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Name : Zafar Arif

Enrollment 4-4/2020/100

Title, Objective, Target Population, Inclusion/Exclusion, Sampling Method of the Article:

Title: Serious Inadequacies in High Alert Medication-Related Knowledge Among Pakistani Nurses: Findings of a Large,
Multicenter, Cross-sectional Survey
Objective: To assess the knowledge of high-alert medication (HAM) administration and regulation among registered
nurses in Pakistan, and to identify the barriers they encounter during HAM administration.
Target Population: Registered nurses working in emergency rooms, intensive care units, dialysis units, cardiac wards,
pediatric wards, medical wards, obstetrics and gynecology wards, surgical wards, operation theatres, and labor rooms of
public sector hospitals in four metropolitan divisions of Punjab province, Pakistan.
Inclusion Criteria:
 Registered under the Pakistan Nursing Council
 Currently providing services in the listed departments
 Working in public sector hospitals
Exclusion Criteria:
 Nursing students
 Nurses working in the private sector
 Nurses working in departments other than those listed
Sampling Method: Convenient sampling. Trained investigators approached nursing staff in the selected hospitals and
invited them to participate.

My Perspective on the Sampling Method:

While convenient sampling is efficient and cost-effective, it may not be representative of the entire population of nurses in
Pakistan. This is because the sample is not randomly selected, and nurses who are more readily available or more willing
to participate are more likely to be included.
A more representative sampling method, such as stratified random sampling or multistage sampling, could have been used
to ensure that the sample reflects the diversity of the target population in terms of factors such as age, experience, and
hospital type. However, these methods can be more time-consuming and expensive to implement.

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