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English By : Jaideep Singh

1. He was not / (a) so well versed in /(b) English that we /(c) had expected /(d) No error

2. Mrs. Varun / (a) not only stopped coming /(b) here but also going to any place /(c)
which is related to her past tragedy /(d) No error (e)

3. Nobody else but / (a) you might be declared /(b) responsible for the /(c) loss of those
articles /(d) No error (e)

4. The teacher said / (a) to the students, Go through the /(b) notes as many times as
possible /(c) lest you would fail. /(d) No error (e)

5. Seldom or / (a) ever have I tried my /(b) best to defend my friends, who are after /(c)
all guilty to some extent /(d) No error (e)

6. Seldom or / (a) ever have I turned /(b) a beggar away without /(c) giving him some
alms /(d) No error (e)

7. The officer was doubtful / (a) if some of the clerks /(b) of his office were /(c) involved
in bribery /(d) No error (e)

8. Neither the doctor / (a) nor his assistants /(b) were asleep when /(c) the phone rang
up. /(d) No error (e)

9. Because he has / (a) been ill for a month /(b) so he does not /(c) come to the office
/(d) No error (e)

10. You must either / (a) inform the police /(b) else be prepared /(c) to suffer any loss /(d)
No error (e)

11. As soon as the peon / (a) rings the first bell, then all /(b) the students assemble /(c)
on the ground for prayer./(d) No error (e)

12. He not only comes / (a) here for shopping but also for having a glimpse of /(b) the
extremely beautiful sales girl. /(c) No error (d)

13. Hardly had he / (a) come out of the bus /(b) then the bomb exploded /(c) and
shattered the bus into pieces /(d) No error (e)

English By : Jaideep Singh
14. Scarcely had he bought / (a) the ticket when the guard /(b) showed the flag and /(c)
the train started /(d) No error (e)

15. I don't know / (a) if any of the members /(b) of the party is conspiring /(c) against the
President or not /(d) No error (e)

16. Many of the founding fathers / (a) of our constitution are /(b) so revered as Ambedkar
/(c) if not more./(d) No error (e)

17. This is not such / (a) a major problem /(b) which cannot be solved /(c) with a little
effort /(d) No error (e)

18. This is perhaps / (a) the same dog which /(b) bit her while she was returning /(c) from
market /(d) No error (e)

19. He asked me / (a) that why I was /(b) not preparing for the /(c) Civil Service
Examinations /(d) No error (e)

20. Both hari / (a) as well as his wife /(b) are determined to bring /(c) about some changes
in the plan /(d) No error (e)

21. As he is / (a) perfectionist, /(b) so he always /(c) insists on regular practice /(d) No
error (e)

22. Although these rooms / (a) are in need of repair, /(b) but the owner does not take /(c)
any notice of their condition /(d) No error (e)

23. The teacher asked / (a) the students to go to /(b) market and buy some fruit /(c) as
apples, oranges, guavas, etc /(d) No error (e)

24. He suggested to me / (a) that I should /(b) do all the work as /(c) quickly like him /(d)
No error (e)

25. He was so clever/ (a) that everybody's attempt /(b) to misguide him /(c) proved to be
futile /(d) No error (e)

26. No sooner did / (a) he find out any solution /(b) to the problem when /(c) another
problem appeared /(d) No error (e)

English By : Jaideep Singh
27. Not only has he built / (a) a hospital for the poor /(b) but he has also built an /(c)
orphanage for orphans /(d) No error (e)

28. The robbers had / (a) hardly put the ornaments /(b) in his bag than /(c) the housewife
woke up /(d) No error (e)

29. Scarcely had he / (a) gone a few steps /(b) that he was told by someone /(c) that his
mother was no more /(d) No error (e)

30. Scarcely had I / (a) walked out of my house /(b) when I saw my /(c) friend coming
towards me. /(d) No error (e)

31. Mrs. Sen told me that though / (a) her son had worked hard but /(b) he failed to make
/(c) any mark in the last examination/(d) No error (e)

32. Hardly / (a) had the speaker /(b) finished speaking, then the lights went out and /(c)
there was an uproar in the hall. /(d) No error (e)

33. Dr. Sinha was not only / (a) sympathetic to the rich /(b) patients but also/(c) to the
poor ones. /(d) No error (e)

34. He has lots / (a) of money and /(b) he dare not start a factory /(c) No error (d)

35. The newsman was doubtful / (a) that the man who had been run over /(b) by some
vehicles had lain /(c) there for more than one day /(d) No error (e)

36. Because he is intelligent, / (a) therefore he gets good /(b) marks in all the /(c)
examinations he takes /(d) No error (e)

37. His offence was such / (a) as he was bound to suffer /(b) and ultimately /(c) meet his
doom. /(d) No error (e)

38. She was too beautiful / (a) to be rejected by any /(b) youngman who whished /(c) to
make her his wife /(d) No error (e)

39. Since Diwali is fast approaching, / (a) my teenager son has bought many fireworks
/(b) as rockets, crackers, etc /(c) all of which cost much./(d) No error (e)

40. Scarcely had he gone / (a) than a policemen knocked /(b) at the door to enquire /(c)
about his Where abouts /(d) No error (e)

English By : Jaideep Singh
41. No sooner had the train / (a) arrived then the crowd rushed /(b) towards the
compartment to greet their leader /(c) who was travelling by that train /(d) No error (e)

42. Hardly had the wheels touched / (a) the ground than the pilot indicated /(b) with his
fingers how many /(c) injured people he was carrying. /(d) No error (e)

43. No sooner was the agitation / (a) in Darjeeling silenced /(b) the Bodo Land activity /(c)
in Assam erupted /(d) No error (e)

44. I cannot confirm / (a) you if he has paid /(b) the bill or returned /(c) the goods /(d) No
error (e)

45. Ten years have passed / (a) that I returned from /(b) London and settled /(c) in this
part of the country./(d) No error (e)

46. It was almost / (a) ten years ago since he wrote /(b) a letter to me to /(c) remind me of
my lapses /(d) No error (e)

47. The patient would not / (a) have died /(b) when the doctor had /(c) come in time /(d)
No error (e)

48. The programme was / (a) almost fixed and it was /(b) my friend's insincerity that
upset the /(c) whole thing and disappointed us /(d) No error (e)

49. He did not / (a) succeed in the examination /(b) yet he /(c) worked hard /(d) No error

1. Supposing if (A)/ I give you (B)/ a cheque, (C)/ how will you cash it? (D)/ No error (E)
2. No sooner had he reached (A)/ the station with his friend (B)/ then the train (C)/
started. (D)/ No error (E)
3. You cannot be (A)/ granted admission (B)/ unless you do not submit (C)/ all the
certificates in original. (D)/ No error (E)
4. No sooner did (A)/ he announce the (B)/ tour the children (C)/ screamed with great
joy. (D)/ No error (E)
5. No sooner did I reach (A) / the stadium to watch match (B) / between India and
Australia, (C) it started raining heavily (D) / No error (E).

English By : Jaideep Singh
6. The driver (A)/ was thrown out (B)/ of the car and fortunately (C)/ he was not hurt
seriously. (D)/ No error (E)
7. He was a great man (A)/ he left not only impression (B)/ on our constitution (C)/ but
also on our social life. (D)/ No error (E)
8. Abha locked the cupboard provided that (A)/ her jewellery might (B)/ not get stolen.
(C)/ No error (D)
9. She is as intelligent, (A) / if not more intelligent than (B) / one of the (C) / students of
this institute (D)/No error (E).
10. You must know the fact (A) / that he continued to be lazy (B) / as long as he was (C) /
fourteen years old (D) / No error (E).
11. He has lots / (A) of money and /(B) he dare not start a factory /(C) No error (D)
12. Owing the heavy rain (A)/ in the middle of the match (B)/ was cancelled. (C)/ No error
13. I cannot confirm / (A) you if he has paid /(B) the bill or returned /(C) the goods /(D)
No error (E)
14. I cannot allow you to / (A) go out of the class /(B) unless the teacher comes /(C) and
gives me some instructions /(D) No error (E)
15. The shops were (A)/ closed as (B)/ I could not (C)/ buy anything. (D)/ No error (E)
16. They asked him (A)/ that he was going (B)/ to attend (C)/ the party. (D)/ No error (E)
17. The future is (A)/ yet to come (B)/ but you have a (C)/ right to shape it. (D)/ No error
18. The teacher (A)/ asked that (B)/ why I was late (C)/ last night. (D)/ No error (E)
19. Not only men (A)/ but also women (B)/ were chosen (C)/ for the work. (D)/ No error
20. Hardly had the peon (A)finished washing the car (B)than the master came (C)/ and
asked him to clean the office. (D)/ No error (E)
21. Dr. Sinha was not only/(A) sympathetic to the rich /(B) patients but also/(C) to the
poor ones. /(D) No error (E)
22. He not only believes (A)/ in hard work but (B)/ also in honesty (C)/ of the highest
order. (D)/ No error (E)
23. A free press is not only a privilege (A)/ but also an organic necessity (B)/ in a free
society. (C)/ No error (D)

English By : Jaideep Singh
24. Money not only satisfies (A)/ the basic psychological needs (B)/ but also the (C)/
higher order psychological needs. (D)/ No error (E)
25. You must commit it (A) / to your memory that (B) / you,will do nothing (C) / till you
are lazy and lax (D)/No error (E).
26. No sooner had the train / (A) arrived then the crowd rushed /(B) towards the
compartment to greet their leader /(C) who was travelling by that train /(D) No error
27. Even if he did not (A)/ say that, I am (B)/ sure he did not intend (C)/ to hurt your
feelings. (D)/ No error (E)
28. The officer was doubtful / (A) if some of the clerks /(B) of his office were /(C) involved
in bribery /(D) No error (E)
29. He was not / (A) so well versed in /(B) English that we /(C) had expected /(D) No error
30. This book is a primer (A)/ for managers who have (B)/ no formal training (C)/ or a
refresher for experienced managers. (D)/ No error (E)

31. Unless he does not discipline (A) / himself and try hard, (B) / he will not learn
swimming (C) / or anything for that matter (D) / No error (E).
32. Be smart (A)/ not only (B)/ in dress (C)/ and also in action. (D)/ No error (E)
33. She said to me, (A) / “ May you pass in the (B) / examination or not, I do not care (C) /
even in the least.” (D) / No error (E).
34. No sooner does the teacher (A)/ enter the class (B)/ then the students stand up. (C)/
No error (D)
35. Like the commission (A)/ is going to recruit (B)/ new candidates, it will not have (C)/
any type of problems, (D)/ No error (E)
36. Rashmi speaks a little (A)/ English as I talked (B)/ to her through (C)/ an interpreter.
(D)/ No error (E)
37. I shall give up (A)/ my claim so you (B)/ may have (C)/ the property. (D)/ No error (E)
38. Ram and Shyam arrived early, (A)/ so that they might get (B)/ a get seat (C)/ in the
train (D)/ No error (E)
39. The newsman was doubtful / (A) that the man who had been run over /(B) by some
vehicles had lain /(C) there for more than one day /(D) No error (E)

English By : Jaideep Singh
40. Hardly had the wheels touched / (A) the ground than the pilot indicated /(B) with his
fingers how many /(C) injured people he was carrying. /(D) No error (E)
41. As he is / (A) perfectionist, /(B) so he always /(C) insists on regular practice /(D) No
error (E)
42. This is not such / (A) a major problem /(B) which cannot be solved /(C) with a little
effort /(D) No error (E)
43. Neither the doctor / (A) nor his assistants /(B) were asleep when /(C) the phone rang
up. /(D) No error (E)
44. For he cannot do (A)/ a lot of work (B)/ at a time, he rejects (C)/ many offers (D)/ No
error (E)
45. Like he became (A)/ more competent (B)/ he was given (C)/ more interesting work.
(D)/ No error (E)
46. Unless you do not (A)/ give up your (B)/ bad habits, (C)/ you will repent. (D)/ No error
47. Either he nor his brother (A)/ was informed about (B)/ the venue of the (C)/ meeting
of your society. (D)/ No error (E)
48. We all will die sooner or later, (A) / since men (B) / are mortal (C) / and death is
inevitable (D) / No error (E).
49. Although my car is expensive, (A)/ I have had (B)/ a lot of trouble with it. (C)/ No error
50. No sooner did (A)/ the thief come out (B)/ of the room then (C)/ women attacked him.
(D)/ No error (E)
51. Although I am not (A) / as rich as you are, (B) / but I have the ability to donate (C) /
more money than you can (D) / No error (E).
52. Until you stay here, (A)/ you will find no time (B) for work, so you had better go back
to (C) / your home and concentrate on your project (D) / No error (E).
53. I will have (A)/ everything ready (B)/ so that (C)/ not to keep you waiting. (D)/ No error
54. She was too beautiful / (A) to be rejected by any /(B) youngman who whished /(C) to
make her his wife /(D) No error (E)
55. The patient would not / (A) have died /(B) when the doctor had /(C) come in time /(D)
No error (E)

English By : Jaideep Singh
56. This company (A)/ not only manufactures (B)/ leather goods (C)/ but also plastic
goods. (D)/ No error (E)
57. Ram has to look after (A)/ ten children (B)/ but he has nothing (C)/ besides/his
salary. (D)/ No error (E)
58. Because he is intelligent, / (A) therefore he gets good /(B) marks in all the /(C)
examinations he takes /(D) No error (E)
59. No sooner did / (A) he find out any solution /(B) to the problem when /(C) another
problem appeared /(D) No error (E)
60. He asked me / (A) that why I was /(B) not preparing for the /(C) Civil Service
Examinations /(D) No error (E)

61. The teacher said / (A) to the students, Go through the /(B) notes as many times as
possible /(C) lest you would fail. /(D) No error (E)
62. Hardly had he / (A) come out of the bus /(B) then the bomb exploded /(C) and
shattered the bus into pieces /(D) No error (E)
63. Hardly / (A) had the speaker /(B) finished speaking, then the lights went out and /(C)
there was an uproar in the hall. /(D) No error (E)
64. As Sachin Tendulkar is one of (A) /the greatest cricket players, (B) / so you cannot
mark his name off (C) / from the list of the persons to be awarded “Bharat Ratna” (D)
/ No error (E).
65. It was very unfortunate (A)/ that he had failed in history also (B)/ beside the other
(C)/ more difficult subjects. (D)/ No error (E)
66. Both (A)/ the structure or (B)/ the chemical composition of (C)/ lamellae are complex.
(D)/ No error (E)
67. Although winter in Kashmir is cold (A)/ but is pleasant (B)/ in many ways.(C)/ No
error (D)
68. The reason why this book (A)/ sells to well is (B)/ because it is written (C)/ in a lucid
and pleasant style. (D)/ No error (E)
69. Sarika neither comes (A)/ here regularly (B)/ nor does she (C)/ complete the chapter.
(D)/ No error (E)
70. While coming downstairs, (A)/ you must grab the iron rail (B)/ at your side lest (C)/
you slip off. (D)/ No error (E)

English By : Jaideep Singh
71. You cannot withdraw (A)/ all your money (B)/ unless you do not (C)/ give a prior
notice. (D)/ No error (E)
72. A morning walk (A)/ not only conducive (B)/ to mind (C)/ but also to health. (D)/ No
error (E)
73. No sooner was the agitation / (A) in Darjeeling silenced /(B) the Bodo Land activity
/(C) in Assam erupted /(D) No error (E)
74. His offence was such / (A) as he was bound to suffer /(B) and ultimately /(C) meet his
doom. /(D) No error (E)
75. He passed the examination (A)/ although he had been (B)/ prevented by illness (C)/
from studying (D)/ No error (E)
76. He did not / (A) succeed in the examination /(B) yet he /(C) worked hard /(D) No error
77. She is so lazy as (A)/ she cannot do this work (B)/ properly and cannot co-operate
(C)/ us in our scheme. (D)/ No error (E)
78. Young Ram appeared (A)/ in the Part of Juliet (B)/ like the boys used to do (C)/ at the
time of Shakespeare. (D)/ No error (E)
79. Scarcely had he gone out (A) / and a policeman knocked (B) / at the door around (C) /
ten o’clock yesterday night (D) / No error (E).
80. It was very unfortunate (A)/ that he had failed in history also (B)/ beside the other
(C)/ more difficult subjects. (D)/ No error (E)
81. An animal (A)/ can be just as unhappy in a vast area (B)/ or in a small one. (C)/ No
error (D)
82. The amount of (A)/ compensation was (B)/ not acceptable to (C)/ either Sunil and
Rahul (D)/ No error (E)
83. I do not think that (A) / she is equally intelligent (B) / and worldly wise as (C) her
younger sister who lives in London (D) / No error (E).
84. You must work till (A) / you live because if you stop (B) / working, the whole world (C)
/ will come to a standstill (D) / No error (E).
85. Pappu works (A)/ too hard lest he does not (B)/ fail in the examination.(C)/ No error
86. Supposing if a number (A) / of ghosts meet us in the forest, .(B) / will we be able to get
rid of (C) / them easily without that magical wand? (D) / No error (E).

English By : Jaideep Singh
87. Scarcely had he gone / (A) than a policemen knocked /(B) at the door to enquire /(C)
about his whereabouts /(D) No error (E)
88. It was almost / (A) ten years ago since he wrote /(B) a letter to me to /(C) remind me
of my lapses /(D) No error (E)
89. The reason why Pakistan (A)/ has not been able to build up (B)/ its trade is because
(C)/ its poor economic condition. (D)/ No error (E)
90. The robbers had / (A) hardly put the ornaments /(B) in his bag than /(C) the
housewife woke up /(D) No error (E)

91. Both hari / (A) as well as his wife /(B) are determined to bring /(C) about some
changes in the plan /(D) No error (E)
92. Seldom or / (A) ever have I tried my /(B) best to defend my friends, who are after /(C)
all guilty to some extent /(D) No error (E)
93. I don’t know / (A) if any of the members /(B) of the party is conspiring /(C) against the
President or not /(D) No error (E)
94. This is perhaps / (A) the same dog which /(B) bit her while she was returning /(C)
from market /(D) No error (E)
95. Since Diwali is fast approaching, / (A) my teenager son has bought many fireworks
/(B) as rockets, crackers, etc /(C) all of which cost much./(D) No error (E)
96. The programme was / (A) almost fixed and it was /(B) my friend’s insincerity that
upset the /(C) whole thing and disappointed us /(D) No error (E)
97. Despite of (A)/ the severe weather conditions (B)/ all the students (C)/ appeared at
the examination. (D)/ No error (E)
98. Not only he abused (A)/ the beggar (B)/ but also bit (C)/ him yesterday evening. (D)/
No error (E)
99. Heera did not dare (A)/ to leave the house (B)/ lest someone (C)/ may recognise him.
(D)/ No error (E)
100.Though Sumeet worked (A)/ very hard (B)/ still he could not (C)/ secure first division.
(D)/ No error (E)
101.I doubt that he was there (A) / because I saw him (B) / with a few friends of his
nearby (C) / PVR, Priya theatre only two hours ago (D) / No error (E).

English By : Jaideep Singh
102.Because he has been bed, ridden (A) / for more than two months, (B) / therefore you
must not (C) / force him to do much work now (D) / No error (E).
103.Each of the girls (A)/ is not only equipped with (B)/ all states of the art instruments
(C)/ but also with outstanding physicists. (D)/ No error (E)
104.Walking along the street at (A) / sharp ten o’clock, (B) /I saw a ghost in white garb (C)
/ with red cap on his head (D) / No error (E).
105.Both Mukesh as well as Anand (A) / are intelligent, but (B) / the former is laborious
(C) / and the latter is smart (D) / No error (E).
106.Until he does not discipline (A)/ himself and try hard (B)/ he will not learn (C)/
swimming or anything for that matter. (D)/ No error (E)
107.You must be surprised to hear (A) / that he had scarcely read (B) / the letter than a
telegram (C)/ arrived to shock him even more (D) / No error (E).
108.We have so arrange (A)/ matters as one (B)/ of us is (C)/ always on duty. (D)/ No
error (E)
109.Hardly had he (A)/ left the institute (B)/ than it (C)/ began to rain heavily. (D)/ No
error (E)
110.Unless you have (A)/ no objection (B)/ I shall see (C)/ you tomorrow. (D)/ No error (E)
111.When the bell (A)/ rang, then they (B)/ ran to the (C)/ play-ground. (D)/ No error (E)
112.Though he worked hard (A)/ still she could not (B)/ pass the examination (C)/ No
error (D)
113.Amit has to earn (A)/ lots of money (B)/ as that he can buy for (C)/ his children
nicefood and clothes. (D)/ No error (E)
114.Sudhir is (A)/ not so much unintelligent (B)/ as much (C)/ uneducated. (D)/ No error
115.Ten years have passed / (A) that I returned from /(B) London and settled /(C) in this
part of the country. /(D) No error (E)
116.Although he had (A)/ no qualifications (B)/ but he got (C)/ the job last year. (D)/ No
error (E)
117.So, you do not mind (A)/ my saying so, (B)/ I think you are partly (C)/ responsible for
the loss. (D)/ No error (E)
118.The match between (A)/ India and Sri Lanka was postponed when the playground
(B)/ was wet due to (C)/ heavy rain. (D)/ No error (E)

English By : Jaideep Singh
119.The performance (A)/ had hardly begun (B)/ when the lights (C)/ went out. (D)/ No
error (E)
120.No sooner had I (A)/ spoken to him (B)/ than he left the class. (C)/ No error (D)

121.He insisted (A)/ but neither Soni or her brother (B)/ is ready to (C)/ work on a
holiday. (D)/ No error (E)
122.He doubts (A)/ whether you will (B)/ pass the examination (C)/ this year nor not. (D)/
No error (E)
123.He is known for (A)/ both his hard (B)/ work and intelligent. (C)/ No error (D)
124.His behaviour was (A)/ so hard (B)/ as we all refused (C)/ to receive him in our
institute. (D)/ No error (E)
125.I work hard and study well (A) / that I may pass in the (B) / examination and do (C) /
my parents proud (D) / No error (E).
126.In spite the difficulties (A)/ on the way (B)/ they enjoyed their (C)/ trip to Gangotri.
(D)/ No error (E)
127.I was doing net practice, (A) / at that time Ricky Ponting came (B) / to talk to me (C) /
regarding the match fixing (D) / No error (E).
128.Both Sunil and Prachi did not come (A) / yesterday night at (B) / the party, because
both were (C) / busy in studies (D) / No error (E).
129.As soon as the peon / (A) rings the first bell, then all /(B) the students assemble /(C)
on the ground for prayer./(D) No error (E)
130.He suggested to me / (A) that I should /(B) do all the work as /(C) quickly like him
/(D) No error (E)
131.Mrs. Sen told me that though / (A) her son had worked hard but /(B) he failed to
make /(C) any mark in the last examination/(D) No error (E)
132.Although these rooms / (A) are in need of repair, /(B) but the owner does not take
/(C) any notice of their condition /(D) No error (E)
133.As soon the teacher (A)/ entered the classroom, (B)/ all the boys (C)/ stood up. (D)/
No error (E)
134.Ankur Verma is not so (A)/ good a batsman to (B)/ be selected for the national cricket
team. (C)/ No error (D)

English By : Jaideep Singh
135.Pushpa did not leave (A)/ the house lest (B)/ someone will (C)/ recognize her. (D)/ No
error (E)
136.Amitesh took his friend (A)/ with him so that (B)/ to have a companion (C)/ on the
journey. (D)/ No error (E)
137.Scarcely had he / (A) gone a few steps /(B) that he was told by someone /(C) that his
mother was no more /(D) No error (E)
138.Mrs. Varun / (A) not only stopped coming /(B) here but also going to any place /(C)
which is related to her past tragedy /(D) No error (E)
139.The teacher asked / (A) the students to go to /(B) market and buy some fruit /(C) as
apples, oranges, guavas, etc /(D) No error (E)
140.You must either / (A) inform the police /(B) else be prepared /(C) to suffer any loss
/(D) No error (E)
141.Many of the freedom (A)/ fighters are so (B)/ respectful as Gandhi ji. (C)/ No error (D)
142.No sooner did (A)/ we reach the station (B)/ when the train had (C)/ started moving
out of the station. (D)/ No error (E)
143.Each of the girls (A)/ is not only talented (B)/ in her studies (C)/ but also beautiful.
(D)/ No error (E)
144.This laboratory of physics is (A)/ not only equipped with (B)/ all states of the art
instruments (C)/ but also with outstanding physicists. (D)/ No error (E)
145.No sooner did (A)/ she reach (B)/ the statin then (C)/ it started raining. (D)/ No error
146.He was so clever/ (A) that everybody’s attempt /(B) to misguide him /(C) proved to be
futile /(D) No error (E)
147.Because he has / (A) been ill for a month /(B) so he does not /(C) come to the office
/(D) No error (E)
148.Nobody else but / (A) you might be declared /(B) responsible for the /(C) loss of those
articles /(D) No error (E)
149.Scarcely had I / (A) walked out of my house /(B) when I saw my /(C) friend coming
towards me. /(D) No error (E)
150.Many of the founding fathers / (A) of our constitution are /(B) so revered as
Ambedkar /(C) if not more./(D) No error (E)

English By : Jaideep Singh
151.There were so many as we did not (A)/ know where to (B)/ put them all. (C)/ No error
152.Now there is no option left, (A) / so you have to (B) / choose between a (C) / luminous
life or shameful death (D) / No error (E).
153.A mother said to her children, (A) / “ Walk carefully, (B) / lest you may fall down (C) /
or hurt yourself “(D)/ No error (E).
154.Not only has he built / (A) a hospital for the poor /(B) but he has also built an /(C)
orphanage for orphans /(D) No error (E)
155.Scarcely had he bought / (A) the ticket when the guard /(B) showed the flag and /(C)
the train started /(D) No error (E)
156.Seldom or / (A) ever have I turned /(B) a beggar away without /(C) giving him some
alms /(D) No error (E)
157.Not only he cheated (A)/ his parents but also (B)/ his friends (C)/ No error (D)
158.He was very much depressed, (A) / therefore I did not ask him (B) / anything about
his (C) / break-up with his wife (D) / No error (E).
159.She behaved (A)/ in such a manner (B)/ than all (C)/ disliked her. (D)/ No error (E)
160.He not only comes / (A) here for shopping but also /(B)for having a glimpse of /(C)
the extremely beautiful sales girl.(C)/ No error (E)

1. (A) Supposing

2. (C) then than

3. (C) do not

4. (C) tour than

5. (D) than, it

6. (C) and but

7. (B) not only, Impression

8. (A) that so

9. (A) intelligent as

10. (C) as long as until

11. (A) and but

English By : Jaideep Singh
12. (A) owing to

13. (A) if whether

14. (B) unless untill

15. (B) as so

16. (B) that if

17. (C) but and

18. (B) that

19. (D) No error

20. (B) than when

21. (A) not only, sympathetic

22. (A) not only, believes

23. (D) No error

24. (A) not only, satisfies

25. (D) till as long as

26. (A) then than

27. (A) Even if Although

28. (D) No error

29. (B) that as

30. (D) or and

31. (A) not

32. (D) and but

33. (B) May Whether in

34. (C) then than

35. (A) like as

36. (D) No error

37. (B) So that

38. (D) No error

39. (A) that whether

40. (A) that when

41. (B) So

English By : Jaideep Singh
42. (B) which as

43. (D) No error

44. (A) for as

45. (A) like as

46. (A) do not

47. (A) not place "or"

48. (B) since for

49. (D) No error

50. (C) then than

51. (C) but place 'yet'

52. (A) until as long as

53. (C) that as

54. (D) No error

55. (B) when if

56. (B) Not only, manufactures

57. (*) h h

58. (A) there fore

59. (B) when than

60. (B) that

61. (C) would should

62. (B) then when

63. (B) then when

64. (C) So

65. (C) beside besides

66. (B) or and

67. (B) but yet

68. (C) because that

69. (D) No error

70. (D) you should

71. (C) do not

English By : Jaideep Singh
72. (B) Not only, conducive

73. (B) the than

74. (A) as that

75. (D) No error

76. (B) yet Although

77. (A) as that

78. (C) like as

79. (B) and when

80. (C) beside besides

81. (C) or as

82. (D) and or

83. (B) equally as

84. (A) till as long as

85. (B) does not should

86. (A) supposing

87. (A) than when

88. (A) since that

89. (C) because they

90. (B) than when

91. (A) as well as and

92. (B) ever never

93. (A) if whether

94. (A) which that

95. (B) as like

96. (B) and But

97. (A) of

98. (A) he, not only

99. (D) May should

100. (C) still yet

English By : Jaideep Singh
101. (A) that if

102. (C) therefore

103. (B) not only, equipped

104. (A) walking while

105. (A) as well as and

106. (A) until if use scip 'does not'

107. (C) than when

108. (B) as that

109. (C) than when

110. (B) No

111. (D) No error

112. (B) still yet

113. (C) as so

114. (C) much

115. (B) that since

116. (C) but yet

117. (D) No error

118. (B) when because

119. (E) No error

120. (D) No error
121. (B) or nor

122. (D) nor or

123. (C) and his

124. (C) as that

125. (B) that so that

126. (A) In spite of

127. (B) time when

128. (A) both not use Neither sunil nor prachi come

129. (A) then

130. (C) like him as he

English By : Jaideep Singh
131. (B) but yet

132. (B) but yet

133. (A) as soon as

134. (B) to as to

135. (C) will should

136. (B) that as

137. (B) that when

138. (A) stopped not only

139. (C) as like

140. (B) else or

141. (B) so as

142. (C) when than

143. (D) No error

144. (B) not only, equipped

145. (C) then than

146. (D) No error

147. (B) So

148. (D) No error

149. (D) No error
150. (B) so as

151. (A) as that

152. (D) or and

153. (C) may should

154. (D) No error

155. (D) No error
156. (A) ever never

157. (A) Not only, cheated

158. (E) No error

159. (C) than that

160. (A) not only, here

English By : Jaideep Singh
English By : Jaideep Singh

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