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INFO 4328 Game Design & Development [KICT/IIUM]

06 – Designing
Ethical Gameplay
The bull’s-eye of morality

INFO 4328 Game Design & Development [KICT/IIUM]

Moral panic

Games lead to violent behavior and Training devices for teenage serial killers
Ethical desensitization in the face of violence. with serious social issues


Moral panic is a symptom of a larger cultural issue.

When considering such ethics, there are a number of important

questions that arise:
Is it the ethics of the game,
Do game designers have
or the ethics of playing the etc
moral responsibilities?

INFO 4328 Game Design & Development [KICT/IIUM]

Ethics can be defined as a system or set of moral values, and the

tools for analyzing these values.

Morals can be defined as the right or wrong of actions or objects.

The application of ethics is the rational, philosophical approach to

the questions of good, evil, harm, duties, and values.

Computer games are complex cultural objects:

• They have rules guiding behavior, they create game worlds with values at play, and
they relate to players who like to explore morals and actions forbidden in society.
What is Ethics • The ethics of computer games have to take into consideration all these variables.

INFO 4328 Game Design & Development [KICT/IIUM]

Most computer games These two elements

are systems of rules have to be coherent,
that encourage players creating entertaining
to work toward goals in gameplay while
a virtual environment. crafting a game world.

Two fundamental
Games as And many computer
elements to these
games address players
Designed Ethical computer games:
by means of a story.
systems and worlds.

INFO 4328 Game Design & Development [KICT/IIUM]

Relations Between Games as

Systems of Rules, and the Worlds
and Fictions They Create.
• Games force behaviors by rules:
the meaning of those behaviors, as communicated through the game
world to the player, constitutes the ethics of computer games as designed
• Game systems are designed systems, rules and procedures that create a
ludic experience.
• Rules, defined as formal systems that arbitrarily constrain possibilities in a
game, can create ethical values that are afterward enacted, interpreted, and
judged by the players.
• Rules can have embedded values determining how the world is constituted
Eg Half-Life 2 - not allowing players to shoot nonplayer characters who are
supposed to be allied with them.
• Rules are restrictions that encourage behaviors and reward actions.

INFO 4328 Game Design & Development [KICT/IIUM]

Ethical Role of a Game Designer

Chris Crawford on why ethics is an This lack of reality is perceived both Much of the research done on the
interesting parameter to consider as the great advantage of games and effect of computer games on their
when designing a computer game: its great danger. users shows a related concern:
“the fascinating paradox of play is that it the “unethical” actions that take place in a
provides the player with dangerous game, because they are not real, desensitize
experiences that are absolutely safe.” the users to the real consequences of those
same actions.

INFO 4328 Game Design & Development [KICT/IIUM]

A game gives us the possibility of engaging

without risk in ethical decision making in
which we would otherwise never engage.

The choices we take, our actions, all take

place in the world of the game.

Ethical Role of a From this point of view, the choices the

Game Designer designer creates in the game do not
suppose any kind of moral risk for the
player, as they are only relevant in the game

INFO 4328 Game Design & Development [KICT/IIUM]

Ethical Role of a Game Designer

Game designers should consider how

Rollings and Adams - “as designers, the possible means of winning the
we are the gods of the game’s world, game are presented to the player,
and we define its morality.” and the nature of those choices, as
they set the moral tone of the game.

The ethics of computer games do not

necessarily depend on the nature of
“Moral challenges”— those choices
the choices presented to the player,
the player has to make using his/her
but in the whole set of design and
moral reason.
gameplay practices games

INFO 4328 Game Design & Development [KICT/IIUM]

Ethical Role of a Game Designer

Game developers define the products they create as The task of the developer is to create behaviors in
objects that create experiences: players by means of constraining and encouraging
their actions.
by limiting players’ behavior This task is an ethical task, and as such game developers have to
by encouraging behavioral strategies that are immediately rewarded both be aware of and bear the responsibility for the ethics of
by the system itself. computer games as designed objects.

INFO 4328 Game Design & Development [KICT/IIUM]

3 Branches of Ethics
• Virtue ethics
A proper human being possesses and develops virtue.

• Consequentialism
Whether an act is “right” or “wrong” depends on its overall

• Deontology
Whether an act is “right” or “wrong” depends on its adherence to

INFO 4328 Game Design & Development [KICT/IIUM]

Virtue ethics – Lying is wrong,

because it is not a desirable
character trait.

Consequentialism – Lying is not

wrong if it leads to the best possible
outcome overall.

The Act of
Lying – An
Deontology – I don’t want to be lied
Example to; If everybody would lie all the
time, society would fall into chaos!

INFO 4328 Game Design & Development [KICT/IIUM]

A Thing to
You caught Tell the wife what you saw because it is the right thing to do
your (virtue ethics)
cheating Decide not to tell the wife because it might cause tension in
on his wife. their marriage that will lead to a divorce (consequentialism)
Would you:
Follow the societal consensus – mind your own business

INFO 4328 Game Design & Development [KICT/IIUM]

Making an
Ethical Decision
– A Game Case
Study (Fallout)

INFO 4328 Game Design & Development [KICT/IIUM]

Making an Ethical Decision – A Game Case Study (Fallout)

01 02 03
Deontology Virtue ethics Consequentialist
option – follow option – be loyal option – side with
societal traditions to Harold and kill Treeminders and
him spare Harold

INFO 4328 Game Design & Development [KICT/IIUM]

Open Ethical Design

The player’s moral values influence the characters and the
game world.

Eg: Civilization
A turn-based strategy game in which you attempt to build an empire to
stand the test of time
Will I go to war to save my people from starvation?
Will I retaliate when an ally is forced to break their commitment to
Will you help your neighbor who is currently weaker but might
become more powerful than you in the future?

INFO 4328 Game Design & Development [KICT/IIUM]

Closed Ethical Design

• The players moral values are not taken into account

• Subtracting ethical design

• Eg: Shadow of the Colossus

Premise of the story: has to kill 16 giants that roam the land in
order to perform resurrection
Closed ED: does not offer an option to revive without killing
Subtracting ED: the game does not place any moral judgements
anywhere (the giants are not acting hostile)

INFO 4328 Game Design & Development [KICT/IIUM]

Mirroring Ethical Design

The game forces its own moral position on the player

Eg: Manhunt
Game mechanic: the longer you manage to stand behind the
enemy while pressing the kill button, the more gruesome the kill
will be
Adopt the stance of it’s okay to kill in order to survive
Reward: more stars the more gruesome the killing performed


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