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Picture looking straight into these jaws! They are leopard seals.
One of the most pedators in the ocean of the Antarctic. A leopard
seal's ahead of teeth are sharp enough to rip out the preys in seconds.
Always, the seal hunts fish, squid, and penguines. According to
researchers, leopard seals barely fight people.
National geographic photographer is a man behind the camera.
Polar regions has been explored by his, he is hooked on conservating
these the faunaes that live there. apparently, he likes leopard seals. He
wondered that they they were really so hazardous. For his passion, he
makes a decision on travelling to Antarctica so as to find out. "One
upon a planet, his membered family were standing on the boat, a big
wave was hit on my boat by a large female leopard seal. he was broke
down because she was so clossal. he knew that this is time to access
to this mysterious creature.
He had decided to stay calm down, after taking some images,
these images are caught very clearly by his camera. Even though the
seal showed off the teeth and mouth, he tried to overcome his fear.
She hit on his camera, and then she had swum away. The she went
back with a live penguin. The penguin was so tasty for his to eat. Of
course, he loves the animals, he had never eaten penguin. Then he
thinks the seal was depressive.

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