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The purpose of KBC Quiz APP is to automatize the prevailing manual system by the
assistance of processed equipment’s and full-fledged laptop code, fulfilling their needs,
so their valuable data/information are often keep for an extended amount with simple
accessing and manipulation of identical. The required code and Hardware area unit
simply on the market and simple to figure with KBC Quiz System, as delineated higher
than, will cause error free, secure, reliable, Single page application and quick
management system.

It will assist the user to think about their different activities rather to think about the
record keeping. Therefore, it'll facilitate organization within the higher utilization of
resources. The organization will maintain processed records while not redundant
entries. Meaning that one needn't be distracted by info that's not relevant, whereas
having the ability to achieve the knowledge.

The aim is to automatize its existing manual system by the assistance of processed
equipment’s and full-fledged laptop code, fulfilling their needs, so their valuable
data/information are often keep for an extended amount with simple accessing and
manipulation of identical. Primarily the Project describes a way to manage permanently
performance and higher services for the purchasers


1. Introduction of KBC Quiz APP:

The “KBC Quiz App” has been developed to override to provide the problem prevailing in the
practicing manual system. The software is supported to eliminate and, in some cases, reduce
the hardship faced by the existing system. Moreover, this system is designed for the need of
the company to carry out operation in a smooth and effective manner.

The KBC Quiz APP is an attractive quiz game inspired by the popular Indian television game
show. It brings the excitement and thrill of the show to your fingertips, allowing user to their
knowledge, compete with friends, and win virtual prizes.

The application is reduced as much as possible to avoid errors while entering the data. It also
provides error message while entering invalid data. No formal knowledge is needed for the
user this system. Thus, by this all it provides it is user-friendly.

KBC Quiz APP, as describe above can lead to error free, secure, reliable fast and single
application use interface management system. It can assist the user to concentrate on their other
activities rather to concentrate on the record keeping. Thus, it will help organization n better
utilization of the resources.

Every organization, whether big or small, has challenge to overcome and managing the
information of answers, questions, participants, level, points, every KBC Quiz App has
different question needs, therefore we designed exclusive employee management system that
are adapted to your managerial requirements. This is designed to assist in strategic planning,
and will help you ensure that your organization is equipped with the right level of information
and details for your future goals. Also, for those busy executives who are always on the go, our
system come with remote access features, which will allow you to manage your workforce
anytime, at all times. This system will ultimately allow you to better manage resources.

Advantages of KBC Quiz APP:

• Extremely quick
• Works okay for graphical user interface programming on a laptop.
• Good language to put in writing in operating systems, drivers, and platform dependent
• Good language to be told the program.
• Good language for engineers.

Disadvantages of KBC Quiz APP:

• Although its platform freelances, it's largely used for platform specific applications.
• A library set is typically chosen that locks you into one platform or OS.
• Overly advanced for terribly giant high-level programs.
• Overly advanced and tough to right once used for internet applications. Marketable
skill's area unit low level programming, merchandiser software package, and video
games, creating it tough to seek out jobs unless you have got area unit terribly advanced
during a place.

Why KBC Quiz Game App:

Developing KBC Quiz Game App can be a compelling project for several reasons:

1. Popularity: KBC is one of the most popular ans iconic television game show in India.
It has a massive fan following and have been running successfully for many tears.
2. Engagement: KBC is known for its engaging and interactive format that challenge
contestants with a series of multiple-choice question.
3. Educational Value: the question features in KBC cover a wide range of topics,
including general knowledge, current affairs, history science and more.
4. Competition: KBC is just not about answering question correctly but also about
strategy among leaderboards, multiplayer modes, and virtual prizes to encourage
friendly competition among user and keep them coming back for more.
5. Mobile accessibility; with the increasing popularity of mobile service, developing a
KBC Quiz game App for smartphone and tablets provides user with easy to access the
game anytime.
6. Social Interface: Often bring people together to watch and discuss the show.


Objective of KBC Quiz APP:

The main objective of the project on KBC Quiz APP system is to manage the details of
Questions, Answer, Points. It manages all the information about Question, Level, Points. The
project is totally built at administrative end and thus only the administrator is guaranteed the
access. The purpose of the project is to build an application program to reduce the manual work
for managing the Question, Answer, Level Points, Patterns. It tracks all the details about the
Patterns, participants, points.

Functionalities provided by KBC Quiz APP System are as follows:

• Provides the searching facilities based on various factors. Such as Questions, Patterns,
Participants, Points.
• KBC Quiz App System also manage the level details online for participants details,
Points details, Questions.
• It tracks all the information of Answer, level, Participants etc.
• Manage all the information of Answer.
• Shows the information and description of the question, Patterns.
• To increase efficiency of managing the Queston, Answer.
• It deals with monitoring the information and transaction of Participates.
• Editing, adding and updating of records is improved which results in proper resource
management of Question data.


Scopes of KBC Quiz App:

It may help collecting perfect management in details. In a very shot time, the collection will be
obvious, simple and sensible. It will help a person to know the management of passed year
perfectly and vividly. It also helps in current all works relative to KBC Quiz APP System. It
will be also reducing the cost of collecting the management & collection procedure will go on

Our project aims at Business process automation, i.e. we have tried to computerize various
processes of KBC Quiz App.

• In computer system the person has to fill the various forms and number of copies of the
form can be easily generating at a time.
• In computer system, it is not necessary to create the manifest but we can directly print
it, which saves our time.
• To assist the staff in capturing the effort spent on their respective working areas.
• To utilize resources in as efficient manner but increasing their productivity through
• The system generates types of information that can be used for various purposes.
• It satisfies the user requirement.
• Be easy to understanding by the user and operator.

Modules of KBC Quiz Game App:

• Question Management module: Used for managing the Question details.

• Points Module: Used for managing the details of Points.
• Level Module: Used for managing the details of Levels.
• Answer Management Module: Used for managing the information and details of the
• Patterns Module: Used for managing the Patterns details.
• Participants Module: Used for managing the Participants information.
• User Module: Used for managing the user of the system.
• Login Module: Used for managing the login details.


Features of KBC Quiz App:

1. User Authentication: User can insert our name in to the app using ours Full Name.
2. Gameplay Modes:
• Single Player: Users can pay solo and answer a series of multiple-choice
question with increasing difficulty levels.
• Multi-player: Users can compete with friends or other players in real-
time multiplayer quizzes.
3. Question Bank: The app features a vast database of question across various
categories such as general knowledge, sports, entertainment, history etc.
4. Lifelines: User have access to lifelines such as “50-50”, “Ask the Audience”,
and “Questions interchange” etc. to help them answer challenging questions.
5. Progress Tracking: The app tracks user progress, displays their scores, and
maintains a leaderboard to showcase top scores.
6. Virtual Prizes: user can earn virtual currency or points for answering question
correctly, which they can use to unlock new features or customize their profiles.


Hardware Requirement:
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or above
Hard Disk: 20 GB
Speed: 1GHZ
Ram: 2 GB

Software Requirement:
Operating System: Window Xp, Window 7, Window 10 or Above
Programming Language: ReactJS, HTML, JavaScript & CSS.
Application: VS Code


There are several designing tools which are used in KBC Quiz Game APP:

1. Vs Code
2. ReactJS (HTML, JavaScript, and CSS)

1. VS Code:

Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor which runs on your desktop
and is available for Windows, macOS and Linux. It comes with built-in support for JavaScript,
TypeScript and Node.js and has a rich ecosystem of extensions for other languages and
runtimes (such as C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP, Go, .NET). Begin your journey with VS Code
with these introductory videos.

Visual Studio Code proper is built using the Electron shell, Node.js, TypeScript, and the
Language Server Protocol, and is updated on a monthly basis. The many extensions are updated
as often as needed. The richness of support varies across the different programming languages
and their extensions, ranging from simple syntax highlighting and bracket matching to
debugging and refactoring. You can add basic support for your favorite language through Text
Mate colorizers if no language server is available.

Who uses Visual Studio Code, and why?

Visual Studio Code has millions of active users, and not just at Microsoft. Many VS Code users
are, for example, developers at Google or Facebook. Many VS Code users are data scientists
who like having full Python or R language support while using Jupiter notebooks.

Developers like Visual Studio Code’s lightweight feel as an editor combined with its ability to
check syntax, complete code, refactor code, debug, and check into a repository. Cloud and
container developers like VS Code’s remote capabilities and its explicit support for major
clouds, Docker, and Kubernetes. Developers who work in teams like VS
Code’s Git integration.

Visual Studio Code downloads and installation:

You can download Visual Studio Code from its home page or, with more control, from its
download page. You can also install from a Linux or Raspberry Pi OS command line
using apt, apt-get, rpm, yum, or snap, depending on your system. There are setup instructions
for Linux, macOS, Windows, and Raspberry Pi. You may need to install additional
components to support your source code manager and programming languages, for example
Git, Node.js, TypeScript, a C++ compiler, Python 3.7 or later, Yeoman, and/or some version
of .NET.

Visual Studio Code for the Web:

You don’t actually have to install Visual Studio Code on your own computer. You can browse
to or for the stable build or insiders. vscode. dev for the latest daily
build. You can then open files and folders from your own machine or a remote repository in a
lightweight version of Visual Studio Code. This is a web editor, and can’t run code or language
servers, although it can run many VS Code extensions and customizations. For more
capabilities, you can use a GitHub Codespace, which can run and debug code and use language
servers, if your organization is using a GitHub Team or GitHub Enterprise Cloud plan.

2. ReactJS (HMTL, JavaScript and CSS):
React is a framework that employs Webpack to automatically compile React, JSX, and ES6
code while handling CSS file prefixes. React is a JavaScript-based UI development library.
Although React is a library rather than a language, it is widely used in web development. The
library first appeared in May 2013 and is now one of the most commonly used frontend libraries
for web development.

React offers various extensions for entire application architectural support, such as Flux and
React Native, beyond mere UI.

React.js is an open-source JavaScript library, crafted with precision by Facebook, that aims to
simplify the intricate process of building interactive user interfaces. Imagine a user interface
built with React as a collection of components, each responsible for outputting a small, reusable
piece of HTML code.

Fig: ReactJS

Why ReactJS:
Using ReactJS for developing a KBC quiz game app offers several advantages:

1. Component-Based Architecture: ReactJS follows a component-based architecture,

allowing developers to break down the UI into reusable components. This modular
approach simplifies development, improves code organization, and enhances
maintainability, especially in a complex application like a quiz game with various UI

2. Virtual DOM: ReactJS utilizes a virtual DOM, which is an in-memory representation
of the actual DOM. This enables efficient updates to the UI by only re-rendering
components that have changed, resulting in improved performance and faster user
interactions, essential for a responsive and engaging quiz game experience.
3. Declarative Syntax: ReactJS offers a declarative syntax, making it easier to describe
how the UI should look based on the application's state. This simplifies the development
process, reduces the likelihood of bugs, and enhances code readability, facilitating the
creation of complex user interfaces with less code.
4. State Management: ReactJS provides robust state management capabilities,
allowing developers to manage the application's state effectively. In a quiz game app
like KBC, where the game's progress, user scores, and lifelines need to be tracked and
updated dynamically, React's state management features make it easier to implement
such functionality.
5. Community and Ecosystem: ReactJS has a vast and active community of
developers, along with a rich ecosystem of libraries, tools, and resources. This
ecosystem includes libraries for routing (React Router), state management (Redux,
Context API), UI components (Material-UI, Ant Design), and more, which can
streamline development and enhance the functionality of the quiz game app.
6. Cross-Platform Development: ReactJS can be used for both web and mobile app
development. By leveraging frameworks like React Native, developers can build a KBC
quiz game app that runs seamlessly on both web browsers and mobile devices, reaching
a broader audience across different platforms.
7. Performance Optimization: ReactJS provides tools and best practices for
optimizing the performance of web applications. This includes code splitting, lazy
loading, and server-side rendering, which can help improve the loading speed and
overall performance of the quiz game app, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable user

Overall, ReactJS offers a powerful and flexible framework for developing a KBC quiz game
app, enabling developers to create a feature-rich, interactive, and high-performance application
that meets the demands of modern web development.


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