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Structural Features of Tracheal Tube

Biofilm Formed During Prolonged

Mechanical Ventilation*
Tim].]. Inglis, BM, DM; Lim Tit-Meng, BSc, PhD;
Ng Mah-Lee, BSc (Hans), PhD; Tang Ee-Koon; and
Hui Kok-Pheng, MB, BS

The dissemination of tracheal tube bioftlm into the the most superficial layer. Neutrophil polymorphonu-
mechanically ventilated lung has been proposed as a clear cells were present in all biofllms in a pattern
contributory factor in the pathogenesis of ventilator- suggesting that a layering or stratification had taken
associated pneumonia. In the present study, conven- place. The distribution of neutrophils and microor-
tional light microscopy, confocal laser scanning mi- ganisms was consistent with a progressive accretion of
croscopy, and scanning electron microscopy were used respiratory secretions, rather than formation of a
to examine luminal tracheal tnbe biofllm in tubes from predominantly microbial biofllm.
ten consecutive medical intensive care patients. Bio- (CHEST 1995; 108:1049-52)
ftlms also were cultured. No tube contained a predom-
inantly microbial aggregate. Microorganisms were ei- Key words: biofilm; confocal laser scanning microscopy;
ther dispersed throughout the biofllm or restricted to nosocomial pneumonia

Members of the group at greatest risk of nosocomial properties of luminal biofilm from a s eries of tracheal
pneumonia are critically ill patients who require tubes.
mechanical ventilation.1 The presence of an endotra-
cheal tube is thought to assist the aspiration of bacte-
ria from the oropharynx and stomach into the trachea M ETHODS
and assist bacterial adhesion to the mucosal surface. In Patients and Specimens
this way, the tube thus contributes to the eventual
Tracheal tubes were collected at the time of extubation from
colonization of the ventilated lung. 2-4 Bacterial coloni- consecutive adult medical intensive care patients. Each tube was
zation of the inner surface of tracheal tubes has been placed in a large, prelabelled, self-seal polyethylene bag and
examined after prolonged use in the critically ill, and immediately sent to the diagnostic laboratory. Samples for micros-
dislodgement of this biofilm layer during suction copy and culture were taken fromthe levelof the inflatable cuff, the
region of greatest biofilm accumulation 7 Clinical d ata were ob-
catheterization has been proposed as an etiological
tained after completion of laboratory investigations.
factor in nosocomial pneumonia.5 In another study, it
was shown that downwind dissemination of tracheal Bacterial Culture and Identification
tube biofilm could occur as a r esult of ventilator gas On receipt, th e outer tracheal tube surface was cleaned with
flow. 6 These, and other studies, have considered the cotton wool moistened in 90% ethyl alcohol (Tracheal tubes arriv-
putative relationship between tracheal tube biofilm ing in the laboratory after hours were stored at 0 to 4°C without
opening the seal ). A sterile 15-pL nichrome bacteriologic loop was
and ventilator-associated pneumonia as a purely bac-
inserted into the lower end of the tube and run around the inner
teriologic phenomenon. Observations made during a circumference at the level ofthe lower margin of the inflatable c uff.
recent study, however, suggested that the biofilm lin- Biofilm sampled in this way was inoculated onto fresh blood agar
ing tracheal tubes from critically ill patients might form (5% horse red blood c ells in blood agar base; Becton Dickinson,
as a result of deposition of respiratory secretions dur- Australia) and hemolysed blood agar (Becton Dickinson, Australia),
ing suction catheterization.7 and incubated in 5% C0 2 for 18 h at37°C. Organisms isolated from
the biofilm were identified according to standard laboratory
In the current study, conventional light, scanning procedures 8
electron, and confocal laser scanning microscopy were
combined with bacterial culture to investigate the Light Microscopy
A sterile, dry cotton swab was run around the inner circumfer-
ence of the tube immediately adj acent to the culture sampling point.
*From the Departments of Microbiology (Drs. Inglis, Mah-Lee, Biofilm was then smeared g ently onto a g ass
l microscope slide in a
and Ee-Koon ), Zoology (Dr. Tit-Meng), and Medicine (Dr. Kok-
Pheng), National University of Singapore, Singapore. single smooth motion and stained u sing a standard Gram stain
Manuscript received October 28, 1g94; revision accepted January method B The stained specimen was preserved under a mounting
27, 1995. agent (De Pe X, Sigma, United Kingdom) and a cover glass.

CHEST / 108/4 / 0CTOBER, 1995 1049

Table !-Contents of Tracheal Tube Biofilm by Duration of Intubation
Duration of
Heason for ICU Admission Intubation Present In Layers Organism s Isolated

Pulmonmy embolism 12 h + a- Hemolytic streptococci

Staphylococcus au reus
Streptococcus pyogenes
Exacerbation COPD ld + + No growth
Status asthm aticus 3d + S aureus
Haemophilus parainjluen::ae
Aci netobacter species
Pneumonia 4d + + a -hemolytic streptococci
Candida albicans
Ascending c holangi tis 7d + No growth
Viral encephalitis 7d + + Coagulase-neg staphyloc:occi
Severe salmonella colitis 9 c1 + + C albicrms
Pulmonmy hemorrhage lOci + + Acinetohacter species
a- Hemolytic streptomcci
Henal failure, sepsis 14 d + + Acinetobacter species
Acute renal failure, collapse l7c1 + C albicans
Coagulase-neg staphylococci
Mo mxella catarrhalis
Flavobacterium men i ngosepticu m

Scanning Electron Microscopy viable microorganisms. o bioflim specimen in this

A 1-cm ring of tracheal tube was cut from the tube a t the upper series was found to contain Klebsiella pneurrwniae,
margin of the inflatable cuff with a fresh scalpel blade . The ring of other Enterobacteriaceae, or Pseudomonas species
tube was immersed in fresh 2% glutaraldehyde overnight. Later, it despite the fact that these are common nosocomial
was cut longitudinally into two segments, one for el ectron micros-
copy and th e other for confocal laser scanning microscopy. The
pathogens in many ICUs. 11 However, Candida albi-
form er was prepared b y critical point drying and gold sputter coat- cans and Acinetobacter species, species commonly as-
ed .lO,ll sociated with nosocomial infections in our center, were
All the prepared specimens were viewed under the same scan- both isolated from several tubes in use for 3 days or
ning e el ctron microscope ( model515, Phillips; the Netherlands) by more.
the same pair of operators. First, the entire s pecimen was scanned
at l owpowe r. The e dges of the biofllm and cracks or fissures on its Light Microscopy
smface were examin ed at progressively higher power in a system-
atic search for either single o r clustered mi croorganisms. Each Clumps or aggregates of bacteria wererarely seen in
specimen w as examined for 30 to 60 min. the material examined by light microscopy. Much
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy
more common was a random scatter of individual or-
ganisms and neutrophil polymorphonuclear cells
The glutaraldehyde-fi xed tube segment was cut into small er strips
of about 3 mm in width with a razor blade and stained in 0.0025%
throughout a fuchsin-stained matrix (Fig 1). Neutro-
acridine o range (Sigma, United Kingdom ) solution for 1 5min . Each
strip was then mounted whole o n a concave glass slide, the inner
smface uppermost, protected b y aplasticine-supported cover glass.
To vi ew the tube/biofilm interface, some strips were cut and
mounted on one o their cut edges. Specimens were scann ed un-
der an MRC500 confocal laser scanning microscope (BioRad,
United Kingdom), using the 488-nm (blue) excitation at 1 or3%
tran smittance. Fluorescent images were re corded digitally using a
microcomputer for naalysis and later photographed with a Polaroid
freeze-frame camera.


Cuffed, oral endotracheal tubes from ten critically ill

patients were studied (Table 1).All ten were found to
have some luminal biofilm, although there was insuf-
ficient material for light microscopy in two cases. A
range of microbial species was isolated from bioflims. FIGURE l. Gram-stained lu minal tracheal tube biofil m showi ng a
Half of the tubes yielded more than one microbial random scatter of bacteria and neutrophil polymorphonuclear cells
species, and only two tubes were found to contain no (arrows ) in val)'in g stages of disintegrati on .

1050 Clinical Investigations in Critical Care

FJCUHE 2. Confocal laser scanning microphotograph of tracheal FICUHE 3. High-power confocal microscope view of specimen
tube biofilm showing layering between luminal surface (top) and shown in Figure 2, showing nucleated cells (scale bar=lO pm).
tracheal tube wall (bottom [scale bar=lOO pm] ).

phils in varying states of integrity wer(' ohservecl in all xella catarrhalis, and C albicans all were isolated in the
eight Gram-stained biofilms. These preparations were culture from the same tracheal tube.
identical to Gram-stained specimens of lower respira-
tory tract secretions.
In this study, the structural features of tracheal tube
Scanning Electron Microscopy biofilm were examined using a series of microscopic
The effects of critical point drying were evident techniques and culture. It was suggested previously
under low-power scanning electron microscope views. that tracheal tube biofum might be formed as a result
All biofilm specimens had an extensive network of of an accumulation of respiratory secretions deposited
cracks or fissures, and in most cases the bioftlm was on the inside of the tracheal tube during the withdrawal
reduced to a layer of flakes. Nothing resembling a of successive tracheal suction catheters? The similar-
bacterial cell was observed on the luminal surface of ities between Gram-stained tracheal tube biofilm and
any biofilm specimen; however, bacteria were occa- respiratory tract secretions on light microscopy support
sionally seen at higher power in fissures. Clusters of this view. However, conventional light microscopy
bacte1ial cells were seen on only one occasion and they does not allow in situ examination of either the surface
were partly obscured by surface charging. or deeper layers of tracheal tube biofilm.
In earlier studies, scanning electron microscopy has
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy been used to obtain views of tracheal tube biofilm. 5 ·6
By using a confocal laser scanning microscope, it was If, as just suggested, the biofilm is composed of
possible to examine biofilms without significant prior predominantly respiratory secretions, awater content
dehydration, even when they were only a few cells of approximately 90 to 95% would be expected. 12
thick. At lower powers (eg, xlOO), a laye1ing or strat- During critical point drying, asubstantial proportion of
ification was seen (Fig 2), which at higher power the volume of tracheal tube biofilm would have been
(xl,OOO) was seen to be caused by variations in the removed in preparation for scanning electron micros-
density of nucleated cells. Eukaryotic cells, some copy. Dehydration would have collapsed the luminal
clearly recognizable as polymorphonuclear cells (Fig surface of the biofilm onto underlying solids and
3), were present throughout all ten biofilm specimens. destroyed the structural architecture of the biofilm
Smaller lucent bodies of around 1-5 pm, consistent layer and any nucleated cells it might have contained.
with bacteria, were also scattered throughout most oi It is not surprising, then, that scanning electron
the specimens. Bacteria were restricted to the upper- microscopy has tended to emphasize the bacterial
most biofilm layer in one specimen. There was evi- component of the biofilm. In at least one of the pre-
dence of microbial aggregation in only one sample. The vious studies,6 the reported location of the bacteria was
densely packed microbial consortia expected from the in cracks or fissures in the biofilm. In the present study,
results of previous studies were not observed. 5•6 How- very few aggregates of bacteria were observed despite
ever, one specimen taken from the longest used a more systematic search of each specimen.
tracheal tube comprised a densely packed layer of ef- Confocal laser scanning microscopy is a novel form
fete nucleated cells (Fig 4). Flavobacterium menin- of image analysis-augmented microscopy that enables
gosepticum, coagulase-negative staphylococci, Mora- the study of intact biofllms. 13 By cross-sectional views

CHEST / 108 /4/ OCTOBER, 1995 1051

cellular content of tracheal tube biofilm has resulted in
several unexpected findings, most notably the occur-
rence of human inflammatory cells in the biofilm and
the absence of extensive microbial aggregates. Recog-
nition of the prominence of host-derived components
of tracheal tube biofilm raises questions regarding their
role in the pathogenesis of ventilator-associated pneu-
monia. An investigation of the relationship between
the composition of tracheal tube biofilm and the clin-
ical consequences of bioflim dissemination into the
ventilated lung is now required.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We gratefully acknowledge the assis-
tance of the staff of the Mediciil Intensive Care Unit, National
University Hospital , Singapore.
FIGURE 4. Confocal microscopic view: optical slice taken parallel to
luminal surface of tracheal tube biofilm, showing dense cellular
aggregate (scale bar=lO pm). REFERENCES
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