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Presentation Outline

Group Name/Number: group 4

Group members:

 Shovon Karmakar Raj - 23-53320-3

 Al Rahit - 23-53316-3
 S M Shohiduzzaman Sristy - 23-53309-3
 Sohanur Rahman Sohan - 23-53311-3
 Khandakar Md. Raziul Islam -23-53297-3

Topic: Social Media Platforms Should be Monitored and Controlled

General Purpose: To argue/persuade

Specific Purpose: to control social media

I. Central Idea: Why social media needs to be controlled and monitored.

II. Main Points:

Main Point 1: Ensuring User Safety and Well-being

i. Support 1: Preventing Cyber bullying

ii. Support 2: Mitigating Hate Speech

Main Point 2: Safeguarding Privacy

i. Support 1: Data Protection

ii. Support 2: Preventing Unauthorized Sharing

Main Point 3: Combating Misinformation and Fake News

I. Support 1: Fact-Checking Mechanisms
II. Support 2: Algorithmic Controls
III. Opposition’s view:
A. Main point 1: Freedom of expression
i. Support 1: social media provides a platform for diverse voices to express opinions &
ideas freely.
ii. Support 2: Unrestricted expression fosters creativity, innovation & a vibrant
exchange of thoughts
iii. Support 3: Over - monitoring may stifle genuine discussions & limit the diversity of
B. Main point 2: Personal responsibility
i. Support 1: Users should be accountable for their own online behavior & content they
engage with
ii. Support 2: Encouraging responsible use fosters a sense of digital citizenship.
iii. Support 3: Education on digital literacy empowers users to navigate the online space
C. Main point 3: Privacy control
i. Support 1: Risk of data breaches
ii. Support 2: Third party access to data
iii. Support 3: Lack of transparency

IV. Refutation:
A. Refuting point 1: Freedom of expression can be misused.
i. Support 1: Online Harassment and Trolling
ii. Support 2: Toxicity and Polarization
iii. Support 3: Harmful Content and Safety Concerns
B. Refuting point 2: Personal responsibility
i. Support 1: Investing in security infrastructure.
ii. Support 2: Provide personalized recommendations.
ii. Support 3: Providing more information about how algorithms work
C. Refuting point 3: Privacy control
i. Support 1: Investing in security infrastructure
ii. Support 2: Provide personalized recommendations
iii. Support 3: Providing more information about how algorithms work

V. Conclusion:
1.Positive aspects of controlling and monitoring social media platforms:
i. Support 1: Prevention of harmful content.
ii. Support 2: Enhancing user experience.
iii. Support 3: Preventing spread of misinformation.

2.Negative side of controlling and monitoring social media platform:

i. Support 1: Privacy concerns
ii. Support 2: False positives and errors
iii. Support 3: Algorithmic Bias and Filter Bubbles

3.Overall views

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