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Write an essay that answers the following questions. It must have at least 300 words. Submit
your assignment on Monday during our class. It can be handwritten or encoded .

1. Among the different art forms, which would you like to explore and why? (30 points)
The two different art forms that I would like to explore are film and architecture. In film, I
want to learn more about the industry, including its context, movements, and amazing shots
from every angle of the camera, as well as the acting of actors and actresses. Exploring the
film world is one of my dreams; it's fascinating to see how directors twist a storyline,
cameramen capture amazing shots, and actors and actresses create memorable scenes. I'm
intrigued by the stunts used in each film scene and what shots or directions are possible in
creating a cinematic context.
In addition to film, another art form I want to explore is architecture. It's not just because I am
an engineering student, but I have a genuine interest in understanding how machines were
designed in the 1970s, or how tall structures like pyramids and colosseums were built. I want
to delve into the structures of every statue and learn about the ideas, components, secrets, and
stories behind these architectural marvels. Understanding how these structures were built
properly and evolved through the centuries makes exploring these art forms enjoyable.

2. Recall a movie, a song, a photo, or any object that has sentimental value to you. Narrate
your memorable experience with it. (30 points).
The movie '3 Idiots' holds significant sentimental value for me. Watching this film made me
realize the importance of learning and loving my chosen course. During my third year of college,
it was a challenging period in my academic career, primarily due to the difficulty of major
subjects. I found myself questioning why I pursued this course, considering it wasn't my initial
choice; I ended up here because I wasn't accepted into the civil department.
In the middle of the second semester of my third year, I reached a point where I believed my
subjects wouldn't pass because my motivation to pursue my course had dwindled. Seeking a
boost, I decided to watch '3 Idiots,' as some of our seniors had recommended it as motivation.
The movie provided me with laughter, sadness, and the motivation to rediscover my passion for
mechanical engineering. It made me realize that it's never too late to develop a passion for your
Rancho's character taught me not to pressure myself into pursuing a course I'm uncertain about.
The movie conveyed the message that all our efforts and struggles will be rewarded if we stay
determined. If you find yourself uncertain about your chosen course and have another field,
you're passionate about, pursue the course you genuinely like. Don't let others dictate your career
decisions; instead, demonstrate your enthusiasm for what you do and make choices based on
your passion.

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