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Title: Web based and Mobile App: OJT Record Monitoring System

Problem to be solved: Current obstacles in On-the-Job Training (OJT) record monitoring

include difficulty tracking progress, communication gaps between supervisors and
students, and the necessity for effective record-keeping. The OJT Record Monitoring
System tackles these difficulties by offering a centralized, real-time monitoring solution
to students at Sultan Kudarat State University (SKSU), simplifying OJT operations and
increasing overall efficacy.

Who? Organizations, supervisors, and students involved in On-the-Job Training (OJT)


Why? To streamline and enhance the monitoring of OJT records, addressing challenges
in tracking progress, communication gaps, and ensuring efficient record-keeping for
both supervisors and students.

Where? The OJT Record Monitoring System is intended for Sultan Kudarat State
University (SKSU) students, providing them with a consolidated and easily accessible
platform for effectively managing and monitoring their on-the-job training (OJT) records.

How? HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and database management systems are used in the
system's web-based and mobile applications. It allows for seamless communication,
progress monitoring, and real-time updates on OJT activities.


 Centralized Records Management

 Real-Time Progress Tracking
 Communication Platform
 Document Upload and Access
 Task Assignment and Reminders
 Mobile Accessibility
 User-friendly interface
 Secure authentication
 Customizable settings

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