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God Almighty, fount of all wisdom and understanding, you

revealed to us your Son, Jesus in his glory and splendor, making
ourselves in communion with the living mystery of the Holy
Trinity; a reality of faith which our forefathers have safeguarded
and handed over to us.

Grant us the grace to understand fully and maintain

faithfully your son’s divinity, which St. Hilary upheld. May we
have a deeper understanding of this mystery and help us to
profess in its fullness.

O, St. Hilary because of your firm faith, God choose you as

His instrument to lead his flock and to defend the integrity of
faith. Instead of being discouraged by the experience of exile, you
used your time to study and write. Help us to bring good out
suffering and isolation, and see adversity as an opportunity to
learn about and share our faith.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who
lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, God forever and
ever. Amen.



Harani sa katawohan sinugo nin Kagurangnan San Hilario asin

Cirilo madya sa mga nangangaipo. tokdoe kami na mamidbidan

an Dios na samong paglilingkodan.

Verse I:

Kamo na samuyang panalmingan, antabay niamo sa buhay.

Kami dai pabayaan na magluya an pagtubod sa Kagurangnan.


Verse II:

Kamo na samuyang barkada. Suminarig sa mga grasya,

kami nindo pamibian sa nagsugo saindong duwa. (Ref.)

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