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The Night the Aliens Came

It was a dark snowy night when the aliens came. It was December 24th on Christmas eve
at 11:00 pm when I heard something. I could not quite make out what the sound was because I
was half-asleep at the moment of the occurrence. It was distinct, and I had never heard of it
before. It was like an odd swooshing noise. At first, I thought nothing of it. That was until I saw a
floating Christmas tree. Once I noticed it, I did what any average person would do and peeked
out to see what it was. The next thing I saw petrified me. The gigantic UFO left me in shock. I sat
there, gazing at it. I tried to scream, both stunned and scared, but nothing came out. After a few
seconds, thoughts came rushing into my head. UFOs are real? What is it doing here? Why is it
even here? Before I got the answers, the UFO pulled the tree into it and flew away.

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