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1. Differentiate between Database and DBMS?

Database is the collection of related data.

DBMS is the collection of program to create and maintain database.

2. Define record?

A collection of related fields treated as a single unit is known as record.

3. Differentiate between candidate and alternate key?

A relation may contain many attribute or combination of attributes that can be used as primary key. The
attribute or combination of attributes that can be used as primary key is known as candidate key. The
candidate keys that are not selected as primary key are known as alternate key.

4. Who is data administration?

A data administrator is a person who is responsible for entire data of an organization. He normally
develops the overall functional requirements for database being used in the office. He controls and
manages the whole database system.

5. Define data modeling?

Data modeling is the process of identifying data objects and relationship between them.

6. Define data integrity?

Data integrity means the correctness and comistency of data. It is another form of data protection.

7. What is meant by RDBMS?

RDBMS stands for the relational database management system. It is the collection of programs that
creates and maintains a relational database. A database in which the data is stored in relations is called
relational database.

8. How can we define query?

A query is a statement that extracts specific information from database. Queries are used to retrieve the
required data from database. Data is retrieved according to the criteria given by the user. It is more
flexible way of selecting, filtering and sorting records.

9. What is DBMS?

A database management system is a collection of programs that are used to create , maintain and access
database in a convenient and efficient manner. DBMS uses database manager software to control the
overall structure of a database.

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10. What is the purpose of index file?

The indexes are stored in index file. Database management system uses this file to speed up the sorting
and searching operations.

11. List different types of keys?

Different types of keys used in database are primary key, foreign key, secondary key, candidate key,
alternate key, composite key and sort or control key.

12. Define an attribute? Give example.

The characteristics of an entity are called attributes or properties. An entity may have many attributes.
Some example of attributes of TEACHER are name, Gender and Telephone No. etc.

13. Define Modality?

Modality describes the relationship as either mandatory or optional. It specifies minimum number of
relationships. The relationship is called optional when minimum number is zero. The relationship is
called mandatory when minimum number is one or more.

14. List different types of anomalies?

 Insertion anomaly
 Deletion anomaly
 Modification anomaly
15. State the use of Wild Cards?

Wild Card is a special symbol that is used in queries to search data.

Some important wild cards are , ? and #.

16. Define data redundancy?

Data redundancy means the duplication of data in multiple files.

17. Who is end user?

A user or end user is a person who is responsible of entire data of organization. He normally develops the
overall functional requirements for the database being used in the office. He controls or manage the whole
database system.

18. Which activities are involved in data analysis?

Data analysis involves the activities of data flow diagram (DFD) decision tables and decision trees.

19. List the conditions for 2nf?

 The primary key consists of only one attribute.
 No non-key attribute exist in the relation.
 Every non-key attribute is functionally dependent on the full set of primary key attributes.

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20. What is form?

A graphical interface used to interact with database is called form. Forms are used to enter data in the

21. What is table?

A two dimensional array of data that contains descriptive information about an entity is known as table.

22. What do you know about cardinality of a relation?

The numbers of entity occurances associated with each occurrence of a related entity is known as
cardinality. It specifies how many instances of an entity related to each instance of another entity.

23. List different types of form in MS Access ?

Different types of forms in MS access are as follows:

Columnar form, Tabular form, Datasheet form, Justified form.

24. List some important purpose of query language?

Important purposes of query language are as follows:

 Create table structures.

 Enter data in tables.
 Update data in tables.
 Retrieve data from tables.
 Delete data from tables etc.
25. What is a secondary key?

A field or combination of fields that is basis for retrieval is known as secondary key. Secondary is a non-
unique key. One secondary key value may refer to many records.

26. Define entity?

Anything about which the information is stored in the database is known as entity. An entity must have a
unique identifier. The identifier is composed of one or more attributes.

27. What is meant by database integrity?

Database integrity means the correctness and consistency of data. It is another form of database
protection. Security means data must be protected from unauthorized access.

28. What is relationship? Give an example.

A logical connection between different entities is called relationship.

Example: A relationship exists between a student and teacher because teacher teaches student.

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29. Differentiate between partial dependency and transitive dependency?

Partial dependency:

It exists when an attribute is dependent on only a part of primary key. It is associated with 1NF.

Transitive dependency:

It is a condition in which an attribute that is not dependent on another attribute that is not a part of
primary key. It usually requires the decomposition of the table containing the transitive dependency.

30. How is referential integrity achieved?

It can be achieved by connecting two relations by specifying relationship between them. When two
relations are connected then one relation is called parent relation. The other is called dependent relation.

31. Give different parts of MS Access application window?

Different parts of application window include title bar, menu bar, toolbars, menus, scroll bars and status

32. Determine three problems in traditional file system?

Three problems in traditional file system are as follows:

 Data redundancy
 Data inconsistency
 Lack of flexibility
 Security problem
33. Define term report?

Reports are the output of database application. Reports are used to retrieve and present data in a formatted
ways. A report may also contain graphs, charts and table etc.

34. Differentiate between auto number and number?

The use of auto number is different from other data types. If a field has auto number data type, the value
in the field is automatically entered by DBMS starting from 1 to so on. The value is incremented by 1 in
each record.

35. List different activities in data processing?

Different activities involved in the data processing are data capturing, data manipulation and managing
output results.

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36. Explain Database?

A database is the collection of logically related data sets or files. Each file may contain different types of
information and are used for specific purposes. The files may be organized in different ways to meet
different processing and retrieval requirements of the user.

37. Name the major components of database system?

The four components are as follows:

i. Date
ii. Software
iii. Hardware
iv. Personnel
38. List different properties of relation?

Some important properties are as follows:

i. All relationships define the relevant connection between two entities.

ii. All relationships are bi-directional. It means that relationship between Bookstore and Book can
be specified.
iii. Only relevant relationships according to the requirement are considered.
39. Define referential integrity?

The referential integrity is a constraint on foreign key value. It states that if a foreign key exists in a
relation the foreign key value of some tuple in its parent relation.

40. Define transaction file?

A type of file that is used to store input data before processing is called transaction file.

41. What is meant by synonym?

A synonym is a type of problem that exist in relations. A synonym is created when two different names
are used for the same information or attribute must be same if it exists in two or more entities.

42. How is a query written?

The query is written in database access language such as SQL. A query retrieves data from the database
and displays it in the form of table. The user can also change data in the database by using queries.

43. Define the term degree of a relation?

The number of fields in a relation is called a degree of a relation. The degree of a table is usually not
changed once the table has been created. A table with five fields has a degree of 5.

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44. Which two database objects can be used to create a report?

Tables and queries are two objects that can be used to create a report.

45. What is data capturing?

The process of recording the data in some form is called data capturing. Data is captured before it can be
processed. Data may be recorded on source documents. Data can also be given directly to the computer
through input device.

46. Write three responsibilities of a database administrator?

Three responsibilities of a database administrator include assigning permission to different users to use
database monitoring of database system and solving the problems that occur in the database system.

47. What is a foreign key?

An attribute or set of attributes in a relation whose value match primary key in another relation is called
foreign key.

48. What is difference between form and report?

The main difference between form and report is that form is used to input data in database. The report is
used to display date from tables.

49. Describe program file?

A type of file that contains software instructions is called program file. The source program files and
executable files are examples of program file.

50. Describe action query?

An action query is used to make changes in specified records on an existing table. It is also used to create
a new table.

51. What is columnar form?

Columnar form is used to display one record at a time. It displays textboxes and labels. The text boxes
represents the fields of the table or query. The tables represent the names of the fields.

52. Define field?

A field is a combination of one or more characters. It is the smallest unit of data that can be accessed by
the user. Each field contains one specific piece of information. For example: employee, no, designation
and salary are fields.

53. Define indexed sequential files?

In indexed sequential file organization records are stored in ascending and descending order base on a
value called key. The index file organization maintain an index in a file.

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54. Write the use of ER diagram?

ER diagram is the graphical representation of entities in database and relationships between them.
Rectangle is used to represent on entity. Diamonds are used to represent relationships and ovals are used
to represent attribute.

55. What is database wizard?

A database wizard is a set of steps that guides the user to create a database easily. It includes choosing a
database temprate , selecting fields, making customization, adding pictures and database.

56. What is auto number data type?

Auto number data types is used to generate the next number automatically when a new record is added. It
creates a unique number for each record. The value starts from 1 and is incremented by 1 in each record.

57. What is data file?

A file that contains data is called data file. It is are created by the software being used.

58. What is view?

A view is also known as virtual table. It is created by using SQL. SQL stand for structured query
language. It is a powerful database language.

59. Who is DBA?

DBA stand for database administrator. It is an important person in development of any database system.
He is responsible for the design, implementation, operation, management and maintenance of database.

60. What is one-to-one relationship give one example?

This type of relationship is used when for each instance in first entity class. There is only one instance in
the second entity class and for each instance in second entity class, there is only one instance in the first
entity class. Example is chairman runs department.

61. Write ingredients of data modeling?

 Entity / object
 Attribute
 Relationship

The object used to represent data items in a data model are known as ingredients of data model.

62. Write down any two database objects?

Anything that is participating in the system are known as objects.

 Vehicle
 Toy/ Furniture
63. What is radio button?

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Radio button is also known as option button. It is used to display yes/no true/false or on/off, option to the
user. It is used when the user can select only one option from a group of radio buttons. The user can select
a radio button by clicking on it.

64. What are check boxes?

Check button is used to display yes/no, true/false, or on/off, option. It is used when the user can select one
or multiple options at the same time. The user can select any or all values from a group of check boxes.
The user can select a checkbox by clicking on it.

65. How is a form constructed?

A form is constructed from a collection of individual design elements. These elements are called controls
or control objects. The common elements include button, check boxes, list boxes, and radio button etc.

66. List different types of forms in MS ACCESS?

 Columnar form.
 Tabular form.
 Datasheet form.
 Justified form.
67. Describe list box?

List box is used to display a list of item in forms. It consists of a textbox and a dropdown list. The user
can select one or multiple items. List box occupies a specified space on the form. A scrollbar appear in
the list box if the numbers of items are more than the available space.

68. What is linking?

The process of linking in MS-Access creates a link to an object in another database. The table is not
copied to the current database.

69. Describe sub-form?

A sub-form is a form that is placed in a parent form. The parent form is called the main form. Sub-form
are particularly useful to display data from tables and queries with one-to-many relationship.

70. Define conditional formatting?

The conditional formatting is a special type of formatting. The formatting depends on the control’s value
can be added to text boxes, lists, and combo boxes. The conditional formatting can be set up to three
conditional formats.

71. What are keyboard shortcuts?

Keyboard shortcuts are the combination of keys that are used to perform different tasks. They can save
time and the effort of switching from keyboard to the mouse for executing simple commands.

72. Describe the use of design view in MS-Access?

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Forms can be created in design view using different tools. This method allows the user to design the form
according to his particular requirements. A toolbox is available in design view that provides different
control such as textboxes and buttons.

73. Design view?

The table views that is used to design the structure of a table is called design view. It is used to specify,
name, data types, and description of fields. Primary key is also specified in this view. The structure of an
existing table can also be changed in design view.

74. Describe field property?

Field properties are used to define how data will be entered stored and displayed in MS-ACESS. The
properties of each field can be set in design view.

75. What is the use of match case option in field dialog box?

The option is used to specify the case sensitivity of search. If the checkbox is not selected the search is
case insensitive.

76. Define filter with its type?

A filter is used to extract the records that match a set of criteria. Filters are basically queries but they
appear to open tables or forms.

 Selection
 Filter by form
77. What is the use of input mask?

An input mask controls the value of a record and sets it in a specific format. It is similar to format
property. But it displays the format on datasheet before the data is entered.

78. Define data dictionary?

Data dictionary is used to store data definations or description of the structure of data used in database. It
may also monitor the data that is entered. It ensures that data is according to the data definations rules.

79. What are field validation rules?

The validation rules specify criteria for the data entered in the worksheet. A message can be displayed to
the user if the data violets the rules set for the field. For example, a validation rule < > 0 indicates that
zero cannot be entered in the record.

80. Define sorting?

The process of arranging data or records in a sequence is known as sorting. The data can be sorted in
ascending sort or descending sort.

81. Define select, cross table and parametric query?

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Select query:

A select query is used to extract data from tables based on specified values. It gathers information and
presents it in usable form.

Cross table query:

The cross table query is used to calculate and restructure data. For easier analysis it calculates a sum,
average count or other types of computation for data.

Parametric query:

It displays a dialog box when it is executed. It gets some information from the user as parameter.

82. Define join?

A query that extracts data from multiple related tables is called join. A join uses the relationship of the
table for extracting data from the tables. A join searches the required records in the first table and then
searches corresponding record in the second table.

83. What is database wizard?

A database wizard is a set of steps that guides the user to create a database easily. It includes choosing a
database template, selecting fields, making customization, adding pictures, and database.

84. Define IDE?

IDE stand for intergrated development environment. It is a collection of facilities provided to the users. It
is used to create database and database applications. IDE simplifies the tasks of creating and using a

85. What is database integrity?

Database integrity means the correctness and consistency of data. It is another form of database
protection. Security means data must be protected from unauthorized operations.

86. Define entity integrity?

The entity integrity is a constraint on primary key value. It states that any attribute of a primary key
cannot contain null value. If primary key contain null value. It is not possible to identify a new record in a

87. Describe repeating group?

A repeating group is a set of one or more data items that may occur a variable number of items in a tuple.
Each cell in a relation should contain only one value.

88. Define determinant?

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A determinant is an attribute whose value enables us to obtain the value(s) of other related attributes. It
appears on the left side of a functional dependency. Thus in A………….>B, the determinant of A.

89. Describe mutual exclusiveness of data?

The data that does not have overlapping information is known as mutually exclusive data. The mutual
exclusiveness of data creates problem for the attribute whose values can be specified as “yes/no” form.

90. Define 3NF?

A relation is in 3NF if it is 2NF and no transitive dependency exists. The transitive dependency is an
important factor in normalization. A relation is not in 3NF if the value of a non-key attribute can be
obtained by knowing the value of another non-key attribute.

91. Define Modality?

Modality describes relationship as either mandatory or optional. It specifies absolute minimum number of
relationship is called mandatory. The relationship is called optional if minimum number is zero. The
relationship is called mandatory if minimum number is one or more.

92. State the purpose of feasibility study?

Feasibility study is also called preliminary investigation. It is conducted to investigate required database
system. It determines whether the proposed system is affordable, possible, and acceptable. It also involves
the identification and selection of area.

93. Define the term analysis?

A process of studying the existing system is known as analysis. The basic purpose of analysis is to know
which activities are performed in the current system. The analysis also determines what should take place
in the new system.

94. What is meant by file organization?

File organization is a technique for physically arranging records of a file on secondary devices. The
system designer must recognize several constraints to select a file organization.

95. Define normalization?

The process of producing a simpler and more reliable database structure is called normalization. It is used
to create a suitable set of relations for storing data. It identifies and corrects the problems and
complexities of database design.

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