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Writting Evaluation Process 2

When I moved to Lima, it was

somewhat difficult for me, since I
When I move to Lima in 2016 lived in the province and the school
teachings were different, but little
by little I was adapting
It was a difficult thing to assimilate,
When I found out that my biological
but in one way or another I had to
dad was going to jail
accept it.
I remember this episode was so
hard for me, because it was a day
When my grandmother died
after my birthday and I appreciated
her very much.

In 2016 I moved to Lima, because my mom had married my stepfather, but

it was difficult for me, because in the province it was another type of study,
the good thing was that I adapted too quickly to the method of study in
Lima, but still I still miss my life in Trujillo.

In 2019 I found out that my dad had gone to jail, obviously I got angry with
my mom because he had been hiding it from me for several years, and I
always believed that my dad tried to avoid me, but when my mom told me
that he was in jail, it made me very sad, and I felt my disappointment, but
little by little I had to accept his mistakes, the good thing is that he isn’t
longer in jail, but he still forgets about me.

In 2014 I was returning from my school, and my uncle began to ask me

questions about death, until he touched on the subject of my grandmother,
it seemed strange at first, I did not suspect anything, but when I got home,
my mother gave me the news that my grandmother had passed away, I
remember that I started crying super ugly, the next day I didn't want to go
to school, but I still went because my mom forced me, I felt very bad for a
few days since I appreciated her quite a bit, but then I understood that she
was already bad and that at some point he was going to die.

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