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Aminata Morgerot

The teacher


Luanda, 2023

The use of certain substances to alter the mental and physical state has been
a subject of debate for centuries.

Some argue that drugs can be used for medicinal purposes, while others see
them as harmful and addictive. Regardless of someone's position, it is clear
that the effects of drugs on the human body are complex and multifaceted.

From changing brain chemistry to affecting heart rate and blood pressure,
drugs have the potential to cause short- and long-term damage. It is important
for individuals to educate themselves about the risks and benefits of drug use
before making any decision about their own personal use.

Avoiding the harmful effects of Drugs

Drug use can have devastating effects on physical and mental health.
Addiction, overdose and other serious health problems can result from drug
abuse. It is important to understand the risks associated with drug use and take
measures to avoid these harmful effects.

One way to avoid the harmful effects of drugs is to educate yourself about
the risks and benefits of different substances. This includes learning about the
possible side effects and long-term consequences of drug use, as well as
understanding how certain substances interact with the body. Another
important step is to seek help if someone is fighting addiction or substance
abuse. This may involve contacting a support group, seeking professional
advice or entering a treatment program.

How To Help Someone Who Consumes?

Illicit Substances, which are

It can be difficult to know how to help someone who is consuming illicit

substances. The first step is to educate yourself about the signs of drug use and

Look for behavioral changes, mood changes and physical symptoms, such as
dilated pupils or dragged speech.

After identifying that someone may be struggling with substance abuse, it is

important to approach them with empathy and understanding. Avoid judgment
language and instead offer support and resources for treatment.

Encourage the individual to seek professional help, whether through therapy,

rehabilitation programs or support groups. It is also important to set limits and
take care of your own well-being.

Remember that addiction is a disease and recovery is a journey that takes

time and effort. With patience and compassion, you can make a difference in
the life of someone who is fighting substance abuse.

Concluding drug abuse is a complex issue that affects individuals and society
as a whole. It can lead to devastating consequences, such as addiction, health
problems and social issues. Although it may seem overwhelming, there are
measures we can take to solve this problem.

Education and awareness are crucial in preventing drug abuse. By providing

access to resources and support for those who struggle with addiction, we can
help them overcome their challenges and lead rewarding lives.

It is also important to recognize that drug abuse is not a moral flaw or a

personal weakness.

Addiction is a disease that requires attention and medical care. As a society,

we need to work to reduce the stigma associated with drug addiction and
provide more resources for treatment. We must also address the root causes of
drug abuse, such as poverty, trauma and mental illness. By adopting a
comprehensive approach to the prevention and treatment of drug abuse, we
can have a positive impact on individuals and communities.

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