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Topic: Chapter 3 Interpreting and Representing Data

Prior Knowledge:
 Know how to find Mean, Mode, Median and Range from a data set.
 Ability to read data from a table. e.g. Train Timetable.
 Familiarity with plotting and coordinate axes

What we will be learning: Red Amber Green Hegarty Tasks Date Reviewed
Stem and Leaf Diagrams 430, 431, 432, 433
Pie Charts 427, 428, 429
Frequency Polygons 441
Time Series 450, 451, 452
Scatter Graphs 453, 454
Line of Best Fit 454
Averages and Range 404, 405, 406, 407, 408,
409, 410, 411, 417, 418,
419, 420, 421
Two-way Tables 422, 423, 424

Key words:

Where it leads:

Real-life graphs, Sampling, Cumulative Frequency, Box Plots, Histograms

Diagrams provide a quick way of comparing data quickly and easily. Scientist can use trends to predict the future
and changes in patterns. Data can also help identify if there is a connection between two sets of data. You can also
use the line of best to predict variables. Recognising misleading graphs can help you avoid being conned by
misleading diagrams or adverts.

Assessment Score:

Summary of assessment and what I need to focus on:

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