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Summary of my findings and recommendation from the video

First let us know what is Risk analysis and Risk management, risk analysis is the process of identifying or
analyzing possible scenario that can negatively impact the success of your business while risk
management is the process of identifying potential risk in advance and taking precautionary actions to
avoid any risk.

Now let’s proceed to the food hazard that I have identify in the video, we all know that food hazard
occur when food is exposed to hazardous agents that result to contamination of food. Food hazards may
be biological, chemical, physical, allergenic, nutritional and/or biotechnology-related.
One of the Food hazard that I notice in the video was poor effort in preparing the food by the use of
hand to distribute the bread to the tempered glass, she use her hand instead of properly chopping the
bread nicely using a knife. Not only that she also used her hand as a strainer to remove the seeds of the
lemon. Which I include as the part of food hazard because she physically handled the food very wrong
without any consideration to the effect to the person who will eat the dish.
Next is she did not use a proper tool to get the hot cooked food out of the oven which can result to her
having injury or burn, and what if she does hurt herself and bled then her blood might go to the food
accidently which is disgusting. And then she did not use any measurements to the ingredients which
might cause some allergic reaction the person who will eat the dish by consuming more than a teaspoon
of olive oil for example.
Also when she get itchy and scratch her head she just continue to prepare the food like nothing
happened this may lead to some very serious problem like she might have transfer some hair lice to the
food. As well as her coughing with her hand that is use to prepare the food that could harm the
consumer of the food.

Second let’s start discussing about the workplace hygiene issues that I have identify in the video. First
one that I have notice is her having poorly personal hygiene practices, we know that if you want
improvement you need to start with yourself by taking actions. Personal hygiene includes discipline and
responsibility if you don’t have both then you are not applicable to prepare food. Next her having a
messy workplace, how can you prepare the food properly if you cannot be able to keep the place clean.
Cleaning her hands using a towel and then using the same towel to clean the chopping board is just
absurd. Then because there is no trash bin near the kitchen when she tried to clean the chopping board
she did not throw the left over vegetables but instead she just put it in the vegetable rinsing basin, it’s
like your mother ask you to sweep the floor and you just sweep the dirt and put it under your bed so
you can go back to play. In the kitchen it is a must to have a trash bin near the kitchen area.
Her spilling food and not cleaning it up right away may cause some incident if it continues as well as not
cleaning up the counter top of the kitchen after preparing the food might cause some building up of
bacteria or cause the outbreak of unwanted food borne illnesses.
Speaking of food borne illnesses let’s move on to the possible scenarios that may happened to cause the
outbreak of food borne illnesses that I have identify in the short video. Her not washing hands after
every preparation of the dish, can cause the outbreak of food borne illness named staphylococcus. We
can prevent the outbreak of staphylococcus by practicing to wash our hand after every preparation
needed in preparing food. Next is she only use one chopping board in chopping vegetables and
preparing the chicken meat, this can cause cross contamination named salmonella. We can prevent this
from happening by using different chopping board for specifically use for meat and vegetable. Then she
combined a bread that is already cook and a raw chicken meat and put it straight in the oven, she is
cooking improperly that might also be part of undercooking the food. That might cause the outbreak of
Clostridium perfringens, we can avoid the outbreak by cooking it individually so we can also check if it is
nicely cook. We can see clearly that she is unorganized in preparing the food because she is switching
from the first job to the second which if her reason from doing that is to make the job more easy to
multi tasked and finished preparing early is a wrong answer, because it is not only about preparing the
food faster but the most important part in serving the food is the satisfaction and safety of the customer
that will consume the food. And if they did not take action about the given scenario then the outbreak
of food borne illness named campylobacter will continue. Lastly her not washing the fruits and
vegetables can caused the outbreak of Listeria, which we can avoid by simply washing the fruits and
vegetables properly before chopping or serving it straight away. And finally the way she is wasting many
food just to prepare a tiny amount of food is not acceptable.

So after discussing the different type of food borne illness outbreak let’s remember why risk
management and risk analysis is related in every food preparation. Risk analysis and risk management is
important because it helps to identify the wrong practices in preparing the food and helps us to take the
right action to avoid the risk in preparing the food.

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