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Three core recommendations stand out from the social media listening analysis for Burberry.

Each recommendation is underpinned by relevant marketing theories, ensuring a strategic

approach that aligns with consumer behaviours and expectations in the luxury fashion sector.
First, leverage the principles of social proof and reciprocity to amplify its digital engagement
strategies. To build trust and community, Burberry can showcase customer reviews, influencer
partnerships, and user-generated content across social media platforms. Plus, it could offer
exclusive content, early access to sales or special rewards to active social media followers to
keep them engaged and loyal. The principle of social proof suggests that people look to the
behaviour and preferences of others to guide their own decisions. By showing off positive
customer experiences and influencer endorsements, Burberry can make its brand more appealing.
The principle of reciprocity states that people are compelled to return favours or concessions.
Offering exclusive rewards can create a sense of mutual benefit and deepen customer-brand

Secondly, they must integrate and communicate sustainability efforts to align with the Theory of
Planned Behavior — meaning their initiatives are good on paper and work. This involves
implementing environmentally friendly practices across the supply chain while engaging
consumers through campaigns that educate them about sustainable consumer behaviour. By
doing this, Burberry will establish itself as a leader in sustainability within the luxury fashion
industry, gaining appeal along the way. The Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1991) says that
an individual's behaviour is directly influenced by their intention to perform the behaviour —
which is in turn influenced by their attitude towards it, subjective norms and perceived
behavioural control. By actively promoting its sustainability initiatives, it can influence
consumers' attitudes towards sustainable fashion, encouraging choices that benefit everyone.

Lastly, there is inclusivity — Burberry should ensure its branding reflects diverse cultures and
body types to address this growing demand. Communicate this strategy through inclusive
marketing campaigns, product diversity, and fostering a brand identity that resonates with a
broader audience. Social Identity Theory posits that individuals derive part of their self-concept
from their membership in social groups, including those defined by brand affiliations. By
promoting inclusivity, Burberry can appeal to a broader range of social identities, encouraging
individuals from diverse backgrounds to see Burberry as a brand that represents and welcomes
them. This can enhance customer loyalty and brand advocacy, as consumers are more likely to
support brands that reflect their values and identities. These recommendations align with current
consumer expectations and leverage psychological insights to foster deeper connections with its

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