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LEARNING PACKAGE -WEEK 28- March 15-20, 2021


Name: ____________________________________________ Date Received: __________________

Subject: ENTREPRENEURSHIP__________________________ Teacher’s Signature: ______________

Standards: The learner...

Content: recognizes the essence of the business implementation
Performance: independently or with his/her classmates starts and operates a business according to the business plan and
presents a terminal report of its operation
Formation: demonstrates a practice of being organized in doing business.
Learning Outcome/Objectives
● identifies the reasons for keeping business records MELC

● applies the concepts of financial statements

● demonstrates knowledge in income statement analysis

● Instill the value of thrift and savings to develop a community of saver
21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking Skills and Communication

Note: Please use a separate sheet for your answers in the activities. Make sure to indicate the day, the number and title of
activity. Place the answer sheet at the last page and staple properly to avoid loss.

This week, you will understand the process of problem solving, the financial statement chart and the income statement
analysis on how the entrepreneur will convey the financial performance.
DAY 1:This day you will learn the financial statement as the basis of the performance of the company.
Core content: Knowing Financial Statement
Explore Activity No.1: Problem-Solving
Directions: Analyze the diagram and write the connections of the two aspects.

Entrepreneur Business Records

Financial statements are written records that convey the business activities and the financial performance of a
company. Financial statements are often audited by government agencies, accountants, firms, etc. to ensure accuracy and
for tax, financing, or investing purposes. Financial statements include: Balance sheet, Income Statement and Cash Flow
Statement. Financial statements are written records that convey the business activities and the financial performance of a
company. Balance sheet provides an overview of assets, liabilities, and stockholders' equity as a snapshot in time. The
income statement primarily focuses on a company’s revenues and expenses during a particular period. Once expenses are
subtracted from revenues, the statement produces a company's profit figure called net income. The cash flow statement
(CFS) measures how well a company generates cash to pay its debt obligations, fund its operating expenses, and fund
Activity No.2: Financial Statement Chart
Directions: Describe the three kinds of Financial Statements in the entrepreneurial process.
Balance Sheet Income Statement Cash Flow Statement

Closure: Financial statement is to convey the performance of a company.

DAY 2: You have gained knowledge already about financial statements. For this time, you will apply Income Statement Analysis.
Core content: Income Statement Analysis
Firm-Up/Deepen -Income Statement Analysis
The top line of the income statement is sales .One can compare the Sales figures of an enterprise over the years to see
whether it is growing or not. This comparative analysis over several years (or months) is called a time series analysis or a
horizontal analysis (since the Sales figures are usually put along a horizontal plane in a piece of paper. Entrepreneurs
would be very interested to know the percentage indicating whether the costs of producing the products or delivering the
service is becoming higher or perhaps, the selling price of the product is declining. Below the Gross Profit is the line-up of
Operating Expenses, also known as Selling, General and Administrative (SGA) Expenses. The various expense items that
are not directly part of the costs involved in making the product or delivering the service are not included here. The
typical Operating Expense accounts are as follows: Salaries and Wages, Sales Commissions, Rentals or Office Leases,
Advertising and Promotions, Professional Fees, Travel and Transportation, Training and Education, Employees’ Benefits,
Light, Water and Power, Office Supplies, Depreciation of Office Furniture, Equipment and Leasehold Improvements,
Representation Expenses and Miscellaneous or Other Expenses.
Activity No.1: Case Analysis
Directions: Read the situation carefully and provide what is being asked.
Mr. Robert Luz is an entrepreneur who earns a gross income of 100,000 a month in his Electronics business. Below are
the expenses he incurred for that month:
Rental: 8,000 Professional Fee: 15,000 Employee’s Benefits: 12,000 Sales Commission: 9,000
Office Supplies: 4,000 Advertising:10,000
Based upon on the given data, analyze the income statement and make a computation if the company gained profit or
not by following the formula: Gross Income- Operating Expenses=Net Profit
Closure: Income statement analysis is to compare the figures and to growing up..
DAY 3: You learned already how to analyze income. Today, you are going to make an analysis in the Balance Sheet.
Core content: Balance Sheet
The balance sheets are logically arranged by the accountant for convenient analysis. Looking at the Asset side, the
different accounts are presented to their relative liquidity or convertibility to Cash. Of course, the number of one item is
Cash itself. This is followed by Marketable Securities, if there’s any, like bonds, money market placements and corporate
shares that can be sold in the stock market. Next comes Accounts Receivables, which are normally collectible within the
month or within a couple of months. Inventories follow.
Current assets are those convertible to Cash within a relatively short period of time. The next group of accounts is Fixed
Assets, led by land, which is the most saleable among them. The last group is composed of Other assets, usually
intangible, such as Organizational Development Expenses which are Enterprise creation expenses.
Activity No1: Building Assets!
Directions: Give at least three examples of assets in each column.
Current Assets Fixed Assets Other Assets

Closure: Balance is to logically arrange the presented account of liquidity or convertibility to cash..
Note: If you have questions just contact this number 09438063898 or chat as messenger or facebook Ley Ester Aro, Jovy
Osabel 09974473857 , Glenford Jay Degamo 09499356155 , Illery Pahugot 09179516683 , Raphael Chiong
Resources Materials:Entrepreneurship (Dr. Eduardo A. Morato, Jr.)

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