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Brain 1. The organ that is responsible for movement, memory and word recognition.

Neuron 2. It is the basic functional unit of the nervous system.

Brain stem, cerebellum and cerebrum 3-5. Three major parts of the brain.

Control functions of involuntary activities/ keep people alive such as breathing, heart rate,
blood pressure, food digestion and feeling thirsty. 6. What is the function/s of the brain stem?

Brain stem 7. What connects the spinal cord and the brain?

Cerebellum 8. The region of the brain that controls voluntary movement.

Cerebrum 9. The largest region of the brain.

what they see and feel. 10. Give one function of the Parietal Lobe.

VISION 11. What is the function of the Occipital Lobe?

Inhalants, Cocaine, Marijuana, Methamphetamine (meth/SHABU), Smoking. 12-16. Substances

or drugs that can damage the brain.

Stroke 17. This is one of the effects of smoking that can block the carotid artery.

Classical music, Being on time, Careful Planning, To consider Alternative, Being Thoughtful,
Monopoly, Scrabble, or Chess.18- 19. Give two personal preferences of a Left- Brain dominant

Reduced resistance to common illnesses (colds, bronchitis, etc.), Suppression of the immune
system, Growth disorders, Increase of abnormally structured cells in the body, Reduction of
male sex hormones, Rapid destruction of lung fibers and lesions (injuries) to the brain could
be permanent ,Reduced sexual capacity, Study difficulties: reduced ability to learn and retain
information, drowsiness, lack of motivation, Personality and mood changes, Inability to
understand things clearly. 20. Give one long term effect of Marijuana.

A fixed mindset students believe their basic abilities, their intelligence, their talents, are just
fixed traits. They have a certain amount and that’s that, and then their goal becomes to look
smart all the time and never look dumb.A growth mindset students understand that their
talents and abilities can be developed through effort, good teaching and persistence. They
don’t necessarily think everyone’s the same or anyone can be Einstein, but they believe
everyone can get smarter if they work at it. 21-25. Differentiate a Fixed mindset and Growth
mindset person.

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