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Anchor Bolt Design for Fixed Base Connec6on

Input data: Code: IS:800-2007)

Column Mkd: MAIN COLUMNS 500x300x10
Anchor Bolt Details: M24 Gr350mpa
Dia of anchor bolt,d= 24 mm
Total nos. of anchor bolt= 24 mm
Gross area of bolt, Asb= 452.16 mm2
Net area of the bolt, Anb= 361.728 mm2 IS1367 PART 3 TABLE 7
UlRmate tensile strength of bolt, fub= 400 Mpa
yield stress of the bolt, fyb= 350 Mpa
Base Plate details:
UlRmate tensile strength of a plate, fu= 490 Mpa Modulas 0.002622 m3
yield stress of the plate, fv= 330 Mpa PlasRc capacity 822 knm
Thickness of plate 50 mm F
Grade of concrete M30
Bearing sterngth of concrete, fc= 18 Mpa
Column Sec6on: 500 x 10 H
(Web Depth) (Web Thickness)
300 x 10
(Flange Width) (Flange Thickness) a (Outstanding to Bolt) a
Provide Base plate size as:
Length of base plate, L= 850 mm Tb Tb
Width of the base plate, W= 550 mm
CanRver along length beyond the bolt line, a= 50 mm
CanRver along length beyond the bolt line, b= 65 mm

CriRcal Load combinaRon: (As per Etabs)

Load Comb: shear(KN), H VeRcal(KN),F (compressive) Moment Mu (x,y) Loads from Etabs
1.2Mp 112 750 986.4
1.2V "+ve"

k 202.905013958976 K = Mu÷(6×707^2)+2*(607^2)+2*(507^2)+(2×407^2)+2×(307^2)+2*(200^2)+2*(100^2)
Maximum Tension force in each bolt, Tb= 142.033509771283 KN
Maximum Shear force in each bolt,Vsb= 4.66666666666667 KN
Shear Check

Factored shear force in bolt, 'Vsb' ≤ Shear design strength of the bolt, 'Vdsb'

Factored shear forec in bolt, 'Vsb'= 4.66666666666667 KN

Shear design strength of the bolt, Vdsb= Vnsb/Ymb nn= 1

where, Vnsb= fub/3^2(nn Anb+ns Asb)= 83537.50326937 N ns= 0 Cl: 10.3.3 : IS-800:2007
83.53750326937 kN Ymb= 1.25
hence, Vdsb= 66.830002615496 kN

Tensile Check
Washer plate dimension to resist tension at bolt end 80x80 20mm thk
Bearing capacity of washer plate at bolt end against concrete 115.2 kN Area of pl X 0.6Fck/1.1
Factored Tensile force in bolt, 'Tb' ≤ Tensile strength of the bolt, 'Tdb'

Factored tensile forec in bolt, 'Tb'= 142.033509771283 kN

Tensile strength of the bolt, 'Tdb'= Tnb/Ymb
where, Tnb= 0.9*fub*An < fyb*Asb*(Ymb/Ymo)

Now, 0.9*fub*An = 130222.08 N

130.22208 kN
fyb*Asb*(Ymb/Ymo)= 179836.363636364 N Ymb= 1.25
179.836363636364 kN Ymo= 1.1
considering minimum of two, so adopt, Tnb= 179.836363636364
therfore, Tdb= 143.869090909091

Combined Shear and Tension Check: (Also known as unity check)

(Vsb/Vdb)^2+(Tb/Tdb)^2 = 0.979521481651544≤ 1 Hence ok

Calcula6on of Anchor Bolt length:

Pullout resisted by 80x80 plate washer 115.2
Bond strength in LSM for plain bars I tension, Ϩbd= 1.4 N/mm2 Anchor length provided 700
Anchor Length required=Tb/(3.14*d*Ϩbd)= 254.336421095721 mm

Calcula6on of Base Plate:

(A) Under Downward force:
Bearing Pressure under base plate:

w= P/A= 0 < 0.6 fck N/mm2 (OK)

Thickness of base plate:
thickness of base plate due to downward force, ts= sqrt (2.5*w*(a^2-0.3b^2) Ymo/fv)
w= 0 N/mm2
a= 50 Ymo= 1.1
b= 65 fv= 330
ts= 0

(B) Under upliR force: b= W/2

b= W/2= 275 mm
Z= 1/6*b*t^2
Yield stress of plate,
fv= 330 N/mm2

fv=M/z where, M= Tb.e
Tb= 284.067019542566 KN
M=Tb*e= 14203350.9771283 N-mm
design stress in plate, fd=1.2*fv/1.1 360
hence, Z=M/fd 39453.7527142453

ts=(6*z/b)^0.5 29.3395492489061

Base plate thickness, ts=max of A & B= 29.3395492489061 mm


▶ Input Data:

Geometrical Data:

• d ( Column Web Depth ) = 500 mm

• bƒ ( Column Flange Width ) = 300 mm
• N ( Base Plate Length ) = 850 mm
• B ( Base Plate Width ) = 550 mm
• t ( Assumed Base Plate Thickness ) = 50 mm
• X ( Bolt to Flange Centre Distance ) = 50 mm
• X1 ( Bolt Edge Distance ) = 50 mm
Structural Data:
• P ( Max. Compression ReacRon ) = 750 Kn
• M ( Max. Applied Moment ) = 986.40 Kn.m
• ƒ'c ( Concrete Compressive Strength ) = 3.07 Kn/Cm2
• F y ( Base Plate Yield Stress ) = 36.50 Kn/Cm2

▶ Check Eccentricity:
• ƒp(max) ( Concrete Bearing Strenght ) = 1.04 Kn/Cm2
ƒp(max) = 0.85 ƒ'c / Ωc (Ωc = 2.5), As per ACI 318-02
• qmax ( Max. Bearing Pressure ) = 57.41 Kn/Cm Large Eccentricity Case
qmax = ƒp(max) x B
• ecrit ( CriRcal Eccentricity Value ) = 35.97 Cm
ecrit = N/2 - P/2qmax
• e ( Actual Eccentricity Value ) = M / P = 131.52 Cm

e > ecrit , Large Eccentricity Case

There is Tendency To Overturn.
Anchor Rods are Required for Moment Equilibrium.

▶ Compute Y & T :
• f= 37.50 Cm f= N/2-X1 OK Small Eccentricity Case
Real SoluRon for Y Exists When e > ecrit.
• Y= 35.46 Cm Y = ( N - 2e ), When e ≤ ecrit.
Y = ( f + N/2 ) - [( f + N/2 )² - 2P(e +f ) / qmax] ^ ½ , When e > ecrit.
• T= 1285.73 Kn T (in the plate) = qmax * Y - P , When e > ecrit.

▶ Check Bearing Pressure :

• F p (Actual Compression Stress)

= Kn/Cm2 Fp = P/(Y*B) , When e ≤ ecrit.
Fp = ƒp(max) , When e > ecrit.
OK, ≤ ƒp(max)

▶ Determine Plate Thk:

a) Base Plate Yeilding Limit at Bearing Interface:
• m= 18.75 Cm m = ( N - 0.95 d ) / 2
• n= 15.50 Cm n = ( B - 0.8 bƒ ) / 2
• n' = 9.68 Cm n' = (d x bƒ)½ /4 ,Yield Line Theory CanRlever Distance from Col. Web or Col. Flange.
• Ɩ= 18.75 Cm Ɩ (CriRcal Base Plate CanRlever Dimension) = The Larger of m , n , n'

• t req. 1 = 47 mm t req. 1 = Ɩ x SQRT(2*Ωs*F p/F y ). , When Y ≥ Ɩ .

t req. 1 = SQRT(4*Ωs*F p*Y*(Ɩ- Y/2)/F y). When Y < Ɩ .

b) Base Plate Yeilding Limit at Tension Interface:

• The Tension Force T in The Anchor Rods Will Cause Bending in The Base Plate.
• CanRlever AcRon is ConservaRvely assumed With The Span Length Equals to X.
• Mpl = 116.88 Kn.Cm / Cm Mpl (Plate Bending Moment Per Unit Width) = T*X/B , When e > ecrit.

• t req. 2 = 46 mm t req. 2 = SQRT(4*Ωs*Mpl/F y). (Ωs = 1.67) , When e > ecrit .

• t req. = 47 mm (Minimum Required Base Plate Thickness) = The Larger of treq.1 & treq.2
OK, ≤ t
Use 50mm

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