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Research Title

A Thesis proposal
Presented to the
Members of the Panel
Major ship: English

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for Language Research 1
Bachelor of Science Major in English

Rene Rosse A. Aranjuez
Alsaira S.Karim
Joyce C. Ruano


A. Proposed Title
Study on the Improvements of English Writing Competence for First-Year College Student
B. Introduction/Background of the Study (What have you read or observed that has impact on your
thinking about the topic?)

Proficiency in writing is essential for both professional and academic success. The capacity to clearly
and precisely communicate ideas, build strong arguments, and deliver knowledge is not only a
necessary academic skill for first-year college students, but also a vital life skill. There is a greater need
than ever for skilled writers in our world of information-driven, globally interconnected devices.

However, many first-year college students find it difficult to become proficient writers of English.
These difficulties can take many different forms, ranging from problems with syntax and sentence
construction to trouble structuring and articulating ideas clearly. It is becoming clear that in order to
effectively address this important issue, educators, researchers, and higher education institutions
must have a thorough understanding of it in addition to practical improvement strategies.

The primary goal of this research is to investigate and tackle the urgent problem of improving first-
year college students' English writing proficiency. Through an examination of the particular difficulties
encountered by this group of students and the application of focused interventions, we hope to
provide important new understandings of the kinds of instructional strategies and support networks
that can help them develop into competent writers.

We will examine the issue's wider significance, examine pertinent literature, describe the
methodology used, and provide data analysis results in the pages that follow. Additionally, the study
will suggest and assess interventions meant to raise writing proficiency. Our goal in conducting this
research is to shed light on the way to improve writing abilities while also offering teachers,
administrators, and students practical advice on how to deal with this crucial area of professional and
academic growth.

Improving first-year college students' English writing skills presents a compelling challenge and a
transformative opportunity in a world where the written word has immense power. The purpose of
this study is to provide light on this process of development and serve as a beacon of hope for those
committed to the development and career success of these up-and-coming authors.

Research Gap (What question or problem has not been answered by any of the existing studies or
research within your field?)

Extant literature frequently concentrates on interventions designed to enhance students' writing

abilities in the classroom. The effects of extracurricular activities, writing workshops, or internet
resources outside of the regular curriculum on the writing proficiency of first-year college students,
however, remain largely unexplored. Examining how well these extracurricular opportunities for skill
development work and how they fit into the educational setting may offer important new
perspectives on how best to improve writing skills in this particular group of people.

Research Theory/Theories (What theory/ies provide/s explanation, understanding and meaningfulness
to your research?

1.Cognitive Load Theory: This theory, proposed by John Sweller, focuses on how the
cognitive load imposed on learners can impact their ability to learn and retain
information. Understanding the cognitive load associated with writing tasks can
provide insights into how to structure writing assignments and interventions to
match students' cognitive capacities.

2.Social Cognitive Theory: Developed by Albert Bandura, this theory emphasizes the
role of observation and modeling in the learning process. It suggests that students
can learn writing skills by observing proficient writers and gradually building their
competence through imitation, practice, and feedback.

3.Social Cognitive Theory: Developed by Albert Bandura, this theory emphasizes the
role of observation and modeling in the learning process. It suggests that students
can learn writing skills by observing proficient writers and gradually building their
competence through imitation, practice, and feedback.

4.Self-Determination Theory: This theory by Deci and Ryan emphasizes autonomy,

competence, and relatedness as essential motivators for effective learning.
Understanding how students' motivation and sense of autonomy in their writing
tasks influence their writing competence can be meaningful for designing

C. Research Questions (What specific issues or problems do you want to focus on?)

1 .To what extent do first-year college students struggle with specific aspects of English
writing, such as grammar, organization, or argumentation, and how do these challenges
vary based on their prior educational backgrounds?

2 .What are the most common barriers that hinder first-year college students from
developing proficient English writing skills, and how do these barriers affect their academic
performance and overall college experience?

3.How effective are various pedagogical strategies, including peer feedback, self-
assessment, and technology-enhanced learning, in enhancing the English writing
competence of first-year college students, and are certain strategies more effective for
specific writing challenges?

4.What is the impact of extracurricular writing support, such as writing workshops, writing
centers, or online resources, on the improvement of English writing competence among
first-year college students, and how can these resources be integrated into the academic
environment for maximum benefit?

To what extent do first-year college students employ self-regulated learning (SRL) strategies
in their writing tasks, and how does the utilization of SRL relate to their development of
writing competence and academic success?

D .Preliminary Literature Review: (What literatures do you intend to review and why? Present at least
ten research articles)
Variable 1



Variable 2



Relationship between Variable 1 and Variable 2


Difference between Groups A & B in Variable 1

Difference between Groups A & B in Variable 2


D. Methods/Procedures (How will you conduct the study?)

Research Design

Research Participants

First-Year College Student

Research Instruments
Variable 1


Variable 2


Validity and Reliability of the Instruments

Instrument 1

Instrument 2


Data Collection


Data Analysis

E. References( Use APA 7th Edition Citation Guide)

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