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Quiz in Personal Development- G-11

I. Write the letter of the correct answer on your paper.

1. “No two individuals are exactly alike means .

a. Twins have the same characteristics
b. You may have the same qualities as your brother, but there are certain things that only you or he can do
c. Because your characteristics are similar to your father’s, you can do what he can exactly do
d. Your mother has fair skin complexion, and so you inherited this physical characteristic
2. The following are elements of self except .
a. Sensations b. emotions c. curiosity d. body
3. Physical attributes and the psychological makeup of a person are due to .
A. Environmental factors B. heredity
a. Only letter A is correct c. Either A or B is correct
b. Only letter B is correct d. Both letters A and B are correct
4. Self-actualization means .
a. Your tendency to do or perform what you are capable of becoming
b. Your ability to understand yourself
c. Your capacity to find solutions to your problems
d. Your point of view about certain situations in life
5. Which is not a characteristic of a self-actualized person?
a. Has a realistic perception of self-actualized person?
b. Open-minded
c. Concerned about helping others
d. Pessimistic
6. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a teenager who is aware of his or her strengths?
a. Shy c. dependable
b. Emotionally mature d. competent
7. By knowing yourself more, you .
a. Can better cope with the demands of life c. may be influenced by your peers
b. Find it more difficult to change your habits d. tend to easily give up
8. By identifying your weaknesses, .
A. You are more equipped with finding solutions to your problems
B. You become more capable of actualizing your potentials to the fullest
C. You can find ways to further improve your personality
a. Only statements A and B are correct. c. All statements are incorrect
b. Either statement B or C is correct. d. All statements are correct.
9. Which statement is not true about becoming more aware of oneself?
a. You become more appreciative of yourself.
b. You value relationships with others.
c. You become dependent to others.
d. You learn that respect to self and others is important.
10. You may further develop your knowledge and skills through .
a. Effective time management c. effective study habits
b. Stress management programs d. all of the above
11. Assessing oneself includes .
A. Identifying your strengths and your weaknesses
B. Finding ways to overcome your weaknesses
a. Only the second statement is correct c. both statements are false
b. The first statement is incorrect d. both statements are correct
12. Which is not true about personal observations about yourself?
a. You need to pause for a while
b. You need to think of how others see you
c. You have to reflect on your thoughts and feelings
d. You should examine the decisions you make
13. Which statement is incorrect about writing your thoughts and feelings in your journal?
a. You can express your worries or concerns in your journal
b. Keeping a journal promotes socialization
c. Writing entries in your journal encourages introspection
d. A journal allows you to release both positive and negative feelings
14. Listening to the feedback of others is important because .
a. It allows you to validate your perception about yourself
b. Their ideas are better than yours
c. You cannot trust your own judgement about yourself
d. It is difficult to describe who you really are
15. Negative criticisms are helpful if you
a. Accept them constructively
b. Consult your guidance counselor or a trusted friend about them
c. Become smart in identifying the validity of such criticism
d. D. all of the above
II. Write in one word that describe your crush if it is true, and SANA ALL if it is false.

1. An urge for independence is felt during this stage.

2. Boys usually start their growth spert earlier than girls. (F)

3. Widening of the hips is caused by the hormone called testosterone. (F)

4. During adolescence, most teenagers gradually seek for their identity. (

5. Release of spermarche among boys indicate sexual maturity. (T)

6. Secondary sex characteristics are physical attributes that distinguish males from females. (

7. Hormones are chemical substances produced by endocrine glands.

8. Estradiol is an estrogen that that is strongly associated with the physical development of girls, such as deepening of
the voice, widening of the shoulders, and increase in height. (F)

9. Obesity is commonly associated with hormonal changes. (T)

10. Physical attractiveness is one major concern among adolescents. (T)

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