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(Tablilla elemental de fuego)

Rite of the Magical Eucharist


Altar: Rose (East), red candle (South), cup of red

wine (West), bread and salt (North).

Propiedades del elemento de fuego:

Control de la ira, éxito en la carrera y en el

trabajo; obtener promoción, desarrollar aspectos
de liderazgo, coraje y valor, peleas y discordias,
energía vital y fortaleza física, controlar los
miedos, salud: bueno para heridas, sangrados,
cirugías, pasión, sexo y lujuria, vigor, potencia
sexual, la líbido, mejorar la fuerza de la voluntad,
autoridad y prestigio.


1) Stand West of the Altar facing East.

2) Assume the God Form of Osiris dressed in

white with yellow, blue, black, and red trim while
vibrating "Osiris" [A-sar] .

3) Declare: "For Osiris On-Nophris, who is

found perfect before the Gods hath said (point
to the Altar): These are the Elements of my
body, perfected through suffering, glorified
through trial. For the scent of the dying rose is
as the repressed sigh of my suffering and the
flame red Fire as the Energy of my undaunted
will. The cup of wine is as the pouring out of
the blood of my heart sacrificed unto
regeneration, unto newer life, and the bread
and salt are as the foundations of my body
which I destroy in order that it may be
renewed. For I am Osiris triumphant, even
Osiris On-Nophris, the justified. I am he who
is clothed in a body of flesh, yet in whom is the
Spirit of the great Gods. I am the Lord of life,
triumphant over death. He who partaketh with
me shall arise with me. I am the manifester in
matter of those whose abode is in the invisible.
I am purified. I stand upon the Universe. I am
its reconciler with the eternal Gods, and
without me the Universe is not."
4) Go to the Air Tablet in the East. Extend your
arms in the form of a cross in the Sign of Osiris
Slain. Proclaim: "Blessed art Thou, Lord of the
Universe, for thy Glory flows out to the ends of
the Universe rejoicing."

5) Drop your arms to your sides, then extend

them outward and upward toward the Quarter.
Declare: "I invite you, all you beings of the
great Eastern Quadrangle; Archangels, Angels,
Kings, Rulers, and Elementals now assembled
in this Temple to partake with me, Priest, of
the Eucharist of the four Elements." .
6) Go to the Fire Tablet in the South. Give the
Sign of Osiris Slain, and proclaim: "Blessed art
Thou, Lord of the Universe, for thy Glory
flows out to the ends of the Universe rejoicing.

7) Drop your arms to your sides, then extend

them outward and upward toward the Quarter.
Declare: "I invite you, all you beings of the
great Eastern Quadrangle; Archangels, Angels,
Kings, Rulers, and Elementals now assembled
in this Temple to partake with me, Priest, of
the Eucharist of the four Elements."
8) Go to the Water Tablet in the West. Give the
Sign of Osiris Slain, and proclaim: "Blessed art
Thou, Lord of the Universe, for thy Glory
flows out to the ends of the Universe
rejoicing." .

9) Drop your arms to your sides, then extend

them outward and upward toward the Quarter.
Declare: "I invite you, all you beings of the
great Eastern Quadrangle; Archangels, Angels,
Kings, Rulers, and Elementals now assembled
in this Temple to partake with me, Priest, of
the Eucharist of the four Elements.
10) Go to the Earth Tablet. Give the Sign of
Osiris Slain, and proclaim: "Blessed art Thou,
Lord of the Universe, for thy Glory flows out
to the ends of the Universe rejoicing.( Bendito
eres Tú, Señor del Universo, porque tu Gloria
fluye hasta los confines del Universo
regocijándose" ).

11) Drop your arms to your sides, then extend

them outward and upward toward the Quarter.
Declare: "I invite you, all you beings of the
great Eastern Quadrangle; Archangels, Angels,
Kings, Rulers, and Elementals now assembled
in this Temple to partake with me, Priest, of
the Eucharist of the four Elements."

12) Go to the West of the Altar facing East.

Visualize all of the invisible entities present, and
offer each elemental symbol to them as you raise
each element in turn toward the East. Proclaim:
(raising the candle toward the East) "I invite you
to feel with me the warmth of this sacred lamp
as a symbol of elemental Fire, (raising the
chalice toward the East) to drink with me this
sacramental wine, a consecrated symbol of
elemental Water, (raising the rose toward the
East) to partake with me of the scent of this
rose as a symbol of elemental Air, and lastly
(raising the paten or plate toward the East) to
eat with me of this bread and salt as types of

13) Give the Sign of the Enterer, then

circumambulate to the East of the Altar facing
West. Give the Sign of Silence. Partake of each
of the Elemental symbols in the order given

13) When finished, drink the last drops of wine

from of the cup, invert it, and place it upon the
center of the Altar. Proclaim: "Tetelestai! It is
accomplished!" .

14) Declare: "Unto Thee, sole wise, sole mighty,

and sole eternal One, be the praise and the
glory forever, who has permitted me who
standeth humbly before Thee to penetrate thus
far into the sanctuary of thy mysteries. Not
unto me, but unto thy Name be the glory. Let
the influence of thy Divine Ones descend upon
my head and teach me the value of self-
sacrifice, so that I shrink not in the hour of
trial, but that thus my Name may be written
on high and my Genius stand in the presence
of the Holy Ones; in that hour when the Son of
Man is invoked before the Lord of Spirits and
his Name before the Ancient of Days”.

15) Divest yourself of the God Form of Osiris

dressed in white with yellow, blue, black, and red
trim, while vibrating "Osiris" [A-ser].


Altar: Red Altar Cloth, Elemental Banishing

Dagger, Fire Wand (wrapped), (candle (South),
water, cup of red wine (West), bread, salt (North),
Rose (East)).

Tabletas enokianas: Unión (centro del altar),

tablilla de fuego en el Sur.
Llamada enokiana: 6ª
Tarot: el mazo de Bastos.
Colores: Rojo brillante con el complementario
Tiempo ideal: Durante una marea de fuego.
Incienso: Olíbano .



1) Go to the Northeast comer. Stand facing

outward, away from the Altar. Proclaim: "Hekas,
Hekas Este Bebeloi" .

2) Go to the West of the Altar, facing East.

Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the
Pentagram .

3) Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the


4) Perform the Rite of Purification with Water

and Consecration with Fire .

5) Unwrap your Fire Wand.

6) Perform the Rite of the Qabalistic Cross.

7) Perform an Invocation of the Highest Divine

Force .
8) Pick up your Fire Wand. Assume the God
Form of Horus, dressed in red with green trim,
while vibrating "Horus" ( Her Ur)

9) Go to the
Eastern end of the Circle. Stand facing outward.
Trace a white Invoking Spirit Pentagram (for the
Active Elements), while vibrating "Bitom" [be-
to-m]. Trace a black Spirit Wheel in its center,
while vibrating [e-he-ye]. Project white Light
through it, using the Sign of the Enterer . Da lo
signos Lux . Trace a red Invoking Fire Pentagram
directly over the previous one, while vibrating
"Oip Teaa Pdoce" [o-ep te-a-a pe-do-ke]. Trace
a green Leo symbol in its center, while vibrating
[elo-hem]. Project red Light through it, using the
Sign of the Enterer.
Give the Sign of the Philosophus Grade, and
remain thus for a short time, while you feel the
invoked Energies. Raise your arms, reaching
outward and slightly upward. Proclaim: "In the
Three Holy Secret Names of God, I invoke you,
you Angels of the Tablet of Fire." Pierce the
center of the Pentagrams, and trace a line of white
Light as you move to the South. Finish the line at
the point where the center of the next Pentagrams
will be. Etc haz lo mismo en las restantes tres

10) Go to the North of the Altar, facing South.

Pause and close your eyes for a moment.
Visualize again the God Form of Horus which
you continue to assume, dressed in red, with
green trim, while vibrating "Horus" [Her Ur],
36. Trace a white Invoking Spirit Pentagram (for
the Active Elements) over the Altar, while
vibrating "Bitom" [be-to-m]. Trace a black Spirit
Wheel in its center, while vibrating [e-he-ye].
Project white Light through it, using the Sign of
the Enterer. Give the LVX Signs. Trace a red
Invoking Fire Pentagram directly over the
previous one, while vibrating "Oip Teaa Pdoce"
[o-ep te-a-a pe-do-ke]. Trace a green Leo symbol
in its center, while vibrating Elohim , Project red
Light through it, using the Sign of the Enterer.

Give the Sign of the Philosophus Grade, and

remain thus for a short time, while you feel the
invoked Energies. Raise your arms, reaching
outward and slightly upward. Proclaim: "In the
Three Holy Secret Names of God, I invoke you,
you Angels of the Tablet of Fire."

Each of the Names in the following Invocation

should be vibrated twice. The first time, vibrate
the Name while you trace it in Hebrew (over the
Pentagrams, from right to left). The second time,
vibrate the Name again, while you trace its Sigil,
as shown below. Proclaim: "In the Name of the
Lord [yod-he-vav-he tsev-a-ot], of the
Archangel [mi-ka-el], of the Angel [ar-al], and
of the Ruler [sar-af], I invoke you, you Forces
of [esh]." :
Raise your arms, reaching outward and upward.
Proclaim (and vibrate where indicated): "In the
Name of the Elemental Order of the
'Salamanders' [sa-la-man-ders], and of their
King 'Djin' [jen], I invoke you, you Powers of

11) Vibrate the sixth Enochian Call :

“ Gah sdiu chis em micalzo pilzin sobam

El harg mir babalon od obloc samvelg
dlugar malprg arcaosgi od Acam canal
sobolzar tbliard caosgi odchis anetab od
miam taviv od d Darzar Solpeth bien Brita
od zacam gmicalzo sobhaath trian luiahe
odecrin MAD qaaon”

“Los espíritus del 4º ángulo son nueve ,

poderosos en el firmamento de las aguas , a
quienes el Primero ha dispuesto como un
tormento para los malvados y una
guirnalda para el justo: dándoles dados de
juego para proteger a la Tierra y 7699
trabajadores que no descansan jamás ,
cuyos cursos visitan con consuelo la
Tierra , y que están en el gobierno y en la
continuación como el 2º y el 3º .
Entonces ¡escuchad mi voz!: he hablado a
vosotros y os convoco con vuestro poder y
presencia , vuestras obras serán un canto
de honor y la alabanza de vuestro Dios en
vuestra creación”

12) Extend your arms outward and upward.

Proclaim: "I invoke you, you Angels of the
celestial Spheres, whose dwelling is in the
Invisible. You are the Guardians of the Gates
of the Universe. May you also be the
Guardians of this Mystic Sphere. Keep far
removed the Evil and the Unbalanced.
Strengthen and inspire me, so that I may
preserve unsullied this Abode of the Mysteries
of the Eternal Gods. Let my Sphere be pure
and holy, so that I may enter in, and become a
partaker of, the Light Divine."

13) Go to the Northeast comer of the Circle, and

face outward. Extend your arms outward and
upward, and proclaim: "The visible Sun is the
dispenser of Light to the Earth. Let me form
therefore a Vortex in this Chamber, that the
invisible Light of the Spirit shall shine therein
from above." Circumambulate three times
around the perimeter of the Circle. Imagine
Magical Current flowing through you, and
visualize a clockwise-spinning Vortex being
created as you move. Give the Sign of the Enterer
each time that you pass by the Eastern end of the
Circle (in the direction you are going, without
stopping). Finish in the Northeast .

14) Go to the West of the Altar, facing East.

Perform the Rite of Adoration of the Lord of
the Universe .

15) State clearly the Magical Intentions of the

Ritual. For example: "It is the Intention of this
Ritual that the Energies of the Element of Fire
shall be awakened in my Sphere of Sensation”

16) Perform the Ritual of the Middle Pillar. This

activates and equilibrates the invoked Forces in
your Sphere of Sensation.
17) Perform the Rite of the Magical Eucharist

a) Stand West of the Altar facing East.

b) Assume the God Form of Osiris dressed in

white with yellow, blue, black, and red trim while
vibrating "Osiris" [A-sar] .

c) Declare: "For Osiris On-Nophris, who is

found perfect before the Gods hath said (point
to the Altar): These are the Elements of my
body, perfected through suffering, glorified
through trial. For the scent of the dying rose is
as the repressed sigh of my suffering and the
flame red Fire as the Energy of my intrépida
will. The cup of wine is as the pouring out of
the blood of my heart sacrificed unto
regeneration, unto newer life, and the bread
and salt are as the foundations of my body
which I destroy in order that it may be
renewed. For I am Osiris triumphant, even
Osiris On-Nophris, the justified. I am he who
is clothed in a body of flesh, yet in whom is the
Spirit of the great Gods. I am the Lord of life,
triumphant over death. He who partaketh with
me shall arise with me. I am the manifester in
matter of those whose abode is in the invisible.
I am purified. I stand upon the Universe. I am
its reconciler with the eternal Gods, and
without me the Universe is not."

d) Go to the Fire Tablet in the South. Extend

your arms in the form of a cross in the Sign of
Osiris Slain. Proclaim: "Blessed art Thou, Lord
of the Universe, for thy Glory flows out to the
ends of the Universe rejoicing."

e) Drop your arms to your sides, then extend

them outward and upward toward the Quarter.
Declare: "I invite you, all you beings of the
great Southern Quadrangle; Archangels,
Angels, Kings, Rulers, and Elementals now
assembled in this Temple to partake with me,
Priest, of the Eucharist of the four Elements." .

f) 12) Go to the West of the Altar facing East.

Visualize all of the invisible entities present, and
offer each elemental symbol to them as you raise
each element in turn toward the East. Proclaim:
(raising the candle toward the East) "I invite you
to feel with me the warmth of this sacred lamp
as a symbol of elemental Fire, (raising the
chalice toward the East) to drink with me this
sacramental wine, a consecrated symbol of
elemental Water, (raising the rose toward the
East) to partake with me of the scent of this
rose as a symbol of elemental Air, and lastly
(raising the paten or plate toward the East) to eat
with me of this bread and salt as types of

g) Give the Sign of the Enterer, then

circumambulate to the East of the Altar facing
West. Give the Sign of Silence. Partake of each
of the Elemental symbols in the order given

h) When finished, drink the last drops of wine

from of the cup, invert it, and place it upon the
center of the Altar. Proclaim: "Tetelestai! It is
accomplished!" .

i) Declare: "Unto Thee, sole wise, sole mighty,

and sole eternal One, be the praise and the
glory forever, who has permitted me who
standeth humbly before Thee to penetrate thus
far into the sanctuary of thy mysteries. Not
unto me, but unto thy Name be the glory. Let
the influence of thy Divine Ones descend upon
my head and teach me the value of self-
sacrifice, so that I shrink not in the hour of
trial, but that thus my Name may be written
on high and my Genius stand in the presence
of the Holy Ones; in that hour when the Son of
Man is invoked before the Lord of Spirits and
his Name before the Ancient of Days”.

j) Divest yourself of the God Form of Osiris

dressed in white with yellow, blue, black, and red
trim, while vibrating "Osiris" [A-sar].

18) Carefully wrap and put away your

Consecrated Fire Wand, to avoid any accidental
dissipation of its charged Force .

19) Go to the Southeast corner.

Reverse circumambulate three times around the
perimeter of the Circle. As you move, imagine
Magical Current flowing through you, and
visualize the Vortex of Magical Energy, which
you created earlier, reversing and dissipating.
Give the Sign of the Enterer each time that you
pass by the Eastern end of the Circle (in the
direction you are going, without stopping). Finish
in the Southeast .

20) Go to the West of the Altar, facing East, and

perform the Rite of Adoration of the Lord of the

21) Pause and close your eyes for a moment.

Visualize again the God Form of Horus, dressed
in red with green trim. Divest yourself of the God
Form of Horus, while vibrating "Horus" [Her
Ur]. Likewise divest yourself of any other God
Forms which may have been assumed during
preliminary Invocations (e.g., of the Highest
Divine Force).

22) Perform the Greater Banishing Ritual of the

Pentagram for the Element of Fire.

Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the


Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the

Knock five times upon the Altar and proclaim: "I
now release any Spirits which may have been
imprisoned by this Ritual, Go now, with the
Blessings of [ye-he-shu-a ye-ho-va-sha]. May
there always be peace between us, and may
you always come when you are called. I now
Declare this Ritual duly closed”.

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