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ENG4C - Unit 1 - Using Websites for Research - Criteria Checklist

Create a checklist of criteria to use when establishing whether or not a website is reliable.

Criteria Checklist for Reliable Online Sources

Confirm the data whether it was written by an official or not. Same

as “Do they have their own agenda e.g. political organizations?”

Using an advanced search engine would show trusted websites that

contain the wanted information. Check the used website if it’s in the
advanced search list.

Looking at a referenced resource website choosed by libraries.

Confirming the website if it is in libraries' list.

Is the grammar and spelling correct?

Is it complete, or are they just giving one point of view?

Do they have their own agenda e.g. political organizations?

Is the information fact or opinion?

Is the information backed up by evidence? Is the evidence based on

research? Is it reliable?

Can you tell how up-to-date it is? Check if there is an author name
for the post and date underneath the author's name.

Are the links from the page up-to-date and valid? Does the link still
work? Is it taken down? Is the link a reliable source of information?

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