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a) Give your opinión about the story

I like the story because one participotes in the story whit the different proposol of
the autor , me taking different path of investigation To find the killer,

b) Tell the main events in that story with your own words.
the main events in that story is the woman in the strret near the rose and
Crow ,she is not dead is very ill,
the Witechapel killer attacks people with a long knife ,six woman are dead
because of him .
the police need your help Mycroft Pound , the famouse detective,
there are people in the rose and crown .the woman in the strret
where they indicate who she is and that she has a friend called Rosy ,she live in
Limehouse Street.
Rosy about Anie she has a boy friend his name Jack his sailor ,Annie live in Cable
street .
The detective look in Annie´s house and find a letter , with this letter he finds jack
the murderer on the california ship and catches him.-

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