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1. It is a type of listening for enjoyment.

A. Critical Listening

B. Listening

C. Appreciative Listening

D. Attentive Listening

Option C


Appreciative listening is the type of listening that is done for enjoyment. It is when we listen to music,
stories, or any form of entertainment that we enjoy. This type of listening is different from other types
of listening such as critical listening, where we listen to evaluate or analyze something, or attentive
listening, where we listen to understand and remember what is being said. Appreciative listening allows
us to simply enjoy the sounds, words, or stories that we are listening to, without the need to analyze or
evaluate them. It is a form of relaxation and enjoyment that can be beneficial for our mental health and

2. It is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process.

A. Listening

B. Selective Listening

C. Attentive Listening

D. Critical Listening

Option A


Effective communication requires both speaking and listening skills. Listening is the ability to accurately
receive and interpret messages in the communication process. It involves not only hearing the words
being spoken but also paying attention to nonverbal cues such as body language and tone of voice.
Selective listening, on the other hand, is when a person only hears what they want to hear or what
aligns with their beliefs. Attentive listening involves being fully present in the moment and giving the
speaker your undivided attention. Finally, critical listening involves analyzing the message being
conveyed and evaluating its credibility and relevance. Out of the given options, option A - Listening, is
the correct answer to the question.

3. It is a form of listening that is usually not mentioned, since it involves analysis, critical thinking and

A. Attentive Listening

B. Listening

C. Selective Listening

D. Critical Listening

Option D


The correct answer is D. Critical Listening. This is a type of listening that involves analyzing and
evaluating the information being presented, as well as making judgments about the validity and
accuracy of the information. It requires a high level of concentration and focus, as well as the ability to
think critically and logically. Critical listening is an important skill in many contexts, including academic
settings, professional environments, and everyday life. By being able to listen critically, we can better
understand the world around us and make more informed decisions.

4. It is a listening technique that filters and summarizes to achieve comprehension.

A. Selective Listening

B. Appreciative Listening

C. Critical Listening

D. Attentive Listening

Option A


The listening technique being described here is selective listening. This technique involves filtering out
irrelevant information and summarizing the important points to better understand the message being
conveyed. It is a useful skill in many situations, such as in meetings, lectures, or conversations where
there may be a lot of information to process. By using selective listening, one can improve their
comprehension and retention of important information. However, it is important to note that selective
listening should not be used to completely ignore or dismiss information that may be relevant or
important in a different context.

5. It is attentively listening to another person. It reduces the chances of a misunderstanding – mutual

understanding leads to more effective communication.

A. Listening

B. Attentive Listening

C. Selective Listening

D. Appreciative Listening

Option B


Attentive Listening is the correct option. It is a practice where the listener is fully focused and present in
the conversation, paying attention to both verbal and nonverbal cues. Attentive listening helps reduce
the chances of misunderstandings, promotes mutual understanding, and leads to more effective
communication. It involves giving the speaker your undivided attention, asking questions for
clarification, and providing feedback to ensure that you have understood their message correctly. By
practicing attentive listening, you can improve your communication skills and build stronger
relationships with others.

6. Listening is poor when

A. we do not expend the effort.

B. we experience message overload

C.we experience psychological noise.

D. All of these are correct.

Option D


Listening is an important skill that is necessary for effective communication. Poor listening can lead to
misunderstandings and missed opportunities. According to the given options, all of the options are
correct when it comes to poor listening. When we do not expend the effort, we may miss important
details or fail to understand the message being conveyed. When we experience message overload, our
attention may be divided and we may miss important parts of the message. Finally, psychological noise
can occur when our thoughts, feelings, or biases interfere with our ability to listen effectively. Therefore,
it is important to be aware of these factors and make a conscious effort to listen actively and attentively.
7. Which is true?

A. Listening and hearing are remarkably similar.

B. It is possible to hear without listening.

C. Listening is physical; hearing is psychological.

D. It is possible to listen without hearing.

Option D


The answer to the question is option D: it is possible to listen without hearing. Listening and hearing are
not the same thing. Hearing refers to the physiological process of sound entering the ear and being
transmitted to the brain, while listening involves paying attention to and actively processing the sounds
that are being heard. It is possible to hear sounds without actually listening to them, such as when
someone is talking to you but you are not paying attention or are distracted. On the other hand, it is
possible to listen without physically hearing, such as when someone is communicating with sign

8. The stages of listening include all BUT

A. attending

B. understanding

C. responding

D. activating

Option B


Effective listening is an important skill that helps individuals to comprehend, retain and respond
appropriately to information. The process of listening involves several stages that must be followed to
achieve effective communication. These stages include attending, interpreting, remembering, evaluating
and responding. Attending refers to the act of focusing one's attention on the speaker and the message
being conveyed. Interpreting involves understanding the message being communicated, while
remembering involves retaining the information received. Evaluating involves critically analyzing the
message received, while responding involves providing feedback to the speaker. It is important to note
that understanding is a critical stage in the process of listening, and it is one of the stages that must be
followed to achieve effective communication.
9. When listening for information, it is wise to

A. make some quick judgments about the speaker, so you are not misled.

B. tie the message and speaker together in your mind.

C. be opportunistic by learning what you can from this speaker, even if you learn what not to do.

D. listen for details rather than the main ideas.

Option C


When listening for information, it is important to be opportunistic by learning what you can from the
speaker, even if you learn what not to do. This means that one should listen actively and attentively to
the speaker, even if they do not necessarily agree with what is being said. By doing so, one can gain a
better understanding of the topic being discussed and potentially learn something new or gain a
different perspective. It is also important to tie the message and speaker together in your mind, so that
you can better remember and apply the information later on. Making quick judgments about the
speaker can potentially lead to being misled, so it is best to focus on the message and evaluate it based
on its content. Therefore, option C is the most appropriate answer.

10. Research cited in your text shows listening to be a significant factor in maintaining

A. marital relationships.

B. family relationships.

C. career success.

D. All of these are correct.

Option D


Research has shown that listening is a crucial element in maintaining healthy relationships, whether it is
in a marital or family context, or in one's career. By actively listening to others, we demonstrate
empathy, understanding, and respect, which can foster deeper connections and greater success in all
areas of life. Additionally, good listening skills can contribute to conflict resolution and effective
problem-solving, making it a valuable skill in any personal or professional setting. Therefore, it is safe to
say that Option D - All of these are correct - is the correct answer to the question posed.

11. This is one of the characteristics of manual library card catalog.

A. Searching allows any word combination.

B. Uses the World Wide Web

C. Guide letters are written on the front of its drawers.

D. Opens a search engine.

Option A


Manual library card catalogs were used before the advent of electronic databases and search engines.
One of the characteristics of a manual library card catalog is that guide letters are written on the front of
its drawers. These guide letters are used to organize the catalog cards alphabetically by author, title, and
subject. This system allows library patrons to browse the catalog and find books of interest. Unlike
electronic databases, manual card catalogs do not allow for keyword searches or any word combination.
Instead, patrons must use the guide letters to navigate the catalog. While card catalogs are no longer in
widespread use, they remain a valuable resource for researchers and historians.

12. OPAC means...

A. On Public Access Counter

B. Online Public Access Catalo

C. Out Person Account Center

D. On Print Access Center

Option B


OPAC stands for Online Public Access Catalog. It refers to an electronic database of materials held by a
library or group of libraries. Users can search for and locate books, journals, videos, and other materials
available for borrowing or use in the library. The OPAC system has replaced traditional card catalogs in
most libraries and provides a more efficient way for users to access information about library materials.

13. A typical manual card catalog has the following information of its sources.

A. Author, Title, Subject

B. Author, Title, Pages

C. Subject, Publication Date, Author

D. Author, Title, Publishing Company

Option A

A typical manual card catalog consists of three main pieces of information: the author's name, the title
of the work, and the subject matter. These three components make it easy for library users to locate
books, journals, and other materials on a specific topic. The author's name helps users to identify works
by a particular writer, while the title of the work provides information about what the piece is about.
Finally, the subject matter is used to categorize the work based on the topics it covers. Using these three
pieces of information, library staff can create a comprehensive catalog of their collection, making it easy
for users to find the materials they need.

14. WWW stands for...

A. World Wide Writer

B. World Wide Web

C. World Wide Window

D. World Wide Work



The acronym "WWW" stands for "World Wide Web". It refers to a system of interconnected hypertext
documents that are accessed through the internet. This system was invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee in
1989 and has since transformed the way we access and share information online. The World Wide Web
has become an integral part of modern life and has opened up countless opportunities for
communication, collaboration, and learning on a global scale.

15. It is a system of interlinked, hypertext documents accessed through the internet.

A. World Wide Web


C. Manual card catalog

D. Search engines

Option A


The correct answer to the given question is option A, which is World Wide Web. The World Wide Web is
a system of interlinked, hypertext documents accessed through the internet. It was invented by Sir Tim
Berners-Lee in 1989 and has revolutionized the way we access and share information. The Web consists
of millions of web pages that are connected by hyperlinks and can be accessed using a web browser. It
has become an essential part of our lives, enabling us to communicate, shop, learn, and entertain

16. It is a program that enables users to locate specific websites of information on the internet.


B. World Wide Web

C. Search engines

D. Keywords

Option C


Search engines are programs that enable users to locate specific websites and information on the
internet. Search engines work by crawling through the vast amount of information available on the
internet and indexing it. Users can then enter keywords or phrases into the search engine and receive a
list of relevant websites and information. Some popular search engines include Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
Search engines have revolutionized the way we access information and have made it much easier to find
the information we need quickly and efficiently.

17. These are the descriptive terms used to find relevant information.

A. Main words

B. Big words

C. Keywords

D. Search words

Option C


Keywords are the descriptive terms used to find relevant information. These are specific words or
phrases that capture the essence of the topic being searched. By using keywords, search engines can
quickly identify and retrieve the most relevant results for the user. It is important to choose the right
keywords to ensure that the search results are accurate and useful. One way to do this is to think about
the main concepts or ideas related to the topic and use those as keywords. Additionally, using synonyms
or related terms can also help to expand the search results and provide a more comprehensive
understanding of the topic.

18. This search engine has become popular because it gives quality search results.
A. Bing

B. Google

C. Ask

D. Excite

Option B


Google has become popular as a search engine because of its ability to provide quality search results. It
is widely used across the globe and has become synonymous with online search. Google's algorithm is
designed to provide users with the most relevant information based on their search queries. The
company has also developed several other products such as Google Maps, Google Drive, and Google
Docs. Google's success can be attributed to its continuous improvement and innovation, as well as its
commitment to providing users with the best possible search experience.

19. The search engine which is the most popular email provider.

A. Excite

B. Google

C. Yahoo

D. Ask

Option C


The most popular email provider among the search engines listed is Yahoo, as indicated by option C.
While all of the search engines listed provide email services, Yahoo has been a popular choice for many
users for several years. It offers free email accounts with a variety of features, such as customizable
themes, spam protection, and integration with other Yahoo services. Additionally, Yahoo Mail has
mobile apps for both iOS and Android devices, making it easy to access your email on the go. Overall,
Yahoo is a reliable and user-friendly email provider that has proven to be a popular choice among
internet users.

20. It has search functionality but the results lack quality.

A. Excite

B. Ask

C. Google
D. Yahoo

Option D


When it comes to search engines, quality of results is of utmost importance. In this case, the statement
mentions that the search functionality exists but the results lack quality. Out of the given options (Excite,
Ask, Google, and Yahoo), the best answer would be option D, Yahoo. While Yahoo was once a popular
search engine, it has struggled to keep up with the advancements made by its competitors in recent
years. As a result, the quality of its search results may not be up to par with other search engines like

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