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Received: 23 May 2023 Revised: 25 September 2023 Accepted: 10 October 2023

DOI: 10.1002/cjce.25130


Automated nanofibre sizing by multi-image processing

and deep learning with revised UNet model

Hesheng Yu 1,2,3 | Erqian Gao 2 | Zhongchao Tan 1,2

Eastern Institute for Advanced Study,
Eastern Institute of Technology, Abstract
Zhejiang, China Nanofibres have been widely used in many chemical engineering applications
Department of Mechanical & and their performance greatly depends on the size distribution of the nanofibres.
Mechatronics Engineering, University of
Researchers have developed automated tools to determine nanofibre diameters,
Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
School of Chemical Engineering, China
primarily using commercial MATLAB software package. However, no
University of Mining & Technology, researchers have reported automatic processing of multiple images, which is
Xuzhou, China essential to the consistency and accuracy of results. Nor has anyone reported
Correspondence nanofibre sizing using deep learning. Therefore, this paper reports an automated
Zhongchao Tan, Eastern Institute for tool to measure the size distribution of electrospun nanofibres by simultaneous
Advanced Study, Eastern Institute
multi-image processing. This tool determines the diameters of nanofibres using
of Technology.
Email: deep learning based on UNet model. Results show that the UNet-based deep
learning approach is more accurate than those obtained using existing methods,
Funding information
compared to experimental data.
GCI Ventures, Toronto; University of
deep learning, electrospinning, multi-image processing, nanofibre, size distribution

1 | INTRODUCTION therefore expedites the dissolution of water-soluble

drugs.[10,11] Therapeutic agents can be either loaded in
Nanofibres have been extensively studied in the past two the post-treatment of nanofibres[12] or added in a polymer
decades aiming at applications to energy, environment, solution before electrospinning.[13] Electrospun nanofibres
health care, and so on. For example, nanofibres can be overlapping scaffolds are similar to extracellular matrix in
used as electrode or separator materials in solar cells,[1] terms of structure, giving them an advantage as wound
fuel cells,[2] electrochemical hydrogen production,[3] and dressings. The structure of nanofibre naturally mimics the
batteries.[4,5] The high porosity and flexibility of nanofi- extracellular matrix of the human body. Compared to tradi-
bre structures enable them to outperform other materials tional wound dressings, nanofibres are more favourable to
in energy applications.[6,7] Nanofibres are also used for body tissue and have better cell attachment and prolifera-
environmental protection. The sizeable surface-area-to- tion, thus lowering the possibility of scar tissue formation.[14]
volume ratio and large porosity of nanofibres enable Nanofibres can also be used for circulating tumour cell
them to absorb more contaminants.[8,9] Regarding health, analysis for the early diagnosis of cancer, evaluating cancer
nanofibres can also be used as drug delivery media and progression and assessing treatment efficacy.[15]
wound dressings in the biomedical field. The high surface The size (a.k.a., diameter) distribution of nanofibres
area to volume ratio of nanofibres also helps increase the plays a vital role in the physical and chemical properties of
contact area of drugs with the vivo environment, and nanofibre mats.[16,17] The nanofibre morphology depends

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© 2023 The Authors. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering.

Can J Chem Eng. 2023;1–13. 1

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on many factors, including polymer molecular weight,[18–21] out different clustering numbers ranging from one to six.
solution concentration,[22] solvent volatility,[23] electrospin- The optimal clustering value is the one that results in the
ning voltage,[24] solvent flow rate,[25] and needle-to-collector most similarity between the binary image and the original
distance.[25] In this context, accurate and effective charac- image. Finally, the image similarity is calculated using the
terization is particularly important. The characterization structural similarity index method.
of morphology can offer not only information about fibre’s Image binarization is a major point of difference for all
properties, but also guidance for fabrication protocol the earlier studies. The algorithm for the image binariza-
optimization.[26] tion can be divided into two categories: global threshold
However, the current nanofibre characterization tech- and local threshold. The global threshold chooses a single
niques are still in their infancy. Currently, the nanofibre threshold value, and all values smaller than the threshold
diameters are usually determined by single-image proces- value are regarded as 0, corresponding to pure black.
sing. Manual measurement is time-consuming, restrict- All values greater than the threshold value are regarded
ing the number of samples processed. More importantly, as 255, corresponding to pure white. Conversely, local
subjective manual measurement makes it difficult to threshold is the method in which multi-threshold values
compare different results, based on which important are used at different spots on the image. It is a necessary
conclusions are drawn and distributed to the society at means for images with uneven luminance. The global and
large. Alternatively, Tomba et al.[27] developed a multivari- local thresholds are not totally opposite. Many global
ate image analysis (MIA) system for the determination of threshold-based methods can also be applied locally. To
nanofibre diameters. The MIA can extract essential infor- locally apply a global threshold algorithm, the image needs
mation from a scanning electron microscope (SEM) image to be first divided into many sub-images. Then the global
and reduce the data size and data dimensionality. Multiway threshold algorithm is applied to each sub-image, and the
principal component analysis (MPCA) is also performed on result is obtained by stitching together all sub-images. That
the SEM image. The MPCA linearly combines the original is why some algorithms can be applied either locally or
variables with principal components to help identify the globally. With the recent advances in algorithms, the third
greatest variability in data. However, it is noted that the category appears. It includes the clustering algorithm, such
MPCA cannot effectively separate fibres from each other in as K-means and FCM,[31] using the FCM to measure the
the overlapped areas, resulting in deviation. MPCA also diameter of fibres.
assumes that all fibres are straight, which can be a signifi- Existing image processing platforms for nanofibre
cant source of error. Finally, the thin fibres in low-resolution characterization can be divided into commercial software
images are likely to be overlooked because of repeated and open-source platforms. MATLAB is the most widely
denoising operations on single images. used commercial software, which has been used by many
To tackle the challenge of overlapping fibres, researchers such as Ho Shin’s group,[28] Tan’s group,[32–37]
Ho Shin et al.[28] reported another method for automati- MIA,[27] and SIMpoly.[29] The most used open-source
cally measuring nanofibre diameters using the Canny edge software is ImageJ[38] and its plug-in DiameterJ.[39] Both
detection to enhance the accuracy and effectiveness in commercial software and open-source software have
separating overlapped fibres in SEM images. However, their own advantages and disadvantages.
Canny edge detection cannot be used on highly oriented The determination of nanofibre diameters consists of
nanofibres. When dealing with high-oriented fibres, this the following three steps: (1) image segmentation, (2)
method can easily outline the fibre boundaries, but has dif- skeletonization, and (3) distance measurement. The
ficulty distinguishing the fibre sides and the background. image segmentation can be done by deep learning. There
Thus, Murphy et al.[29] proposed an alternative method for are three main categories for image segmentation in the
automatically measuring nanofibre diameter. This method deep learning field: (1) semantic segmentation, (2) instance
consists of the following three main steps: (1) morphological segmentation, and (3) panoptic segmentation. Semantic
reconstructing, (2) image skeletonization, and (3) fibre segmentation is the most basic type of segmentation that
diameter calculation. First, the morphologically reconstruct- identifies different objects in an image. The objects can
ing binarizes the image using the Otsu method.[30] Then, be a person, book, flower, car, and so forth. Typical
the centreline of the fibre is determined and reduced into algorithms for the semantic segmentation include
1 pixel. Finally, the diameter is calculated by doubling the UNet,[40] DeepLab,[41,42] and FCN.[43] An instance segmenta-
distance between the fibre boundary and fibre centreline. tion combines target detection and semantic segmentation.
Alternatively, Dehghan et al.[31] used the fuzzy clustering The instance segmentation first identifies the bounding
method (FCM) to determine the nanofibre diameters. The box of the instance by target detection. Then it performs
SEM image is segmented into a binary image by FCM the semantic segmentation in the detection box, and
method. The optimal cluster value is determined by trying each segmentation result is output as a different instance.
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The instances of each semantic category are often regarded nanofibre diameters depends on the magnification of
as an extension of the semantic segmentation. For the SEM image used for processing. Normally, the SEM
example, if the semantic segmentation method identifies a image with a higher magnification gives a smaller mean
flock of birds in an image, then the instance segmentation diameter with a smaller standard deviation, and vice
further eases the object detection by identifying individual versa. Thus, more statistically reliable data can be
birds in the flock. Frequently used algorithms for instance obtained by combining the results from the images with
segmentation include Mask R-CNN,[44] YOLCAT,[45] and different magnifications. After all, combining the results
Gated-SCNN.[46] The panoptic segmentation is an emerging of different images still offers a larger sample area and
method compared to the other two methods,[47] first more sampling points, leading to a more accurate result,
proposed by Kirillov et al. This algorithm combines the even if the SEM images of the sample are obtained
semantic and instance segmentations and generates a under the same magnification.
coherent scene segmentation. The second improvement is to optimize the denoising
In this work, semantic segmentation is sufficient in step. The earlier works only use linear filtering, that is, the
the context of nanofibre morphology analysis because median filter on the original SEM image for denoising.
there is only one object category (i.e., fibre) throughout Compared to linear filtering, adaptive filtering is more
this work. Locating the classified items is unneeded. In selective and can preserve edges and high-frequency parts
addition, all fibres are equally analyzed for characteriza- better.[48] A Wiener filter is applied adaptively to the image
tion and distinguishing the fibres is unnecessary. For to achieve a better result.
these two reasons, the semantic segmentation is enough
for this project. The algorithms of semantic segmentation
reported earlier include UNet,[40] Deeplab,[42] and FCN.[43] 2 | METHODS
Among all these algorithms, UNet is one of the earliest
segmentation algorithms that has been repeatedly studied Ten steps for image pre-processing before deep learning
and implemented. Thus, the principles and implementa- practice is detailed in the Supplemental Information.
tion paths of UNet are relatively clear, and useful informa- Briefly, the image is cropped into an image with dimen-
tion is easily available in the literature. In addition, UNet sion of 1024  680 pixels to remove the title bar from the
is well known for its low requirement of training data and original image. The Wiener filter is used to minimize
short training time, which can significantly reduce the the mean square error among the pixel intensities. By per-
time for preparing the database and reduce the require- forming histogram equalization, the intensity peak is spread
ments for computer hardware. For example, Ronneberger out, and objects in the image become more prominent.
et al.[40] obtained a high accuracy with R2 of 0.9203 using Opening and closing are performed to further reduce
the PhC-U373 dataset, which contains only 35 partially noises. Image binarization converts a grayscale image into a
annotated images for training. Furthermore, in the ISBI binary image, greatly reducing the information contained
2015 Challenge, the UNet model outperformed all other in the image from 256 shades of grey to two shades, black
models with an R2 of 0.7756 on DIC-HeLa dataset, while and white. In this study, the Sauvola local threshold
the second-best algorithm can only achieve an R2 of 0.46. method is used for consistency because our research group
To the best of our knowledge, however, no one has has been using this approach. The Sauvola local threshold
attempted to determine the nanofibre diameters (i.e., sizes) allows retrieval of information from a grid of 4  4 pixels,
by deep learning, particularly, the UNet model. This paper which is used to determine a localized value for the
therefore introduces an automated tool for the characteriza- binarization. With the binary image, all graphics on the
tion of nanofibres by simultaneously processing multiple image with an area less than 3  3 pixels are eliminated
SEM images. The basic procedure is inspired by earlier after the ‘majority’ and ‘clean’ operations. The Canny
works.[28,34–37] This work contributes to the field by two edge detection is used to detect the fibre boundaries.
improvements: one is the ability to simultaneously process The dilation operation is used to obtain output, in which
multiple images, and the other is the optimized denoising the output pixel is the maximum value of all pixels in
procedure. This code in this work, solved using MATLAB, the neighbourhood. Then, the thinning operation is
has the following two improvements. performed to reduce the thickness of the boundary. This
The first improvement is to increase the number of step helps fix the edge profile and avoids inaccurate
images that can be processed at the same time. This thickening. After the skeletonization with the identified
feature allows end users to simultaneously process centrelines, the pruning operation is then performed to
multiple SEM images with different magnifications and delete sporadic branches at the ends of the skeletons.
to combine the results for accurate presentation. Our Finally, the Euclidean distance transformation is chosen
research group has realized that the accuracy of calculated for this research project.
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The UNet model is used for the segmentation of the The loss function used is the cross-entropy function.
SEM images, followed by central line determination and Apart from the network structure, overlap-tile strategy[49]
distance transformation for diameter determination. The is also used in this model to improve performance. When
network architecture of UNet is illustrated in Figure 1.[40] a pixel is predicted in the image, the surrounding pixels
The most notable feature of this network is its U-shape are also considered to provide environmental information
structure. The left side of the U shape is a contracting for enhanced accuracy. For this reason, padding is con-
path consisting of a series of convolutional layers. The ducted by preprocessing to expand the original image size.
right side is an expansive path consisting of a series of In this paper, the implementation of the UNet model is
up-convolutional layers. There are also four concatenations not exactly the same as the one originally reported.[40]
between the contacting path and the expansive path. Unlike medical image segmentation, the images segmented
The contracting path contains four convolutional in this project are post-processed to determine the diameter
steps. Each step contains two convolution layers and a of the nanofibre. The result of diameter is highly related to
max pooling layer. In each step, a 3  3 convolutions the number of pixels in the image. A smaller overall size
kernel is first applied twice, each followed by a rectified of the image results in a smaller diameter too, deviating
linear activation function (ReLU). This convolutional from the fact.
operation is unpadded and results in the loss of boundary To minimize the deviation mentioned in the preced-
pixels. After two convolutional layers, a 2  2 max pooling ing paragraph, padding is added to each convolutional
operation with stride two is applied to the feature map. step in this work. Therefore, the pixels lost during the
The number of feature channels is doubled after each convolution will be complemented by zeroes, and the size
down-sampling step. of the image remains unchanged during the convolution
As for the expansive path, each up-sampling step of operation. The size of the output image then equals
the feature map is followed by a 2  2 up-convolution that of the input image. Batch normalization[50] is
layer that halves the number of feature channels. ReLU added between the convolution operation and the ReLU
is used as activation function. A SoftMax layer is placed activation function.[51]
after all neural network layers. We implement the UNet code on the SEM images of
In the original UNet model,[40] border pixels may be nanofibres collected in our research group to segment the
lost during each convolution. Therefore, it is necessary nanofibres from the background. We change the padding
to crop the image into the desired size before the concat- method of the original model without major change to
enation operation. There are 23 layers in this network. the original neural network structure.

FIGURE 1 The structure of UNet.

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2.1 | Procedure for implementation of The SEM images are prepared as follows. After
UNet model removing the title bar (i.e., the word description under
the main image), the size of SEM images becomes around
The implementation of deep learning comprises of three 600  1000. The original SEM images come in different
steps: (1) database build-up, (2) implementation of UNet sizes because they were taken at different times using
model, and (3) optimization of hyperparameters. They different equipment, but all images are cropped into
are introduced one-by-one as follows. 512  512 pixels. During cropping, the best effort has
been made to ensure as many non-repeating positions as
the image size allows. We wrote a Python script to
2.1.1 | Dataset build-up quickly batch process images.
Segmentation masks are generated from MATLAB
The nanofibre samples were prepared in our research lab using the same binarization and edge detection algorithm
by other graduate students studying electrospun nanofi- in the diameter determination part, specifically the
bres for energy and clean air applications. Data presented Sauvola local threshold and the Canny edge detection
in this thesis project include those from the same research method. In addition, the resultant segmentation mask is
group. All electrospun nanofibre samples are polymer- manually corrected using Photoshop to further enhance
based, including polyacrylonitrile (PAN) and polyvinyl accuracy. The procedure is depicted in Figure 2.
pyrrolidone (PVP). A total of 100 SEM images are col- Figure 2A is an example of SEM image after cropping,
lected. They are randomly split into training data (80%), and Figure 2B is the segmentation mask generated using
validation data (10%), and test data (10%) for model train- a MATLAB script. Figure 2C is a composite image made
ing, validation, and testing, respectively. in Photoshop. The opacity of the MATLAB segmentation

F I G U R E 2 Procedure for mask

correction using Photoshop.
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mask is adjusted to 50% and overlapped with the original As illustrated in Figure 3, the segmentation mask was
SEM image to show the deviation between them and the 4 pixels downward and 4 pixels right compared to the
imperfection of this segmentation result. Figure 2D is original image. Thus, a Python script is used to quickly
the manually corrected segmentation mask with the changes batch process the images by cropping the displacement
highlighted. boundary quickly.
During the segmentation mask generation, the
masks generated by MATLAB may have a minor dis-
placement compared to the original image. Again, the 2.1.2 | Implementation of UNet model
mask was generated by combining the Sauvola local
threshold method and the Canny edge detection. Dur- The images with thick fibre boundaries are shown in
ing the Sauvola local thresholding, the image informa- Figure 4. Figure 4A–C are images of fibre that are 1-pixel
tion was retrieved from the upper left corner of the wide, 3-pixel wide, and 5-pixel wide, respectively. However,
image grids by 4  4 pixels. The pixels at the very upper we still could not get a non-trivial result, even if the edge of
left edge do not have enough neighbours for the algo- the fibre increased to five pixels thick.
rithm to calculate the threshold value, and they are Another attempt was made by inverting the image
ignored during the thresholding process, resulting in a colour (see Figure 5), changing the image from pure
shift of 4 pixels in both left and upward directions black to pure white. However, the output was still
within the segmentation mask. There is an additional pure black images.
step in the image processing to line up the image and After excluding all the preceding possible sources of
the segmentation mask for further training. problem, we believe that the problem lies in the format

F I G U R E 3 Displacement of
mask generated by MATLAB.
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FIGURE 4 The segmentation mask image with different fibre thickness.

FIGURE 5 The segmentation mask image with inverted colour.

and properties of the images used as training dataset. calculated and generated mask. However, the accuracy
The original images obtained from the experimental did not increase further, but rather decreased when the
equipment are in tag image file format (.tif format). Thus, epoch number reached 25. This result shows that
they were converted into PNG format with 8-bits bit 25 epochs are already sufficient for the model training.
depth using Photoshop. A bit depth of eight bits allows Otherwise, problems such as overfitting may occur when
256 different intensities (shades of grey) to be recorded. the epoch number increases further.
After this attempt, we finally got non-trivial results from
the model.
2.1.4 | Diameter determination

2.1.3 | Optimization of the hyperparameter Figure 7 shows the generated boundary result of the
nanofibre SEM images. The Python libraries used for
The learning rate, batch size, and epoch were tuned and the image processing are skimage and quanfima. The
optimized by trial and error. The loss function used for overlapping picture (Figure 7C) shows a promising result
training is binary cross-entropy. The range of learning for the fibre segmentation. When used for diameter
rate is from 1E 3 to 1E 5 as a best practice in the field. determination, precision and integrity are the two most
The range of batch size varies from 2 to 10. The epoch essential criteria for image segmentation. Precision
varies from 5 to 50 epochs. Figure 6 shows the effects means the generated image boundary should be located
of epoch on the accuracy and loss of the testing set. precisely at the place where the fibre boundary appears.
The greater the epoch number, the less the loss of the The dislocation of fibre boundary will lead to deviation in
model, which indicates a smaller variance between the diameter. Integrity means that both sides of the fibre
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FIGURE 6 The accuracy and loss under different epochs.

FIGURE 7 (A) Original SEM image; (B) The generated boundary of nanofibre; (C) Overlap of (A) and (B) for comparison.

need to appear in the image segmentation mask. The number, which is hundreds of times larger than the
fibres in the background, which do not appear on average fibre diameter. This obvious outlier can be
the segmentation mask, do not introduce deviation to easily identified and excluded.
the diameter result. Therefore, the segmentation result
does not need to outline every single fibre on the image.
However, the algorithm for diameter calculation may 3 | RESULTS A ND DISCUSSION
misrecognize fibres with only one side boundary and
bring deviation into the result. Therefore, the segmenta- 3.1 | Results of multiple image
tion is regarded as satisfactory only when both criteria processing using MATLAB
are satisfied.
One misjudgement problem is noticed during the Figure 9 compares the fibre diameter distributions
diameter determination as illustrated in Figure 8. As obtained using the two-image processed by MATLAB. It
seen from the skeleton of the image in Figure 8A, the clearly indicates the dependence of diameter distribution
centrelines are drawn between not only the fibres, but on the SEM magnification. Considering the dependence
also some gaps, and the misjudged fibres are highlighted of diameter distribution on the SEM magnification,
in Figure 8B. This means that some gaps between fibres results from images at different magnifications should be
are also recognized as the nanofibre boundary, and the combined for more statistically reliable data. For the
distance between gaps is calculated as the fibre diameter. combined result, the average diameter and standard
The algorithm itself causes this error and it is considered deviation are closer to the low-magnification image
challenging for the program to distinguish between the result. This is likely because the low-magnification
gap and the fibre. However, this is not a big concern images contain a larger area of sample, and therefore are
because the gap usually leads to an extremely large more representative. The mean diameter obtained from
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F I G U R E 8 Skeletonization
result of the image.

F I G U R E 9 (A) Scanning
electron microscope (SEM) image of
nanofibre at high ( 20K)
magnification; (B) SEM image of
nanofibre at low ( 5K)
magnification; (C) Diameter
distributions from two images at
different magnifications.

the image with a higher magnification is smaller. It is 3.2 | Results obtained by deep
likely because the high magnification means a zoom-in learning (UNet)
on the sample, and thus characterizes the finer fibres that
are ignored in the low-magnification scenario. Therefore, Figure 10 compares the diameter distributions obtained by
the combination of the results from different magnifica- image-processing using MATLAB, manual measurement,
tions is deemed more comprehensive and accurate in and deep learning (UNet). The manual measurement
diameter determination. is regarded as the benchmark for accuracy evaluation.
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10 YU ET AL.

FIGURE 10 (A) The subject scanning electron microscope (SEM) image; (B) The results measured using MATLAB, UNet, and manual

F I G U R E 1 1 (A) The scanning electron microscope (SEM) image with the manually measured location marked; (B) Image with the
UNet method measuring area highlighted in yellow.

The manual measurement is from the doctoral thesis of SEM image are counted when using the MATLAB
Givehchi,[33] who also uses the manual measurement as method. The size of the complete SEM image is 1024  681
a benchmark. The same benchmark is used herein to pixels, which can be measured twice in a lateral direction
compare the UNet method with the MATLAB method. using UNet because when using UNet for image segmenta-
Figure 10B shows that that the UNet method is closer to tion, the input image size is fixed at 512  512 pixels. This
the manual measurement than MATLAB does. However, means that the UNet method cannot measure the entire
their difference is not distinctive. Further in-depth area of the SEM image.
analyses are as follows. To exclude the interference of different examination
The difference between manual measurement and areas, we compared the results using the same area,
UNet result may be induced by the difference in the area which are the squares marked by yellow lines. Figure 12
of examination. For example, Figure 11 shows the origi- compares the results obtained using the same size
nal SEM image (Figure 11A) for manual measurement of SEM image, and the corresponding mean diameters
and the image for the UNet method highlighted in yellow and standard deviations from all methods are shown
(Figure 11B). Figure 11A shows the image with manually in Table 1. According to the table, compared to the
measured points marked—the short white lines crossing MATLAB method, mean diameter from UNet method has
the fibres in this figure mark the random locations for a smaller deviation with the manual result. This means
manual measurement. Note that all fibres in the original the UNet method has a better accuracy compared to the
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YU ET AL. 11

FIGURE 12 The comparison of diameter distribution curve from different methods.

TABLE 1 The mean and standard deviation of diameter results.

Manual By MATLAB By deep learning (UNet)

Mean’s relative Mean’s relative
deviation with deviation with
Mean (nm) Stdeva (nm) Mean (nm) Stdev (nm) manual (%) Mean (nm) Stdev (nm) manual (%)
#1 178.61 43.98 166.75 80.19 6.64 177.80 71.96 0.50
#2 177.07 54.50 156.02 72.72 11.89 156.77 58.02 11.46

’Stdev’ stands for standard deviation.


MATLAB method. Overall, the UNet model is deemed same time and their measurements are combined as the
reliable. The distributions of UNet data points are very final result, which is deemed more accurate. Deep
close to the manual measured data points and the overall learning by UNet is used for diameter determination, and
trend is also the same. the results obtained by deep learning were more accurate
than those obtained by image-processing using MATLAB.
Deep learning (UNet) was also implemented using Python,
4 | C ON C L U S I ON S which can be run on a free platform instead of commercial
software like MATLAB. This change reduces the cost of
This paper presents two approaches to fibre diameter the operation.
measurement: image processing by MATLAB and UNet-
based deep learning. The influence of image magnification AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
in the MATLAB approach was verified and considered Hesheng Yu: Conceptualization; formal analysis; inves-
during the diameter determination procedure. Two tigation; supervision; writing – review and editing.
images at different magnifications can be processed at the Erqian Gao: Formal analysis; investigation; methodology;
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12 YU ET AL.

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