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Connecting to Concordia’s MySQL Database

Server Using SSH Client

[The Following Instructions are for Windows Computers Only]

1. Download and install an SSH client. ENCS computers already have SSH client installed. There
are many free SSH client available. You may download and install the following executable file:

2. To start SSH client, go to:

Start => All Programs => SSH Secure Shell => Secure Shell Client

3. From the SSH Client window, select File => Quick Connect

4. Enter the following information in the authentication dialog box:

Host Name:
User Name: <your ENCS username>
Do not change Port Number and Authentication Method. Then click Connect.

5. When prompted, type your ENCS password and then press Enter. If the SSH client asks you
about saving the auto generated security key. You may ignore it.

6. After successful authentication, you will get a Linux shell like:

[grace] [ /home/m/mtaleb ] >
7. Type the following command to connect to MySQL server and press Enter:
mysql -h <hostname> -u <database name> -p
Username : given by DBA
password: given by DBA

mysql: command for connecting to MySQL server
hostname : given by DBA
-h : to specify host. For Concordia’s MySQL server, the host is <hostname>
-u : to specify MySQL username
-p : to specify MySQL password

MySQL username and password are not the same as your ENCS username and password. You
should have already received your MySQL username and password from Stan. Each group is given
one username and password.

8. When prompted for password, enter your MySQL password.

9. After successful login, you should receive MySQL command prompt as:

Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MySQL connection id is 3515
Server version: 5.1.38 Source distribution

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help

Type '\c' to clear the current input statement


10. You can now start using MySQL. Check out with the following commands:

mysql> show databases -- list the databases in your schema

mysql> use <database name> -- to select a database to work with
mysql> show tables -- to see the list of tables
mysql> describe <table name> -- describes a table

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