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Write in Response: Poe, The Cask of Amontillado

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Write in Response: Poe, The Cask of Amontillado

In the first paragraph of the story, the narrator establishes his criteria for successful

vengeance. What are they? Do you think that he successfully meets his own standard with

his revenge on Fortunato? In 200 to 400 words, explain your answer and support it with

specific evidence from the text.

In the opening paragraph of "The Cask of Amontillado," the narrator reveals that he has

suffered countless injuries at the hands of Fortunato and is determined to seek revenge. He

emphasizes the importance of punishing Fortunato and doing so without facing any

repercussions, wanting to remain undetected. The narrator believes that true justice is not

achieved if the avenger is caught or fails to make the wrongdoer fully understand the magnitude

of their actions.

By this measure, the narrator effectively achieves his standard of revenge against

Fortunato. He cunningly lures Fortunato into the catacombs under the guise of tasting a rare wine

called the Amontillado. Exploiting Fortunato's pride in his wine expertise, he easily entices him

with the opportunity to savor such a highly coveted vintage. Taking advantage of Fortunato's

vulnerability, the narrator guides him further into the catacombs, eventually chaining him to a

wall and sealing him alive behind a solid barrier of bricks.

The narrator seeks revenge on Fortunato, executing a plan with meticulous precision. To

ensure Fortunato's disappearance goes unnoticed, the narrator instructs his servants to stay inside

and takes him to the catacombs during a festive time when suspicion is unlikely. Exploiting

Fortunato's trust, the narrator feigns concern for his health and offers wine to soothe his cough.

This calculated approach highlights the narrator's determination to seek retribution. Remarkably,

the revenge unfolds without immediate consequences or detection. The narrator successfully

silences Fortunato's screams and laughter, ensuring no one uncovers Fortunato's fate for fifty

years. The narrator achieves their goal of acting with impunity by delivering punishment without

being caught or suspected.

In conclusion, the narrator of "The Cask of Amontillado" achieves his goal of revenge

according to his standards. He carefully plans and carries out his revenge on Fortunato, ensuring

he remains undiscovered and faces no repercussions. By punishing Fortunato without being

discovered or suspected, the narrator successfully satisfies his desire for punishment without


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