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314 Yearbook of Agriculture 1956

Infectious keratîtis is usually intro- Because flies and gnats probably

duced into herds by newly purchased spread the disease, spraying the herd
animals that have been exposed to in- with fly repellents and insecticides at
fection while in transit. Sometimes the regular intervals will help reduce the
disease appears, but no source of in- number of animals affected. Newly
fection can be found. It is possible that purchased animals should be kept
cattle that have recovered from the isolated for at least 60 days before
disease may be able to spread the in- being allowed to mingle with the rest
fection for several months after all of the herd.
symptoms have disappeared. Herd treatment of wild pasture cat-
Beef cattle affected with pinkeye tle is not practicable. Handling the
usually lose weight because they can- cattle through chutes daily would do
not find their way about the pasture more harm than the treatment would
to graze. The milk flow drops. Nursing do good. Individual animals that are
calves lose weight. Young calves may tractable or halter broken should be
become temporarily blind and unable placed in dark stalls and treated by a
to follow their dams. Cattle, unable to veterinarian.
see where they arc going, may hurt Mild antiseptic eyewashes and anti-
themselves by falling in ditches, ra- biotics have proved of value in indi-
vines, and waterholes. vidual cases. Argyrol, a 2-percent solu-
Production in dairy cattle may drop tion of zinc sulfate, mercurochrome
25 percent or more. (2 to 4 percent), and a i-percent solu-
tion of silver nitrate have been used.
CONTROL MEASURES consist of good The antibiotics usually used are Chlo-
herd management. There are no spe- romycetin ointment (i percent), Ter-
cific vaccines, bacterins, or serums ramycin pellets, and penicillin solution
that will prevent the disease. Affected or ointment.
herds must be given daily attention
to see that they get feed and water and R. S. SUGG is the dean of the School of
are kept out of ditches and other places Veterinary Medicine, Alabama Polytechnic
where they may get hurt. Institute, Auburn, Ala.

Bovine Coccidiosis

COCCIDIOSIS is an extremely com- young calves. As a result of a natural

mon but usually overlooked disease infection on the farm, sometimes as
that weakens or kills many calves be- many as eight species may be found in
fore they are 6 months old. one examination.
Coccidiosis is a parasitic protozoan Coccidiosis has been considered the
disease. It is produced by small, one- third most important parasitic disease
celled organisms of the genus Eimeria in cattle, even though some investiga-
(Protozoa). Eleven species have been tors have overlooked it as one of the
reported in cattle in this country. Most causes of scours in calves. It has been
of these species are found in varying reported that coccidiosis in cattle may
numbers on routine examinations of produce as great an economic loss as
Bovine Coccidiosis 315
that caused by coccidiosis in poultry. When outbreaks of coccidiosis occur,
Coccidiosis usually affects calves be- microscopic examinations will show
tween 3 weeks and 6 months of age that infective oöcysts usually can be
when they are placed together in un- found in the litter, in the upper layers
sanitary lots contaminated by older of soil, on contaminated troughs or
cattle or other infected calves. Occa- buckets, and on the ears, body, and
sionally it attacks mature cattle when tail of calves in the pen. The ever-in-
they are brought in from large pas- quisitive, searching tongue of a young
tures and arc crowded into small feed calf can pick up the infective oöcysts
lots or barns. It is extremely rare to by licking or sucking its own body or
find cattle manure entirely free of these other calves.
parasites. The coccidia in cattle do not attack
Calves that appear to be free of coc- other animals, and vice versa. There
cidia may pass low numbers of oöcysts is no scientific foundation for the com-
(the cyst stage of coccidia passed in the monly encountered belief that cattle
droppings) without showing clinical coccidiosis can result when rains wash
symptoms and thus may build up oöcysts of poultry coccidia into calf
greater numbers in susceptible calves, lots from a poultry house and lot situ-
which, in turn, will pass dangerously ated higher on a slope. How^ever,
high numbers. chickens, other livestock, and man can
The infection in a previously unin- step in manure of infected cattle and
fected calf may be subciinical (without then carry the contamination on the
symptoms) or clinical, depending on feet into places used for raising calves.
the amount of infective oÖcysts swal-
lowed, the age of the calf, and the THE SYMrTOMS of coccidiosis may
species of coccidia involved. Species include rough coat, weakness, listless-
such as Eirneria zurnii, E. bovis, and E. ness, nervousness, poor appetite, diar-
auburnensis may produce pathological rhea, and loss of weight or poor gains
symptoms when relatively small num- in weight. The general weakness may
bers of oöcysts are ingested, but ones cause the calf to defecate without
such as E, ellipsoidalis and E. alabam- rising, thus soiling its tail, hindquar-
ensis may produce no observable symp- ters, and lower part of the body.
toms unless large numbers are sw^al- When standing, the calf may attempt
lowed or unless the calf is weakened to defecate and not be able to pass
from other conditions. feces; the intense straining results in
The oöcysts that are passed from an arched back, raised tail, and a
an animal are not infective for the "pumping" of the sides. The diarrhea
host or other calves until a process may be watery or only slightly liquid,
called "sporulation" takes place. The being quite unlike the "white scours"
rounded material inside the oöcyst of calves less than 3 weeks old. Diar-
shell has to undergo cell division, rhea caused by coccidiosis may contain
dividing into four round bodies, each many strands of gelatinous mucus and
of which lengthens and then splits splotches or streaks of blood, in infec-
lengthwise into two early stages of the tions with E. zurnii and E. bovis, it may
parasite, called "sporozoites." The be extremely bloody and may even
presence of these eight sporozoites in include shreds of intestinal tissue or
an oöcyst shell indicates that sporula- occasionally short lengths of the tubu-
tion has been completed and that the lar lining of the damaged intestine.
oöcyst has become infective. The time When a susceptible calf swallows
required for sporulation may vary infective oöcysts, the sporozoites are
from I to 14 days or more, depending released from the oöcysts in the stom-
on the species, surrounding moisture, ach or intestine. The sporozoites pene-
oxygen, temperature, and other en- trate the cells lining the intestine and
vironmental conditions. begin to divide into multitudes of in-
316 Yearbook of Agriculture 1956

termediate stages. The stages continue pound of body weight on the first day
to divide, and each division produces and half that amount on each of the
parasitic cells that cause damage to next 3 days. Two weeks should elapse
the host cell in which each lives. Many before repeating the course of treat-
male and female parasitic cells are ment.
produced eventually in the intestinal
lining. They unite to produce the As IN MOST DISEASES, it is easier to
oöcyst, which is covered by a resistant prevent clinical coccidiosis than it is to
shell to protect it from the surround- treat it. Because several days are re-
ings in the outside world. The oöcyst quired for sporulation, the oöcyst stage
is then passed out of the animal's body is the weakest link in the life cycle of
in the feces. The life cycle is started the parasite.
again after sporulation occurs and the Separating the calf from its accumu-
oöcvst is swallowed by a susceptible lation of manure interrupts the cycle
calf. and controls the disease. It is nearly
Calves may sometimes die from coc- impossible to remove all traces of
cidiosis without passing blood. The oöcyst-contaminated feces from stalls
only positive indication of the presence by scrubbing, and the remaining water
of the disease in cases like this would furnishes perfect moisture conditions
be the discovery of the parasites during for sporulation. That explains some
a careful microscopic examination of outbreaks of coccidiosis in concrete-
scrapings or sections of the intestinal floored stalls under conditions nor-
lining. mally considered "clean."
The temperature of the calf may be Raised isolation pens with wire mesh
elevated during an attack of coccidio- or slat floors permit most contamina-
sis, but it may be below normal before tion to pass down away from the calf
death. The presence or absence of and are useful for reducing clinical coc-
fever, therefore, would not be a good cidiosis, but they must be used inside
indication of coccidiosis. a building.
Segregation into three or four age
TREATMENT is not effective in many groups will reduce gross contamination
cases when the digestive tract already of young calves by infected older ones,
is severely damaged. Some of the re- but when calves are raised in groups,
ports of so-called cures attributed to respiratory troubles may be encoun-
drugs may have been due to the re- tered occasionally and may spread to
moval of cattle from contaminated others in the same age group.
areas during the time of treatment. If
a calf does not continue to swallow A PRACTICAL system of raising calves
oocysts, those already swallowed soon without clinical coccidiosis has been
complete development and the disease developed. Detailed plans are available
terminates. Unless untreated control at the Regional Animal Disease Re-
animals are used for comparison, it is search Laboratory of the Agricultural
impossible, therefore, to evaluate ob- Research Service, the United States
jectively the therapeutic value of a Department of Agriculture, Auburn,
drug used to combat coccidiosis. Ala.
Sulfaguanidine, sulfaquinoxaline, and The method involves the outdoor use
sulfamethazine have shown promise in of individual portable pens that are
the treatment of bovine coccidiosis. moved to a clean site once each week.
When equal amounts of sulfametha- The calf is left with the dam for not
zine or sulfaquinoxaline were com- more than 24 hours, so that it receives
pared, sulfamethazine gave more pro- some colostrum. Calves left with the
tection than the other drug. Sulfa- dam longer than 3 or 4 days develop
methazine was given in a course of more coccidia and worm parasites than
four daily treatments—i grain per those removed after only i day. The
Diseases of Calves 317
calf is placed in an individual pen, 5 compared with barn-raised calves, those
by I o by 3 feet, where it remains until it raised in portable pens remain remark-
is 4 to 6 months old, depending on the ably free from respiratory troubles and
size of the calf. invariably make better w^eight gains
Moving the calf and its pen, prefer- and have fewer deaths. The portable
ably uphill, once each week, takes the pens are recommended primarily for
calf away from its contamination be- use in Southern States, })ut they have
fore too many of the oöcysts sporulate. been used successfully in milder weath-
The calves are not completely freed of er in some Northern States.
infection, but they swallow enough
oöcysts to get slight, nonclinical coc- LEONARD REíD DAVIS, a native of
cidiosis and to develop sufficient im- Georgia^ is a graduate of Union University
munity to be resistant when they are and Iowa State College, Dr. Davis was head
placed on pasture, unless the pasture is of the Biology Department at Union Uni-
heavily contaminated by older cattle. versity jor 7 years before joining the staff
Calves raised in portable pens and of the United States Regional Animal Dis-
then placed on pasture are no more ease Research Laboratory at Auburn, Ala.,
susceptible to coccidiosis and other in Ig 41.
parasitic diseases than are calves raised GEORGE W. BOWMAN is a research tech-
in individual stalls in a conventional nician in parasitology, also assigned to in-
calf barn. vestigations of bovine coccidiosis at Auburn,
Besides preventing clinical coccidi- Ala. He has been associated with the Depart-
osis, portable pens reduce the trans- ment of Agriculture since igsy, and previ-
mission of w^orm parasites and many ously was stationed at Jeanerelte, La., and
other infectious diseases of calves. As Beilsville. Md.

Diseases of Calves

CALF SCOURS is perhaps the most "found dead" unless they are closely
important of the diseases of calves. watched following birth. In other
It is know^n also as diarrhea in calves, herds a fcw^ calves may scour mildly or
calf septicemia, and 3-day calf disease. severely during the first 10 to 30 clays
It takes many different forms and of life and recover with little assistance.
therefore is hard to define. Here, Oftener, how^ever, calves with severe
though, I describe the types that are diarrhea become unthrifty and pot-
seen a few hours after birth and those bellied, show poor growth, and get
that appear later. pneumonia.
The most fatal form of calf scours The middle ear, joints, and umbili-
appears at birth or within 6 to 72 cus in rare instances become seats of
hours after birth. The calf is found localized infection in beef or dairy
soon after birth in a cold, weak, and calves when they are a few days to
dying condition. several weeks old.
Sometimes there is little or no evi-
dence of actual passage of watery feces, WE DO NOT KNOW all the factors that
and several calves on a farm may be favor development of the various forms

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