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Handfasting Labyrinth

Several years ago, I created a labyrinth pattern for a couple who wanted to be handfasted. As its
form developed, it took the shape below, the shape of a womb.

The two small winding paths on each side represent the individual paths of each of the
participants (egg and sperm). When they reach the top, their paths join as one (fertilization).
Hand-in-hand, together as one, they enter the center. There they develop and are birthed through
the lower opening. Going in as two individuals and coming out as one.

The Handfasting Labyrinth pattern was presented to the couple and they were excited to use it
for their handfasting.

The candles in multicolored glasses were set around the outtermost labyrinth circle and where
the circle curves around pattern and candles in clear glasses were set around the rest of the
pattern. The center area was prepared with the altar and decorations.

When the time came, the guests helped light the candles and then entered the center of the
labyrinth forming a circle. When the couple was about to arrive, the two torches on the left and
right of the center outside entrance were lit. This was the signal for the drummers to begin a low
drum beat.

The bride led by the H.P.S. went to the left side labyrinth entrance and the H.P. with the groom
went to the right side entrance. The H.P.S. and H.P. went to the center of the labyrinth to purify
the area and started the guests chanting:
Two Become One,
Two Become One,
Lord and Lady,
Two Become One.

Hearing the chant, the couple with lit candles began their walk through the labyrinth, each on
their own path.
As the couple were slowly walking, the clergy went to the top of the labyrinth and awaited them.
After their arrival, the couple were brought into the center and to the altar where they lit a large
single candle and put theirs out. They were presented to each of the quarters and the ceremony

After the ceremony, there were hugs and congratulations and now was the time for the broom
jump! The guests left the center and made two lines just outside the entrance. The H.P.S.and
H.P. took the ceremonial broom to the end of the lines and called for the couple. After a couple
of false starts (broom teasing), The broom was placed and the broom jump was performed.
After, everyone enjoyed a fantastic handfasting feast.

Three other possible uses for the labyrinth are:

Wiccanings - Mother "carries" the baby around one path and the Father goes on the
other path, they meet, and enter the center as a family.
Partings - The "parting" (divorcing) couple enter the center together, the
parting ritual is performed, and after, each leave down their own path.
(The Handfasting Labyrinth done in reverse.)
Coming of Age - Child and Parent(s) enter the center, the rite is performed, and
after, each leave down their own path.
(The Handfasting Labyrinth done in reverse.)

Bella Mahri

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