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Employee Well-being as a mediator relationship between

Psychological Capital and Psychological Climate

Tesya Noviyani


The purpose of this study to determine the role of employee well-being as a

mediator in the relationship between psychological capital and psychological
climate on Pesona alam resort & spa, hotel employees. There are three measurement
instruments used in this research is Psychological Climate Quisionaire developed
by Brown dan Leigh (1996), Implisit Psychological Capital Quisionaire, IPCQ
developed by Harms, Krasikova, & Luthans (2017), and Employee Well-being
Scale developed by Zheng, Zhu, Zhao, dan Zhang (2015). Hypothetical test of the
study was conducted by regression analysis to measure how much the role of
employee well-being as a mediator in the relationship between psychological
capital and psychological climate. In addition, additional analyzes of independent t
test and one-way ANOVA test were used to see if there were differences in test
results between employee well-being, psychological capital dan psychological
climate when viewed from existing demographics. The results of this study indicate
there is a significant effect between employee well-being as a mediator in the
relationship between psychological capital and psychological climate.

Keywords: Employee Well-being, Psychological Capital, Psychological Climate

Employee Well-being sebagai mediator hubungan antara

Psychological Capital dan Psychological Climate

Tesya Noviyani


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui employee well-being sebagai mediator

hubungan antara psychological capital dan psychological climate pada karyawan
yang bekerja di Pesona alam resort & spa, hotel. Ada tiga instrument pengukuran
yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Psychological Climate Quisionaire
yang dikembangan oleh Brown dan Leigh (1996), Implisit Psychological Capital
Quisionaire, IPCQ yang dikembangkan oleh Harms, Krasikova, dan Luthans
(2017), dan Employee Well-being Scale yang dikembangkan oleh Zheng, Zhu,
Zhao, dan Zhang (2015). Uji Hipotesa penelitian dilakukan dengan analisa regresi
untuk mengukur seberapa besar peran employee well-being sebagai mediator
hubungan antara psychological capital dan psychological climate. Selain itu,
dilakukan juga analisa tambahan berupa uji t independen dan uji ANOVA satu
jalan, yang digunakan untuk melihat apakah ada perbedaan hasil uji antara
employee well-being, psychological capital dan psychological climate jika dilihat
dari demografi yang ada. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh yang
signifikan antara peran employee well-being sebagai mediator hubungan antara
psychological capital dan psychological climate.

Kata Kunci: Employee well-being, psychological capital, psychological climate.


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