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‫كليـــة العلـــوم‬

College of


Perineal care""health education

Student Name& ID Number: wadhha Abdullah Alsenaidi 2010510

Aya musabah almuqbali2010310
‫كليـــة العلـــوم‬
College of

The area located between the anus and the vaginal entrance is known as the perineum. Prior
to becoming pregnant and beginning to read about birthing, the majority of women are
.largely unaware of this area. At that point, it can spark a lot of discussion and worry
The perineum begins to stretch and thin during labor as the baby's head moves closer to the
vaginal entrance. For most women, this is enough stretching to release the baby's head and
allow the body to follow. Each woman's perineum is different in length, which may affect the
likelihood of tearing or necessitating an episiotomy. Pregnancy-related perineal stretching
.activities can assist the perineum's ability to stretch during childbirth

Caring for the perineum for women: The perineum is the space between the vaginal opening
and the anus, and women in particular need very special care for this sensitive area of the
body more than the opposite sex due to childbirth, pregnancy, and the infections that
accompany this matter.
Perineal care for women is taking care of the reproductive organs and maintaining the
cleanliness of them and the entire surrounding area. The patient may feel embarrassed, so it is
necessary to raise awareness of this matter and overcome shyness professionally. If the
patient can take care of the genital areas on her own, she should do so while being supervised
by the nurse to ensure that she is doing it correctly.

Perineal care after birth:

physical care:
All pregnant women must know that taking care of the perineum area after childbirth is very special,
and they must be careful about this matter. The first two days after birth, blood loss will be severe.
After a week after birth, the amount of blood lost will decrease and its color will change from red to
brown, and the blood loss or menstrual cycle will continue for approximately 4 to 6 weeks. During
this period, you will suffer from pain and menstrual cramps. During this period:
You should inform your doctor if the bleeding lasts longer
-Do not swim in pools, the sea or other places
Which makes you spend a long time in the water
-Do not use tampons until after your six-week checkup.
- Tell your doctor if your menstrual cycle lasts more than 6 weeks or the amount of bleeding increases
after the first week.
The region of skin and muscle between the vagina and the anus is called the perineum. These layers of
skin and muscle thin and stretch at the very end of labor to make room for the birth of your baby. The
‫كليـــة العلـــوم‬
College of

following advice can help you heal and get comfortable if you have had vaginal or perineal tears, or if
you had an episiotomy (a incision made into your perineum to widen your vaginal opening).

 The pelvic floor and deep transverse abdominal muscles, which together make up your body's
deep muscular "corset," must begin to function once more as soon as possible. These muscles
support and shield your uterus, bladder, bowel, spine, and pelvic joints, as well as helping you
avoid back, stomach, and perineum pain.
 You should always get in and out of bed on your side after giving birth, since this eases the
strain on your back, stomach, and perineum. Take additional care getting in and out of bed in
the proper manner if you have pain when moving.
 Push your upper body forward and up while allowing your legs to descend at the same
moment, keeping your upper arm extended in front of you.
 Aim to sit up straight whenever feasible, utilizing a supportive chair when needed; stay away
from sitting on the edge of the bed, where your back is unsupported.
 When taking care of your infant, especially, it's important to maintain a straight back. You
can achieve this by sitting or kneeling down, raising your bed or changing table to a more
comfortable height.

episiotomy or perineal tear:

You may cry while your baby is being delivered. The perineum, or the region between your
vagina and back passage, is where a rip affects the skin and muscle (anus). Additionally, a
tear may appear in the labia, or the lips of the vagina.
A cut made through the perineum and vaginal wall to create extra room for the baby to be
delivered is called an episiotomy. A doctor or midwife will explain the process to you before
it happens, and they will need your permission to proceed with the procedure (earn your

Take care of any injuries or itchy perineum:

Both on the ward and when you get back home, the professionals will ask to see your tear or
episiotomy. You should definitely agree to this evaluation since the midwife will be checking
for infections or indications of healing.

The following are some crucial things to keep in mind:

* Stay clear of prolonged sitting or standing.
*Steer clear of tight clothing and go for breathable materials like cotton and disposable briefs.
*As soon as you can after giving delivery, start your pelvic floor exercises. This will improve
blood flow and aid in the healing process.
*To make your pee less concentrated, try drinking eight glasses of water or more each day.
*When feeding your infant, make sure you are comfy; you might discover that it helps.
‫كليـــة العلـــوم‬
College of

1.Frohlich J, Kettle C. Perineal care. BMJ Clin Evid. 2015 Mar 10;2015:1401. PMID:
25752310; PMCID: PMC4356152.
2.Perineal care - postnatal care - Huggies AU. (n.d.).

3. Care of your perineum after the birth of your baby. (2023, January 25). Hull University
Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.

4. After birth—care of the new mother. (n.d.). Mater Patient Information.

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