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All praise be to Allah, the lord of the world. The master of the universe.

The king of the

judgment day. The creator of everything in this universe.
Your Excellency, The Chief of Shighor Foundation, …
Your Excellency, The director of Ma’had Al-Shighor, …
The honorable, Our MA Al-Shighor teachers, especially the headmaster of MA Al-Shighor, Dr.
KH. Aghuts Muhaimin, M.Ag
My beloved friends. Ladies and gentlemen.
First of all, Let us give thanks to Allah SWT who has given us love and mercy, so that we can
gather here in good atmosphere and conditions.
Second, hopefully prayers and greetings will always be devoted to Our Prophet, Muhammad
SAW. The prophet who has guided us from the dark ages to the times of light. The prophet who
raised us from the age of ignorance to the age of intelligence.
Our Beloved friends. Our teachers. As the Master of Ceremony, we would like to tell you about
our programs in Muhadoroh today.
1. First program is Opening
2. Second is Alquran Reciting
3. Third is Shalawat Reciting
4. Fourth program is Presentation
5. Fifth program is Grammar Correction
6. The last program is closing.
Not to waste our time, let's open this event by reciting Alfatihah together. Let’s recite Alfatihah
together, Alfatihah, begin!
Moving on to the second program, namely the reciting of the holy verses of Alquran that will be
recited by … To him / Her, Please!
The third program is the reciting of Sholawat / prayers together. Let’s recite together!
It’s time for the main agenda that will be hosted by ... To him / Her, Please!
The next agenda is grammar correction that will be delivered by … To him / Her, Please!
Finally, we come to the final event, hopefully the events that we pass through can add and
sharpen our English skills. Let’s close our lovely program today by reciting Hamdalah together.
As an emcee, we apologize if there are things that are not pleasing. Thank you very much.

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