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Food is life when food is clean. Good food is a basic need of the human body.

It is more than other basic needs

shelter and clothing. It is of prime importance in the attainment of normal growth and development. The role of nutrition
food cannot be neglected in the promotion of health and prevention of disease. The human body can be compared to a
machine, just as an engine burns up coal or oil in order to generate its energy, so the human body requires food in order to
produce the forces which keep the heart beating, the lungs breathing and the limbs moving. Food is that which nourishes
our body and keeps us healthy. It can be defined as anything eaten or drunk, when swallowed, digested, and assimilated in
the body, keeps it well. In short, food is the raw material from which our body is made. When we take kind of food, we
ensure good health which could be evident in our physical appearances, work efficiency, and emotional well-being.

Food Safety refers to handling, preparing, and storing food in a way to best reduce the risk of individuals becoming
sick from foodborne illnesses. Food Safety is the assurance/guarantee that food will not cause harm to the consumers when
it is prepared and/or eaten according to its intended use. In the video I have watched, physical contamination arrives when
Katy (the girl in the video) doesn’t remove all her jewelry such as rings, watch, earrings, and her hair is not tied back like a
bun. She is not using a hair net or hair cap for her hair, not to be messed up. Chemical contamination is when Katy does not
clean the chopping board when the water spilled over it and continues to chop the onion. When Katy enters the kitchen,
she doesn't wear kitchen clothes, and her coat is not hanging in the right place. And when her manager talks to her and she
even does handshaking with her gloves. The gloves she uses contains bacteria because of the handshaking, and Michelle
said to Katy that put away the raw chicken and Katy do it and back to slicing the onion without washing and changing the
cloves so that cross-contamination occurs. It occurs also when Katy sneeze, grabs her hair and continue chopping the onion.
The onion contaminated by the bacteria that occur when she sneezes and grab her hair.

Managing food safety and hygiene states that we are all some and depend on others to ensure that the food we eat
does not harm us. We are all responsible for the food we consume. As the old saying goes, “From farm to fork,” there are
copious opportunities for every person along the food production chain to ensure food safety. When Katy enters the kitchen,
she is not well clean and her clothes are dirty. The bacteria carried by dirty clothes of katy can contaminate the food she is
preparing. Hand washing is important in food safety. Katy don’t wash her hand before entering and preparing the food. The
carried bacteria will contaminate the food preparing by Katy.

Katy is feeling sick when she enters the kitchen, and she doesn't wear a mask to avoid body fluids splash into the
food Katy's preparing. She even washes her hands and wipes it with the apron she is using. The germs in the apron spread
through her hands, and it might contaminate the food. Washing hands prevents illnesses and the spread of infections to
others. Washing hands with soap remove germs. This helps prevent infections and contaminating food preparation.

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