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Social Bullying is a Crime

Samantha Myls T. Rinos 10 Nobel

How would your friend feel if she knew you were talking behind her back? By
simply gossiping or damaging someone’s reputation You. yourself are now becoming
a bully, not just any bully but a social bully. In order to fully comprehend the word
social bullying, one must understand that the definition goes into more depth than
saying that, "kids are just being kids" or “they are just messing with you” With how
rapidly our world is evolving, social bullying will not simply go away. Social bullying is
being deliberate, repetitive, and engaging in aggressive social behavior with the
intent to harm other. What seems like fun and harmless for some students, is painful
and degrading to others that can be very hard and stressful for some people,
especially to the victim themselves. We've all seen it happen, and many of us have
experienced it. No one here enjoys it. Bullies are criminals who steal self-esteem and
occasionally leads to victims taking their own life before they even fully begin.
despite claims that they are just foolish children. In this essay we will tackle what is
social bullying and discuss what are the effects of this issue to the victims.

Bullying is a crime, because of the serious side effects it can have to the
victim such as Depression, anxiety, social isolation, and low self-esteem are
common problems among victims. Once a person loses their sense of self-worth,
they may experience mental and physical difficulties, Due to intense emotional and
societal pressures, not being able to focus on work or academics which can lead to
dropping out of school or even commit suicide. This can lead to traumatic events for
students and adults, some adults claim to recall their days of misery at the hands of
a class bully even though this was just fun and games this had a huge impact on the
16 percent of all students reported being the subject of rumors (According to
the U.S. Department of Education’s national survey of student safety in secondary
schools). Studies have identified symptoms of depression and conduct problems as
risk factors for suicidal behavior among some youth involved in social bullying. If we
cannot prevent this issue, bullying can result trauma. Even though it does not
frequently occur, it has happened. some adults claim to recall their days of misery at
the hands of a class bully even though this was just fun and games this had a huge
impact on the victims. mental health effects of being bullied can be serious and last a
lifetime. According to one study, bullying can be just as harmful to one's mental
health as child abuse, if not more so.

People often think that bullies don’t know what they are doing or they are just
having fun when in fact they really know what they are doing and what’s happening
to their victim. they often do this to gain power, to seek attention or even experienced
being bullied themselves. Bullying is abuse, some people might say it’s a common
thing and people just grow out of it, when in fact bullying is more than that. We
should raise awareness and teach people that social bullying shouldn't be
normalized, we should build a friendly and healthy environment and put an end to
social bullying by educating people we are taking steps that would make a big
difference in our society.

Submitted to:

Sherry Mae O. Somooc

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