken into account latest research
• the paper should comply to academic standards. I.e. structure, citations
and other formal requirements expected from a scientific paper (or thesis)
need to be met.
• The paper should not include significantly more than 15 pages.

Lehrformen der Lehrveranstaltungen

Lehrform SWS
Projekt 0

Anzahl der SWS 0 SWS
Leistungspunkte 10,00 Leistungspunkte
Präsenzzeit 0 Stunden
Selbststudium 300 Stunden

Voraussetzung für die Keine
Teilnahme an der Prüfung
gemäß PO
A&P - Hausarbeit Prüfungsform: Hausarbeit
Gewichtung: 100%
wird angerechnet gem. § 11 Satz 3 PVO: Ja
Benotet: Ja

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