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We shouldn’t

eat animals or use

animal products for clothing

“Three times a day, I remind myself that I value life and do not
want to cause pain to or kill other living beings.“ That is why I
eat the way I do.” These words said by the famous actress
Natalie Portman have affected thousand of her followers who
eat meat and use animals for clothing. The scandal about
eating animals and being vegan has been going around for
some years now and it looks like it wont end so soon. If you
are a meat eater like me than you probably have a lot of
things to support your argument. Me personally I am a meat
eater and I think we should in fact eat animals.
Lets imagine this situation we have trapped a vegan in a room
with no food for two days and on the third day we deliver
them a cooked animal like a steak for example What do you
think most vegans would do in this situation? If you thought
that they might eat the steak you are correct, because it is
part of our human nature to consume whatever we can to
survive. Every human being does whatever is possible for
their survival. Another thing that I would like to point out is
using animals for clothing, from the start of the human race
we are known to wear clothes from animals. Now I will ask
my readers a question in your daily routine do you think that
the clothes you are wearing right now are made out of
animals? Also did you know that meat and poultry are great
sources of protein. They also provide lots of other nutrients
your body needs, like iodine, iron, zinc, vitamins (especially
B12) and essential fatty acids. So it's a good idea to eat meat
and poultry every week as part of your balanced diet.
Another argument is can we stop every person in the world to
stop slaughtering animals? Of course we cant there will
always be people that will continue that slaughter but lets
imagine this everyone stopped and lived only on foods that
do not contain meat not only will the economy of a country
decrease but it will for the whole world, a lot of businesses
will be shut down and a lot of people will lose their jobs it will
be a true tragedy if that ever happens. On an other point of
view animals will live longer but what happens when they die
they will be useless because the meat wont be fresh and
contain the same vitamins. Also I would like to point out that
humans are the most selfish things on the planet and will do
anything possible to make their self feel good.
So with everything said the conclusion is that killing animals
and =sing animals for clothing is inevitable. I would like to say
to the person reading this that you chose what you would like
to do on this subject you are free to eat meat and you are
free to be vegetarian.
Martin Kinov

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