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Management of the

impact of Heat Wave

Corporate Office,
Health, Safety &

Based on NDMA ‘Guidelines for Prevention & HS&E Department

Management of Heat Wave 2019’
Corporate Office
Health, Safety & Environment Department, Corporate Office
Response and effects of heat
wave on human body
➢ Human body tries to maintain a constant internal temperature
around 370C.
➢ When the internal temperature rises, the body attempts to get
rid of excess heat by:
▪ Increasing blood flow to skin
▪ Releasing sweat
➢ Increase blood flow to skin leads to reduced blood flow to
brain causing reduced mental alertness and comprehension.
➢ Reduced blood flow to active muscles causes fatigue and loss
of strength.
Health, Safety & Environment Department, Corporate Office
Health impacts of Heat Waves

➢ Heat Rash: Redness of skin, pain, blisters on skin accompanied with

mild fever and headaches.

➢ Heat Cramps: Ederna (swelling) and Syncope (Fainting) generally

accompanied by fever below 390C i.e.1020F.

➢ Heat Exhaustion: Fatigue, weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea,

vomiting, muscle cramps and sweating.

➢ Heat Stroke: Body temperatures of 400C i.e. 1040F or more along with
delirium, seizures or coma.
Health, Safety & Environment Department, Corporate Office
Measure-1 - to minimise the impact on
human body during a heat wave

Look for local weather forecast to know if a Avoid going out in the sun, especially
heat wave is on the way between 12.00 noon and 3.00 PM

Health, Safety & Environment Department, Corporate Office

Measure-2 - to minimise the impact on
human body during a heat wave
If you work outside, use a hat or an umbrella
If possible, increase the frequency and
and also use a damp cloth on your head,
length of rest breaks for outdoor activities
neck, face and limbs

Health, Safety & Environment Department, Corporate Office

Measure-3 - to minimise the impact on
human body during a heat wave
Avoid strenuous activities when the
Provide cool drinking water near work
outside temperature is high. If possible,
place. Provide rest spaces with ventilation
schedule strenuous jobs to cooler times
or cooling arrangement
of the day

Health, Safety & Environment Department, Corporate Office

Measure-4 - to minimise the impact on
human body during a heat wave
Drink sufficient water and as often as
While travelling, carry water with you
possible, even if not thirsty

Health, Safety & Environment Department, Corporate Office

Measure-5 - to minimise the impact on
human body during a heat wave
Use ORS, homemade drinks like lassi, torani Keep workplace cool, use curtains,
(rice water), lemon water, buttermilk, etc. shutters or sunshade and open windows
which helps to re-hydrate the body for air changes

Health, Safety & Environment Department, Corporate Office

Measure-6 - to minimise the impact on
human body during a heat wave
Wear lightweight, light-coloured, loose, Display heat alert messages at
and porous cotton clothes. Use protective workplace in Hindi, English and local
goggles, umbrella/ hat while in sun language.

Health, Safety & Environment Department, Corporate Office

Measure-7- to minimise the impact on
human body during a heat wave
Avoid alcohol, tea, coffee and carbonated If you feel faint or ill, see a doctor/ first-
soft drinks, which dehydrates the body aider at your location immediately

Health, Safety & Environment Department, Corporate Office

Management of Heat Rash

Symptoms: Skin redness and pain, possible swelling,

blisters, fever and headaches.

First-aid: Make the victim take a shower using soap to

remove oils that may block pores preventing the body from
cooling naturally. If blisters occur, apply dry, sterile dressings
and seek medical attention.

Health, Safety & Environment Department, Corporate Office

Management of Heat Cramp

Symptoms: Painful cramps usually in leg and abdominal

muscles or extremities. Heavy sweating.

First-aid: Move to cool or shaded place. Apply firm pressure

on cramping muscles or gentle massage to relieve pain. Give
sips of water. If nausea occurs, discontinue.

Health, Safety & Environment Department, Corporate Office

Management of Heat Exhaustion

Symptoms: Heavy sweating, weakness, skin cold, pale,

headache and clammy. Weak pulse. Normal temperature
possible. Fainting, vomiting.

First-aid: Get victim to lie down in a cool place. Loosen

clothing. Apply cool, wet cloth. Fan or move victim to air-
conditioned place. Give sips of water slowly and if nausea
occurs, discontinue. If vomiting occurs, seek immediate
medical attention, call 108 and 102 for ambulance.

Health, Safety & Environment Department, Corporate Office

Management of Heat Stroke
Symptoms: High body temperature (>=1040F). Hot, dry skin.
Rapid, strong pulse. Possible unconsciousness. Victim will
likely not sweat.

First-aid: Heat stroke is a severe medical emergency. Call

108 and 102 for Ambulance for emergency medical services
or take the victim to a hospital immediately. Delay can be
fatal. Move victim to a cooler environment. Try a cool bath or
sponging to reduce body temperature. Remove clothing. Use
fans and/ or air conditioners.
DO NOT GIVE FLUIDS ORALLY if the person is not
Health, Safety & Environment Department, Corporate Office
Thank you

Heat wave can be fatal….

but by taking the measures for
prevention and management of heat
wave, the situation can be avoided.

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Health, Safety & Environment Department, Corporate Office

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