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15 декабря 2022г
Questions for the exam:

1. Notions of system and structure of a language?

2. Language is a system of means of expression.
3. Hierarchy of levels within the system of language
4. The three parts of language.
5. Principles of grammatical analyses.
6. The notion of grammar. Varieties of grammar.
7. Paradigmatic :: Syntagmatic relations.
8. Define the concept of grammatical category.
9. Define the concept of a paradigm and grammatical oppositions.

10. What’s the difference between the strong and the weak members of the
grammatical opposition?

11.4. How many ways of grammatical word-forming means are there in modern

12. 5. How do synthetical grammatical forms differ from the analytical ones?

a. Define the essence of inner inflection.

b. Define the essence of outer inflection.
c. Define the essence of suppletivity.
d. What does an analytical morphological form represent?
13.10. Morphemes. Types of morpheme
14.What is a part of speech?
15. Comment on different approaches of defining words into parts of speech.
16.How are parts of speech defined in modern linguistics? Comment on the
semantic, morphological and syntactic criteria of their discrimination.
17.The Noun. Outline
18. The category of gender of nouns.
19. The category of case of nouns.
20.The theory of positional cases.
21. The theory of prepositional cases.
22. The limited case theory.
23. The theory of the possessive postposition.
24.The category of number of nouns.
Nouns have a grammatical category called "number". The values of number are singular (one)
and plural (two or more).

25.The Аdjective as a part of speech.

An adjective is a part of speech that modifies a noun or pronoun.
Adjectives usually tell what kind, how many, or which about nouns or
pronouns. An adverb is a part of speech that modifies a another adverb, a
verb, or an adjective. It is often recognized by the suffix -ly at the end of
26. The functions of the adjective in the sentence.
An adjective modifies a noun; that is, it provides more
detail about a noun. This can be anything from color to size
to temperature to personality. Adjectives usually occur just
before the nouns they modify.

27. Relative adjectives. Qualitative adjectives.

Qualitative Adjectives
Semantically adjectives may be qualitative or relative. Qualitative adjectives describe
objects directly by denoting their shape, size, color or other general characteristics.
pretty, low, complete, round, good
Some qualitative adjectives are intensifiers. They emphasize object meanings,
determined only by absolutely/really:
certain, sure, pure, sheer, real, undoubted, complete, extreme, great, perfect, mere, close, utter,
entire, wonderful, terrible, astonished, delicious, amazing, hilarious
Relative adjectives
Relative adjectives describe objects indirectly, through their relations to other objects.
woolen, wooden, silver
They’re non-gradable – can’t be determined by very, too, enough. Intensifiers are non-
gradable too.
weekly, unconscious, dead, legal, medical, empty, full
28. Degrees of comparison.
The Collins Dictionary defines the 'degree of comparison' as “the listing
of the positive, comparative, and superlative forms of an adjective or
adverb.” In other words, it can be said that one can use the degree of
comparison to make a comparison between nouns having comparable
quality or qualities.
29.What are grammatical meanings of pronouns and numerals?

30.Enumerate pronouns and their grammatical categories?

Here is a handy list of types of pronouns:
 Personal Pronouns: These pronouns are used to refer to people and
animals. Examples include "I," "you," "he," "she," "it," "we," and "they."

 Possessive Pronouns: These pronouns help show possession or

ownership of something. Examples include "my," "your," "his," "her,"
"its," "our," and "their."
 Demonstrative Pronouns: These pronouns help point to specific
things. Examples include "this," "that," "these," and "those."
 Interrogative Pronouns: These pronouns help ask questions.
Examples include "who," "whom," "which," "what," and "whose."
 Relative Pronouns: These pronouns help introduce dependent
clauses. Examples include "who," "whom," "which," "that," and "whose."
 Indefinite Pronouns: These pronouns help refer to unspecified people
or things. Examples include "all," "any," "each," "every," "no one,"
"none," "some," "anybody," "anyone," and "anything."
 Reciprocal Pronouns: These pronouns are used to refer to a mutual
relationship between two or more people. Examples include "each
other" and "one another."
 Intensive Pronouns: These pronouns help emphasize a noun or
pronoun. Examples include "myself," "yourself," "himself," "herself,"
"itself," "ourselves," and "themselves."
 Reflexive Pronouns: These pronouns are used to refer back to the
subject of the sentence. Examples include "myself," "yourself,"
"himself," "herself," "itself," "ourselves," and "themselves."

31.How are verbs differentiated functionally?

32.Give functional characteristics of lexical or full verbs

In English grammar, a lexical verb is the main verb in a sentence. Lexical verbs—
also called full verbs—convey the semantic (or lexical) meaning in a sentence,
such as "I ran fast" or "I ate the entire hamburger." Not surprisingly, the great
majority of verbs in English are lexical verbs, which are those that are
not auxiliary (or helping) verbs.

33. How are verbs classified morphologically?

Verbs Classes: Positional, Affective, and InchoativeIn addition to

transitive and intransitive root verb classes, there are three others. These

are, positional, affective and inchoative. They are distinguished by the

type of suffixes they take.
34.What is the main principle of the morphological differentiation of verbs into
regular and irregular classes

35.How do finite forms of the verb differ functionally from the non-finite verb

36. Discuss tense, person and number, aspect, voice and mood distinctions
between finite and non-finite forms of English verb.

37.The infinitive and its properties. The categories of the infinitive.

38. The gerund and its properties. The categories of gerund.
39.The present participle, the past participle, and their properties.
40.What is morphology and what is syntax?
41. Basic syntactic notions.
42. Kinds of syntactic theories.
43. Transformational-Generative Grammar.
44. Actual division of sentences.
45. Basic syntactic notions. Syntactic relations.
46.Definition and general characteristics of the word-group.
47.Classification of word-groups.
48.Types of word- groups according to the head word.
49.Name Noun-phrases .
50. Types of verb-phrases.
51. Sentence - definition of a sentence.
52. What are the main features of sentences?
53. What is the difference between primary and secondary predication?
54.What do you understand by structural classification of sentences?
55.What do you understand by the classification of sentences according to the aim
of the speaker?
56. What do you understand by the classification of sentences according to the
existence of the parts of the sentence?
57.What is the difference between one- and two-member sentences?
58. What is Functional sentence perspective? ( Actual division of sentences).
59. What types of composite sentences do you know?
60. Specify the compound, complex and mixed type of composite sentences.
61. What are the problems connected with compound sentences?
62.How are the complex sentences classified? Types of subordinate clauses.

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