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The C.R.A.A.P.

Use the rubric below to evaluate a website
Student Name: Sofia Nikole D. De Leon Website Address:

Criteria Evaluation Techniques 0 points 1 point 2 points 3 points Score

• Is there a copyright or lasted updated There is no The date given The site has The site has
Currency date on the page (top/bottom of page)? indication of for the site’s been created or been created or 3
• Are there any broken links? when the site creation is over 3 updated within updated within
When was the • Do you think it has current information was create or years old. the last 3 years. the last two
information written & for doing research? last updated. Some broken links. No broken links. years or less.
last updated?
Numerous No broken links.
broken links.
• Does the website provide links to No links to General There are a few There are
Relevance other reliable sources (experts in sources. statement about links to sources or multiple links to
the field)? the source of the a works cited list. sources or a 3
Does the website
• Would you be comfortable using this info, but no works cited list
provide enough
source for a research paper? specific links to AND they are
information for
sources. No from other
someone researching
works cited. reliable sources.
about this topic?
• What is the domain (.edu, .com, .org, .net, This is an The home page is A known A government
Authority .gov)? individual’s a business, department or
• Is it hosted by an individual person? page, .com, .org, .net professional agency is the 2
Who is responsible • Is it sponsored by a .com site, or with no affiliation association, home page
for the information trustworthy organization? unknown with from an society, or (.gov) or the
and are they a
no affiliation organization. museum hosts. domain is .edu.
from a
• Are there spelling or grammar errors? There are multiple Provides Provides No spelling or
Accuracy • Where does the information come from spelling/grammati information but information from grammatical
(the organization, experts in the field)? 3
cal errors; not does not provide some reliable errors. All info is
Is it reliable, truthful,
back by reliable source. research or from experts in
or correct?
research or experts. the
experts in the field/trustworthy
field. sources.
• Who is the intended audience? Look in The purpose is Purpose is to Offers some The purpose is to
Purpose the “About” tab or locate the “Mission personal and to persuade or give factual support scholarly
Statement”. sell something. a biased view. information. research with 2
What is the reason • Why was it written? Focus is to Some bias factual
the information • Does the information seem fairly promote and/or information.
exists? represented or is it biased, one- something. advertising. Balanced
sided? without any

Tally your points and enter the score here: 13

12 to 15 points: Excellent source for research.
8 to 11 points: Good source for research or academic project. Before using, confirm with other sources.
4 to 7 points: Useful for ideas or casual projects. Do not cite as a reference for a research paper or project.
0 to 3 points: Highly questionable source.

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