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Form A • Test

Unit 4
Name: Date:

1. Vocabulary
A Match the words to make the names of places.
1. video a. rink
2. soccer b. station
3. subway c. alley
4. bowling d. field
5. skating e. lot
6. parking f. arcade
12 (2 points each)

B Look at the map. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

across from next to drugstore

between on department store bus stop

in front of

1. The department store is

Jefferson Street

the drugstore and the bank. $

2. The bus stop is the mall.

Center Avenue
3. The music store is Bob’s
Restaurant. music store

4. Bob’s Restaurant is
Center Avenue.
5. The park is the bank.

10 (2 points each)

C Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

bored hungry thirsty tired

1. I’m . Let’s play soccer.

2. I’m . Let’s sit down.
3. I’m . Let’s have sodas.
8 (2 points each)
4. I’m . Let’s have dinner.
Subtotal: ___ out of 30

© Cambridge University Press 2015 Photocopiable Connect 1 Unit 4 1

Form A • Test

2. Language focus
A Write questions.
Example: (you / 13) Are you 13?
1. (Laura / from the United States)
2. (you / a baseball fan)
3. (Nicole and Tyler / at the candy store)
4. (Matt / a student at your school)
5. (your little sister / still at home)
6. (the drugstore / on Lake Avenue)

12 (2 points each)

B Match the questions in Exercise A to these answers.

Example: a a. No, I’m not. I’m 14.
1. b. No, she’s not. She’s at school.
2. c. Yes, he is. He’s my science partner.
3. d. Yes, she is. She’s from New York.
4. e. No, it’s not. It’s on Washington Street.
5. f. No, they’re not. They’re at the bookstore.
6. g. Yes, I am. It’s my favorite sport.
12 (2 points each)

C Complete the suggestions with have, go, play, or sit.

1. to the park.
2. down at a café.
3. Let’s a video game.
4. Let’s a sandwich.
5. to a music store.
6. Let’s tennis.
6 (1 point each)
Subtotal: ___ out of 30

© Cambridge University Press 2015 Photocopiable Connect 1 Unit 4 2

Form A • Test

3. Reading
A These people write suggestions about their favorite places. Read the messages.

Around your town: Favorite places and fun activities

Hi. I’m Marta. I’m from Rio in Brazil. The beach is great here. It’s hot, and
sometimes it’s very crowded. Sit down under a beach umbrella. Watch the
boys and girls play soccer. They’re good!

Hello. My name is Christopher. I’m from Toronto, Canada. My favorite place

is an Internet café on Avenue Road. It’s a bookstore, too. Go with your
friends after school. Have a soda or a sandwich. Look at the books.

Hi. I’m Lucy. I’m from Paris, France. The mall is across from my school.
It’s my favorite place. Go shopping. Go to a movie theater. Have lunch at a
restaurant. Look at the people. It’s fun!

Read the sentences. Check (3) T (true) or F (false).
1. The beach in Rio is not very crowded.
2. The soccer players on the beach are good.
3. Christopher is not from Canada.
4. Christopher’s favorite place is a café.
5. Lucy’s favorite place is next to her school. 20 (4 points each)

4. Writing
A Complete the information.
1. Your name
2. City / Country
3. Your favorite place
4. Activities at this place

B Write suggestions about your favorite place. Use the information in Part A.
Hi, I’m .

Subtotal: ___ out of 40
Test Total: ___ out of 100

© Cambridge University Press 2015 Photocopiable Connect 1 Unit 4 3

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