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Assalamu’alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh

Your Excelencies the committee,

The honorable of jury,
Dear my friends who participate in this speech contest,
And my beloved brothers and sisters.

In the name of Allah SWT, the Lord of the world, the master of the day after, the creaotor of every
thing in this universe, where he has no partner. He has also given us such deeply enjoyable, particularly
faith, and healthy comfort, hence, we could attend here in a good situation and condition.
Peace and salutation be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has taught us the cardinal
principles of the unity of God, obliged us to confess it with the tongue and believe it in the heart. He also
brought us from the darkness to the brightness, from stupidity to cleverness, in the other words,
“Minadzdzulumaati ilannuur.”

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Indeed, it is very great pleasure for me in this precious chance to deliver my speech to the most
honorable audiences here, entitled, “The Influence of Technology on the Students’ Achievement.”
Before I deliver the main point of my speech, I thank the committee of AKSIOMA program and
the Master of Ceremony who have given me a chance to participate.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, we cannot simply live without technology. The development of science has brought so
many new technology which come to our daily lives. People around the world use technology as
integrated part of their activities. From an ordinary or simple technology to sophisticated technology. We
have become very dependent on technology. The development of technology is very rapid and it comes
nearly to every aspect of our social lives. Such as handphone. Very people use handphone a few years
ago. But now, even students of primary school carry it daily.
I will divide this speech into four parts. First, the meaning of Technology. Second, the meaning of
the students’ achievement. Third, the influence of technology on the students’ achievement. And the final
part is the conclusion, in which I will explain how we must use technology responsibly.

Umar for AKSIOMA 2019. Written on January 19, 2019 Page 1

All judges I most respect,
What is technology?
According to, Technology is the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes or
applications, whether in industry or our daily lives. Technology cannot be separated from science because
it is the product of science itself. As we know, one of the goals of science are: to help human problems, to
explain every phenomenon in this universe, to make human activities more effective and efficient, and
many more. To reach the goals, we need technology.
After we discuss the meaning of technology, now we go to the next part of this speech. It is about
students’ achievement. Based on, students’ achievement is a student doing well
academically, obtaining life skills and giving back to their community. Well, I myself try to broaden more
the meaning of it. Students’ achievement is not only seen from the academic assessment but also from the
students character and spiritual activities. A good student must have a good motivation both intrinsic and
extrinsic, and eager to learn.

Well, respectables judges and audiences,

Now, the question is, does technology influence the students’ achievement? Well, brothers and
sisters, I am going to explain how technology can influence the students’ achievement.
Technology can be found in any forms such as tools, ideas, crafts and many more. There are so
many inventors have invented inventions. Most inventios brought good progress to us. The inventions of
technology make our lives easier, more effective and more efficient. The real example is internet.
Accoding to, Internet is the contraction of Interconnected Network. Internet is a global
system of interconnected computer networks that use the internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link devices
worldwide. Students can explore the benefit of the internet. Good materials for every lesson can be found
easily by accessing the internet. There are various internet applications and tools that help students.
Another benefit of the internet is the exixtence of online courses. Taking course online on the internet has
many advantages for the students or even for the teachers. We can develop our abillity in a particular
lesson based on our passion.

Brothers and sisters,

In my humble opinion, the conclusion is: first, technology will always go forward and develop.
We cannot stop it. We, as muslims, are encouraged to take a part in developing science and technology.
Rasulullah SAW once said, “Man Aroodadunnya, Fa ‘alaihi bil ‘ilmi; Wa Man Aroodal Akhiroh, Fa
‘alaihi bil ‘ilmi; Wa man Aroodahumaa, Fa ‘alaihi bil ‘ilmi.” Those who expect the world, shall get it
by science / knowledge, those who expect the day after life, shall get it by science / knowledge; and those
who both, shall get it by science / knowledge. Second, let’s enrich our knowledge by using internet as a

Umar for AKSIOMA 2019. Written on January 19, 2019 Page 2

part of technology advancement wisely. And the last but not the least, let’s be a good student by studying
harder and have good behaviour for sure.

Well, respectables judges and audiences,

I think that’s all my speech. I am terribly sorry if I make many mistakes and inconveniences in my
utterances...Thank you indeed for your kindest attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Umar for AKSIOMA 2019. Written on January 19, 2019 Page 3

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